Chapter 254: Gong Mian is Her Father 4

The bodyguard saw that her complexion was very poor, and her emotions very unstable, so he quickly called for a car to take her to Window of the World. If anything at all happened to Mu Mian, their lives would all be forfeit.

However, on the way to Window of the World, as they reached the highway intersection, suddenly a large bus crashed into them head-on, deforming their car, and then several gunshots rang out...

The immense impact in the car caused her to feel dizzy and nauseous, her foot was trapped under the seat, causing her excruciating pain. Before she could regain her senses, a shadowy figure opened the car door, forcibly dragged her out, and she blacked out in the next moment.

Mu Mian had been kidnapped!

By the time Gong Heng came to his senses and rushed over, the car had already exploded due to the leaking fuel, and there was the body of a driver...

This time, Gong Heng was completely enraged.

"Turn B City upside down if you have to, but find Mu Dian for me!"
