Chapter 235 Invalid Procedure, Valid Emotions (3)

The most important thing was that the person behind her didn't have that same peculiar and powerful aura that man possessed.

Yes, aura. Simply standing there, the moment that man appeared, she could immediately feel it—that deep, pervasive aura that could penetrate her every organ was his most unique signature.

With a sigh, she slowly turned around—

But when she faced the smiling countenance before her, she was gloriously surprised. Standing in the doorway were a man and a woman, the woman being Zhuo Yunxi, who logically should have been impossible to appear here.

By her side stood Xing Liehuo's communications officer, Xiaowu.

Others might not know, but Xiaowu, who was with Xing Liehuo every day, would definitely understand the importance of Lian Qiao as a staff officer to the chief. Seeing her turn around, he hurriedly greeted her with respect.