You deserve happiness

Paula fluttered her eyes opened, squinting her gaze due to the bright light that met her eyes. A little pain shot through the corner of her head, leaving her throat feeling dry.

Even though it was not that painful, Paula still winced as she groggily dragged her body to sit on the bed.

"Oh God! Thank God you are awake!"

Her unconscious state was abruptly interrupted by a voice. Turning her head, her eyes met with two pairs of brown familiar eyes and subconsciously, a smile appeared on her lips.

"Yolanda" the word escaped her lips like a bird who just got out of a cage it has been locked in for a very long time.

Despite their frequent phone conversations, she has not seen Yolanda since returning to the city.

"Do you feel alright? Do I need to call the doctor? Wait I will go call Mr. Alesso" Yolanda spoke so fast, her brows creased in worry lines.

Before Paula could speak, Yolanda already dashed out.

A sigh escaped her lips, her eyes subconsciously noticing the environment she was.

Although she was unfamiliar with the location, she could tell that she had been taken to David's Private Suite. Her fists clenched into a ball as she recalled what had led to her being unconsciousness.

They must still think she was that Paula from six years ago.

Paula has already prepared for this when she decided to come back to the place where things went wrong for her. Although she has no intentions of causing trouble or having a relation with her past, she won't sit and watch herself being bullied by people that who almost ruined her.

Not this time.

At this moment, the door was flung open, revealing David and Yolanda, their gazes filled with worry. Paula smiled at them, waving her hand in the air. "I'm alright."

"Thank goodness! The doctor is already on his way" David let out a breath of relief. "What really happened? You just went to the bathroom and the next second you are… don't even worry about anything. Just rest, I will take matters into my hands."

David felt compelled to assist even though he knew Paula would not talk about what had happened to her.

Even though he was aware that Paula had secrets she would rather keep private, he still wanted to assist.

He has grown to love this lady whom he met by pure coincidence and even though, their relationship isn't what he wanted their relationship to be, he would do anything to ensure her safety.

"I am feeling fine right now, so do not worry about me. I have to head back home." Paula got off the bed without going into further detail about what had happened. More like, she didn't want David to worry too much about her.

"You still need to rest" David uttered, his gaze fixated on Paula. "You…"

"I really appreciate your help but I need to go. And please, don't investigate what happened" Paula pressed her lips as she spoke, seeing the pain visible in David's eyes.

She picked up her bag from the table, her lips forming into a small smile. "Thank you for everything. I don't know how I can repay you but I won't burden you with my problems, so don't worry about me."

With no words on her lips, Yolanda trailed behind her as she left the room. She bowed her head before bidding farewell to David.

After exiting the Private Suite, they made their way to Yolanda's car, which was parked close to the entrance.

"Those demons don't know when to stop, do they?" Yolanda spoke first, breaking the awkward silence that enveloped them. She opened the car door, glancing at Paula whose mood seemed like dark clouds gathered over her head. "Just let David help you catch the culprit and let them pay for what they did."

Yolanda sincerely didn't understand why Paula was holding back. Even though she best knows what Paula had been through, she still didn't understand why Paula was hesitating to use David to let those demons pay for their actions.

"This is the first time we are seeing each other after how many years and this is what you are saying to me? You don't even miss me at all" Paula laughed, seemingly trying to stop Yolanda from talking.

But Yolanda knew her tactics.

"Don't even try that with me. David cares about you and you know it. Don't try to let what happened six years ago stop you from doing what you want, Paula" Yolanda expressed her feelings clearly. "You are worthy of happiness and a man who recognizes your value." He even took you to his own suite so you would not have to endure the blathering of the public. He is…"

"Just stop! Stop okay! I just wanna go home and see my son. Let's talk about this later" Paula snapped, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

This is not the right time to talk about it.

Throughout her years of arduously pursuing her childhood dreams, Paula came to realize one important thing: everything occurs for a reason.

Before Yolanda could speak again, Paula opened the car door, slamming it behind her.

Deeply inhaling, Yolanda got into the car as well.

During the whole drive to Yolanda's house, none of them talked to each other.

More than a week has passed since Paula returned, but the two friends were too busy to get together.

Today marks their reunion after a six-year separation, but current events prevented them from reminiscing in the same way that long-lost friends might.

Rather, they are mired in a murky mist.

When the vehicle eventually stopped, Paula got out of it, her expression softening a little. Her son was inside Yolanda's house with his nanny and Yolanda's niece and nephew who came to visit.

However, as they walked towards the entrance, a voice deep as the oceans and familiar as the native Church bird called Paula's name.


Paula stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes going wide with surprise. She instantly turned her head, her shock even more palpable as she realized who the person was.

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you alright? I heard someone attacked you and… and I just…"

Who would have thought that in front of his ex-wife, the icy and distant Len Bertram would stammer and appear terrified?