Every time their relationship came up, Wei Liao would just laugh it off whenever he called, but when Shuang Niuniu called, she would always beat around the bush.
Listening to the noise the two of them made, things didn't sound too optimistic.
As one grows older day by day, the impulsive fire of youth is worn away by the years, and one tends to think more deeply about everything. This is why the more you know, the more you suffer.
Therefore, there's a saying that only in ignorance can one be fearless.
On the other hand, the relationship between Xing Xiaojiu and Xie Mingcheng was like a burning passion that was advancing in flames—gradually heating up. The two happily held hands and returned to Jingli every two to three days to share a meal, play around, and keep old lady Shen company. Their affection for each other was indescribable.