I no longer give a damn

Paula's phone rang, startling her awake. She stirred in her sleep, groggily reaching out to her phone.

Squinting her gaze, she realized who the caller was.

"Hey, Yolanda," Paula said half-drowsily. "It is still very early. What is with the early call?"

Yolanda is a close friend of Paula. They've been friends for quite some time now.

"Why are you still sleeping when your husband is about to be taken from you?" Something angry seemed to permeate Yolanda's voice as she spoke over the phone. "Explain to me why you must... I seriously don't want to say anything this morning because you won't listen but I think Len is really cheating on you."

"Go easy on me, Yolanda!" Paula uttered, pouting her lips. "I just woke up, don't be mean!"

"This picture of Len with Melissa is going viral. It was taken two days ago! Isn't that your anniversary? Did he come to celebrate with you?" Yolanda asked, her voice carrying a heaviness.

For some time, Paula was unable to respond.

Yolanda was her only friend who stood by her even during the difficulties. Yolanda isn't a fan of Len. She doesn't like Len at all and would always warns Paula.

However, Paula was blinded by love and wouldn't listen to Yolanda.

"You won't say anything again, right? I'm hanging up, I have nothing more to say to you."

"Wait!" Paula screamed and jumped off the bed. "Yolanda, I truly appreciate everything you have done for me. I apologize if I have ever behaved immaturely, but do not worry about me. I will not remain silent any longer."

Not expecting Paula to answer so quickly, or in such a sensible manner, Yolanda remained silent for a while.

She had not seen Paula speak rationally in a long time, especially when it came to something involving Len.

Had it been earlier, Paula would have gotten into a fight, sworn at her, or warned her not to say anything negative about her husband.

"I think I was really stupid in the past," Paula said, a sad smile appearing on her lips. "Isn't that the reason why Len never believed me?"

From her tone, Yolanda knew Len was a part of Paula's life. A part she would never forget.

"What happened? Did something happen?" Yolanda asked.

"He went out for a drink with Melissa on our anniversary night" Paula began. She talked about what had happened to her that day, but she did not mention that she was pregnant and had even visited a doctor to have the baby aborted.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this," Yolanda said, expressing concern. "Everything will be alright if you make the right choice."

Right choice? Paula thought to herself and smiled.

What right choice could she make when she's still in love with him?

Love is a hilarious thing. Didn't they say Love heals? Why is it hurting her instead?

"In fact, Melissa posted a white wedding dress online, and I called to let you know about it. She tagged Len and now many fans think they are getting married or maybe they are cause Len replied with a love emoji under the post" Yolanda announced.

Paula sensed that her mood had returned to its former unpleasantness. Her eyes were still puffy from yesterday's tears and her mood was already ruined again.

Len had already left the house when Paula left the room.

"What did I expect?" Paula said sourly as she headed to the kitchen to make her own breakfast.

Len would never apologize to her... It's a fact that's becoming clear now.

Even if he was wrong, he would make sure Paula takes the blame.

Later that morning, Paula received a message from Len's grandfather who asked her to join them for Dinner.

Paula couldn't say no because Grandfather Bertram is also one of the most important people in her life.

Grandfather Bertram was the one who believed her when she was being painted as a slut who purposefully gave Len drugs so they could have sex and who also saw to it that Len and her were married.

It was two years ago when Len met Paula who had always been in love with him.

Their meeting wasn't quite a good one as they were both drugged that night and ended up spending the night with each other.

To Len, Paula was a cunning woman who found her way into his life by using tricks and pretending to be something she was not.

Paula arrived at the Bertram Mansion in the evening, wearing a simple gown.

Even though she was the real Mrs. Bertram, no one in the world knows about it as their marriage was a secret.

Paula wondered if it would have been better if they weren't both drugged. Perhaps everyone would just call her Mrs. Bertram. Perhaps, just perhaps, she will not have to go through all of this and keep her identity as Len's lawful wife a secret.

"Miss Paula, Master Bertram is waiting for you in his Study" A young woman came to inform Paula. Paula smiled and worked straight into the Old Man's study.

As she pushed the door open, her gaze landed on the tall man standing in front of Grandfather Bertram.

It was Len.

Paula felt her body tremble and she couldn't lift her feet.

"Aren't you coming in?"

She was startled out of whatever was impeding her legs' movement by Grandfather Bertram's voice.

"Grandpa," Paula smiled awkwardly, approaching Len whose piercing gaze seemed to be on her. "I have not seen you in a long time. I've missed you."

"Why did not you come see me if you were missing me? And my Grandson too, he has always refused to come fine with me but when he heard that you were coming, he stopped all he was doing to visit me" Grandfather Bertram uttered, his voice tinged with happiness. He stood up from his seat, hugging Paula who was already in front of him.

"I've missed you being around," The Old Man said.

After exchanging words of pleasantries, the Old Man still had something to do, so he had no choice but to tell them to go outside and wait till dinner was served.

Paula felt her leg weakening, "Grandpa, you should come outside and eat dinner too," but she still turned around to follow Len out.

"I will be out in a minute!" The old man uttered.

Finally, outside the study, Paula prepared to walk away but was suddenly pulled by Len.

"Come with me." He spoke with an air of authority and aloofness.

Until they arrived at one of the mansion's quietest spots, Paula let herself be pulled by him.

"Did you really abort your pregnancy?"

"Yes, I did. You don't want it anyway" Paula answered, not allowing herself to be scared of his gaze.

Len let out a scoff, gripping Paula's hand with force. "I know you aborted it because I wasn't the Father! What more am I to expect from a slutty person who would lie to get into my bed?"

Paula's eyes reddened with tears as she listened to his accusations. "I told you I was drugged! I was also a victim. Why do you like making things difficult for me? Why..."

"Will you start crying again? So that my Grandfather will insult me for making you cry. Just your old tactics!"

"If those are the shitty words you want to say to me, I will leave here," Paula said, preparing to leave.

"If you leave, I'm divorcing you!"

Paula stopped in her tracks, her colorful brown eyes now dimmed with nothing but sadness. "You can do your worst. I no longer give a damn."