Timely Intervention

Ethan's POV 

 The uncomfortable truth hit me like a ton of bricks. Maybe I was indeed sugarcoating my words to spare her feelings. In reality, Emily wasn't someone who particularly stood out to me, neither positively nor negatively. She was, as I thought to myself, simply average. But in that moment, I realized that my honesty, or lack thereof, wasn't what mattered. What mattered was that Emily was hurting, and she needed someone to acknowledge her pain, even if I didn't truly believe she was "amazing". I took a deep breath, deciding to focus on being present for her, rather than trying to convince her of something she didn't believe herself.

 My eyes scanned the room, desperate for a way to rescue our conversation from the awkward abyss. And then, I spotted it - a tiny opening to pry open the door to understanding. 

 "Why do you think there's a chance your mom, boyfriend, and best friend just don't...get it?"