Chapter 183 She Is Mine, Forever (3)

If this were a real war, wouldn't she be seeking death?

Anxiously awaiting her news, but as the supreme commander of the Blue Army, he couldn't just go looking for her himself. The only thing he could do at the moment was to send others to search, while he could do nothing but wait.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

One after another, reports of battle victories came from the front, and military orders were issued one by one. However, Comrade Huoguo's heart became more and more restless. There was no news of his little wife, and those who secretly infiltrated to look for her couldn't find her.

The feeling of anxiety grew stronger, gnawing at his heart. As the sky gradually darkened and the rain over the exercise area grew heavier, his worry deepened.

What on earth had happened?

He knew she feared the cold more than anything. Although she appeared to be robust, her physical constitution was actually quite poor, especially on rainy days—