Her past life

"What have you done?!" A woman's shriek resounded in the ballroom.

Her lavender gown was now dripping with champagne. Her eyes held fury and embarrassment. Paula turned to Melissa with a pitiful shake of her head.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. Let me help you take care of that." Paula went to the woman.

But David was already pulling her away. "Don't bother. A waitress is here to help her."

"Where's the…oh" She had wanted to argue but kept mute as soon as she'd seen the waitress. 

"Why will you pour drink on a fellow guest?" David was really disappointed and angry.

"I'm sorry. It was a mistake. I did not mean to." Melissa looked like she wanted the ground to open and swallow her. Her plan had gone wrong.

How had Paula swiftly moved out of the way before she could throw the drink? Now everyone had seen what she had done. This was all Paula's fault, if only she had remained where she was.

Why was she back? It was as though Paula did not want her to be happy. Anytime she came into the picture, things would go wrong for her.

"It's okay. Let's pardon the young girl." Anna stepped in. "She's looks remorseful enough and is even beating herself up. I'll ask that you forgive and let go."

"I'm sorry everyone. Let the night of merriment continue. There are still food and drinks. Please go on." Paula had climbed the podium to reassure the guests that everything was fine.

The guests did as instructed and they slowly got back to the merriment and gossip of the night. 

"Stop trying to pretend you're the host." Anna whispered maliciously in her ear.

Paula wasted no time replying in the same manner. "But I am the host. David Alesso gave me the reins. Mrs. Bertram , if you have a problem with me hosting tonight's masquerade ball, I'll kindly suggest you take it to him. Thank you." She walked away.

What was wrong with this woman? Why was she making life terrible for her tonight? She had not used up to a day in this town and her nightmares were everywhere, doing their best to mistreat her.

She and David continued to see to the needs of the guests. It was quite stressful but also fun. Melissa was no where to be found after that incident. Maybe she had left in shame after what she had done. 

"Can you excuse me for a moment, David?" She asked David after they had just finished with a man who would not stop talking about his oil and gas empire.

The life of the rich was always somewhat complicated. An average person would definitely feel as though he was less than a human if he found himself in the midst of certain wealthy people.

"Are you fine?" David asked with concern lacing his forehead.

"Yes, I am. I just feel quite overwhelmed and I need some bit of a fresh air. I promise to be back." She smiled at him.

He was making this night go more than she had initially expected for her. David Alesso was really giving her more room to grow and succeed. She could not count the number of CEOs of designer brands who had asked for her card so they could contact her.

She was famous, no doubt but she was the B-list kind of famous and with these recommendations from David himself, she could already feel herself climbing up the ladder.

"Alright. Don't go too far." He patted her cheek .

"I won't." She smiled and walked out onto the patio, the natural air was cool and refreshing to the touch.

She had not been able to appreciate the night view of the city when Len's mother had dragged her in here. The audacity of that woman to think she could treat her as she used to. She had raised a hand to slap her. 

She could feel herself getting angry but she was trying to control herself. It would do no good. She had not intended to attend this masquerade ball. In fact, she had even forgotten it was a yearly thing amongst the rich, until she had returned.

David had invited her because he was hosting this year's own. He had also told her he wanted to surprise everyone by telling them she was the plus one. He had told her he was careful of who he dated.

His fame and money was what women cane for and he did not want that. She understood he was not gay as people rumored, he was just a quiet man looking for true love. And she had helped him.

She had agreed to host alongside him while they posed as a couple and she had somehow loved the idea because she had remembered that Len would be in attendance. She had returned to the city with her son's nanny and she would be with him for as long as this project took.

She was here for a business but she had been baffled by the what David had done for her. She had kept David out of the loop when they had discussed about each other. He only knew she was a single mother but not who the father was.

She jerked to attention when she heard the sliding door open. Even before she turned, she knew it was him. Even blind, she could identify him. She kept her gaze on the beautiful night view of the city before her.

"Paula." He called softly.

She plastered on a smile and turned. "Yes, Mr. Bertram ?"

He sighed. "Can you please stop with formality?"

"Why should I? I mean we just met at this party. We're not close enough to be on first name basis, though you insists on calling me by my name." Her tone was void of emotions.

"Why would you say that? We used to be married six years ago." What was she trying to do here? He just wanted to talk to her. And he would not lie, he wanted her back.

Seeing her this night, so strong and valiant made him realize he was dumb to have let her go.