He is such a sweetheart

Emily's POV

My frustration was growing by the second. I was already feeling stressed about work, and now he was adding to it with his demands. 

"I'll be leaving now." His tone was curt and demanding. "I want you to submit the PowerPoint I asked for, and I want you to be at work as early as possible." I wanted to snap back at him, but I bit my tongue. I didn't want to make the situation worse. I just wanted to get out of there and go to work.

"Okay, sir." 

I tried to sound as respectful as possible. I didn't want to make things worse by arguing with him. "Have a good day."

 He just grunted in response. 

I hurried upstairs, feeling a sense of relief as I closed the door to my bedroom. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. 

I poured some cold water on my face and neck, hoping it would help to calm my mind. I felt so stressed out after my interaction with Ethan.