Chapter 210 - Scheming, Cunning, Shameless, Helpless (3)

"Enough with the pretense; once I start talking, there's no end, haha. You rest, you rest..."

Finally, Director Luo and the other two left, and Lian Qiao released her bite from his finger, feeling like she had finally been freed—

The sensible Xiaowu scratched his buzz-cut head, and at last, things were easier. He tiptoed out, locking the door behind them.


With a sharp scream, Lian Qiao's body tensed as she was suddenly subdued by Huoguo, who was visibly angry and pinned her arms.

Gasping with fiery breaths, Prince Xing was both amused and vexed; he squatted down, seized her arms, hoisted her up, and put her straight onto the desk. Then he leaned in close, gritting his teeth as he glared at her.

"You little beast, you're dead today!"

Her eyebrows twitched; such an intimidating aura—