Chapter 26

"I didn't know you were awake I wanted to come upstairs to ask you what you would like for breakfast"

Ethan's face remained serious, and his tone was unyielding. 

"So, since you didn't come upstairs to ask me, you must have decided on something for me. It doesn't matter what I want, you've already made your choice." 

"Yes, I decided to make Italian pasta. I hope you like it."

"I've never had that before. But I'm always up for trying something new." 

I was taken aback by Ethan's behavior. It was so different from his usual demeanor, which was usually cold and distant. I couldn't help but wonder if something had happened that had put him in a good mood, or if this was just a fluke. Either way, I was glad to have the chance to talk to him. Even if the conversation was a bit awkward.

The conversation was a bit awkward, but I was still surprised Ethan was engaging with me. I was trying to make the most of the opportunity.