Chapter 213: There Will Be a Baby of Us (1)


Shu Shuang had no idea what expression she was making.

However, hearing her commanding tone, Huoguo, who was leaning back in his chair and feigning sleep with an arm around her, twitched. This little girl's way of speaking had become just like his own.

Lian Qiao admitted to herself that this was true; after all, when you marry a chicken, you follow the chicken, and after being subject to his long-term reformation and shaping, she had picked up a few of his bad habits, whether the makeover was a success or a failure.

It's true, her personality had undergone a lot of change from being unwilling to being tugged around by this man.

Before she met Xing Liehuo, she was a chivalrous, foolish woman. After meeting him, she evolved into a combination of chivalrous, villainous, and bandit-like foolishness. Although she remained a fool by definition, the one benefit was that she no longer had to worry about finding someone to marry.