Chapter 111 Baby, I'll Take Good Care of You (1)

What's with the dragging?

Seeing his attitude towards his own friend, Lian Qiao felt an unpleasant taste in her heart!

The only idea in her mind was to run away! But she knew better than anyone that she couldn't run away, and she shouldn't. Frankly, she was truly afraid this man would cause some trouble that couldn't be resolved in front of Young Master Tong. After all, Tang Yin was Young Master Tong's friend.



Feeling awkward, she cleared her throat and stood up, preparing to say something—

But in the next second, she felt a man's arm wrap around her waist, pulling her little frame over with a forceful and domineering strength, directly dragging her onto another sofa. Crashing down from the force, and due to inertia, she naturally fell into the man's cold arms.



Let it all surge...

"Xing Liehuo!"