Chapter 117 Baby, I'll Take Good Care of You (7)


"Talking about life and death is always inauspicious!"

The moment they stepped out of Jinju's door, the sky seemed to match their moods by raining. The chilly night wind of late autumn made Lian Qiao involuntarily shiver.

Seeing this, Xing Liehuo quickly took off his coat and draped it over her, concern written all over his face, "Be careful not to catch a cold—"

It has to be said, this cliché move from romance dramas, which had been overdone, was actually the most effective at touching a woman's heart.

Lian Qiao felt moved as well, but she opened her mouth and still said nothing.

Whatever it was, they could talk about it at home. After all, life goes on, right?

Having dismissed the security guard and with the driver off-duty, Brother Huo, who had drunk a little, was driving himself this time.

The journey was silent.

The pitch-black War God Vehicle sped like a sharp arrow on the expressway around Beijing City.