Her married life

Paula's thin fingers worked their magic as she set the table in the grand dining room. Seeing her work, a broad smile appeared on her lips.

She ran back into the kitchen to get something and when she came back later, she felt satisfied with everything.

Since it was their second anniversary today, Paula had sent all of her employees home to make dinner for her husband.

Paula changed into a new dress she just bought, her appearance changing from a simple lady to an exquisite lady.

For two years now, Paula had been married to Len. To celebrate this, she decided to cook dinner, talk with him, and maybe fix the holes in their relationship.

Len was going back in ten minutes and this thought alone excited Paula. She desired to make amends with him and mend the issues that had arisen between them.

However, time passed by quickly and Len was not yet back.

Paula was starting to feel uneasy. Was Len going to miss their second anniversary after missing the first one?

Despite the bitterness in her heart, Paula didn't change her dress and decided to wait for her husband to come.

Eventually, she fell asleep.

Ever since they got married, Paula hadn't experienced peace of mind or what it means to have a caring husband.

But she didn't care, she loved him. That is the only thing that matters.

As long as she gets to be by his side forever, it does not matter if the love was one-sided.

Despite Len's harshness, Paula still decided to prepare for their anniversary tonight, reconcile with him, and maybe ask him to act as her husband.

Paula was awakened by the creaking of doors. She flickered her eyes open and leaped out from the chair.

She checked her phone and found out that it was past midnight. 'He missed it again.'

Paula felt her heart clenching and tears filling her eyes but she still stood up to go and meet Len.

His face was a little red as he took off his shoes, which she noticed as she approached the door.

'Had he been drinking?'

"Hey, Len," Paula greeted him as she moved to offer assistance. "You... came late. Did something happen?"

"Get the f*ck out of my face. I don't want to see you."

Len looked up, meeting Paula's quivering gaze with his own icy stare. "Why are you always acting like a kid? You called my grandfather just because you didn't see me?"

Paula's lips trembled and the tears she was holding, fell from her face. Her heart seemed to be on the verge of breaking because of how wildly it was beating.

"I simply asked him if you ever went home because I was worried," Paula said, her eyes welling with tears. "Why did you miss our anniversary again? You didn't even call and I called you several times but you didn't answer my call."

"Is that why you called him? To make me reprimand me?" Len smirked, unfazed by her tears. "This is something you try to do constantly. Your plan won't work. Just get out of my face."

Paula could not stand to see him acting in such a way toward her, and she knew at that very moment that she would give in at any moment. She clenched her dress, watching him walk towards the living room.

Paula pursued him and pulled at his shirt to get him to stop. With her eyes full of tears, Paula called his name. "Len, what went wrong with me? What did I do wrong to earn this entire situation? Today is our anniversary for God's sake, why are you fighting with me?"

"Don't make me do something I will regret, Paula. Get out of my face" Len yelled, trying to remove her grip from his shirt.

Paula's hold, though, became more firm. "Tell me what I need to do to deserve you, tell me what I need to do? Come on, Len, let us mend this relationship. I'm tired of all this. I'm really tired."

"If you are tired, then leave, Paula. No one is stopping you" Len snapped. "You think I don't know what you are trying to do? Just as you did when I married you, you are attempting to deceive me again. It's not going to work."

He forcefully yanked her hand away from her shirt but Paula ran after him again. She needed to fix the holes in their relationship, she really needed to make Len trust her.

"Len, please don't..."

Len jerked his hand in rage, trying to get her to stop not pulling him. But his hand struck Paula's cheeks, causing her to stagger to the ground.

With shock flashing in his icy eyes, Len stopped dead in his tracks. But it lasted for a split second. Watching her weep, he remained motionless.

Somehow, he felt sorry and wanted to apologize but this man was Len Bertram! He would never apologize to a cunning woman like Paula.

"I asked you to get out of my face" He uttered coldly. "Sleep in the other room tonight."

He turned around and left.

With tears streaming down her fragile cheeks, Paula lay on the chilly floor.

Tears poured down her cheeks like a downpour, leaving rivers of desperation in their wake.

Every cry was a sharp reminder of the suffering that tore at her heart, agony reverberating through every lonely space inside her.

The depth of her grief caused her body to tremble as though some unseen force was ruthlessly tearing her to pieces.

Paula felt like a piece of her spirit was being torn away with every gasp.

Perhaps Paula's inability to control her tears was a result of everything she had gone through.

At that moment, she heard a phone ringing. With no strength, she stood up from the cold floor, walking towards the direction of the phone.

It wasn't her phone but Len's phone.

He must have left it there when he was changing his shoes.

Paula had not really considered checking his phone, but when she saw the caller's name, she felt compelled to take the phone from its place by an unseen force.

'Melissa' flashed on the screen, making Paula's anguish intensify.

Paula did not answer the phone; instead, she let her eyes well up with tears as she gazed at the screen until the call ended.

A few seconds later, there was a message displayed on the screen. It was from Melissa again.

Melissa: Is she with you again? Or are you asleep? (1:26 AM)

Melissa: Is she complaining because you had a drink with me? She really needs to know her place, Len. You told me you are going to divorce her after your anniversary, be quick to do so. I can't wait to be your bride. (1.27 AM)

With dizziness clouding her eyes, Paula dropped the phone from her hand after reading the message. She tried to keep her eyes open as they were closing against her will.

However, it was too late.

She fell to the floor and drifted into unconsciousness.