Chapter 186 She Is Mine, Forever (6)

"What's yours is yours."

"Nini—" Xing Liehuo felt an immense satisfaction filling his pride as a man, the previous gloom swept away, his heart sweeter than if it had been filled with honey.

Bending down, he disregarded the presence of others around them, the rain falling from the sky, and the possibility of gunfire from the ground, as he fiercely kissed her lips.

Emotion flooded his heart, with only one thought: she said, she was his…

Red Army Headquarters.

After marching for several hours, Xing Liehuo carried Lian Qiao back to the Red Army camp under the cover of night.

The moment his feet touched that ground, he got busy right away, first with a pile of official matters to deal with, and then he had to ensure the woman, who had started feeling a cold and a fever on the road, took her medicine and ate. After all the bustling, he felt he was no longer a master of the house but like a damn grandson who owed her from a past life.