Heavy feelings

After the masquerade ball, Paula has been receiving quite a lot of offers. Since she was a model, a lot of companies had contacted her but she had declined politely because she was getting ready to shoot David's new movie.

Yes. She was going to be the female lead.

With an abundance of imaginative ideas, Paula had written numerous screenplays for dramas and movies, and her work had undoubtedly always been successful.

The initial gathering involving the staff and investors is scheduled for tomorrow, and to be honest, Paula was reluctant to attend.

She didn't want to ever set her eyes on Len again.

Fortunately for her, Len never showed up in the meeting.

Paula addressed the group of people gathered in the meeting room, outlining the plot's progression and anticipated turns.

"I've discussed a lot with Director David and we've decided to go with the flow. Changes might be made during the shoot but I hope this project will be a success."

When she finished her speech, there was a round of applause, but not everyone agreed with her strategy.

"I'm sorry but Miss Paula. Being the scriptwriter and taking the lead role, isn't that a little over excessive?". A low feminine voice broke through the applause, making everywhere silent. "Why can't another person play the role?"

Paula only smiled, having expected this question especially from this particular person.

Veronica Mars. She was a friend of Melissa.

Back when she was still married to Len, Melissa and Veronica would always mock her.

From what Paula knew, Melissa told Veronica that Paula had her way with Len when she knew Melissa was in love with him.

Veronica only knew this and as a matter of fact finds Paula disgusting.

"I mean you are not even an actress. What would you do if the movie flops?" Veronica uttered harshly, not considering her words.

She was here on behalf of her family's company who had always invest in movies.

"It seems you know nothing about Paula, Miss Veronica?" Director David interrupted, his lips curved into a smile. "I chose her as the female lead. She didn't choose herself, I chose her because the role fits her perfectly."

Veronica clenched her fists, seeing that Paula was being defended by David. Had it not been for David Alesso, she would not even be seated here, listening to this sultry conversation.

She's still as shameless as before, Veronica thought to herself, scowling in response to David's defense.

Suddenly, a tiny smile stretched across her lips. "Well, you are right! She fits the role perfectly! It's just that the female lead should have been a slut instead of a woman with a bubbly personality."

Just like she had used cunning ways to get married to Len eight years ago, she is doing the same to David Alesso. Veronica couldn't be more surprised. She wanted Paula to be pained, however, Paula didn't even spare her a glance after she dropped the comment.

"Miss Veronica, thank you for your contribution, but your suggestions do not align with the movie's theme. It's Sci-fi not Porn.

Paula's words made some of the staffs laughed but they dare not laugh out loud fearing that the Young Madam of the Mars Empire might come for them.

Following the meeting, it was decided that filming would begin by the end of the month, which was in two weeks.

For now, Paula's job as the scriptwriter is paused. She needs to prepare for her part as the lead female character, Denise, who exudes enthusiasm.

"Veronica seems to be targeting you, do you know her?" When they were alone in his office, David asked. His deep voice resounded in Paula's ears as she poured coffee for him. "Don't worry about her, she's just here on behalf of her brother. You might not see her again."

With the coffee cup in her hand, Paula walked up to David, a smile spreading across her lips. "I don't care about her. She has always been like that."

Veronica had been Melissa's friend since they were kids even before Paula knew she had a stepsister. To Veronica, Paula was a scheming bitch.

"I've scheduled a meeting with the male lead this evening. I want you two to get along before the filming starts" David uttered. "I have something to do. So I won't be going with you but if anything comes up, do not forget to hit me up, okay?"

"Thank you, David. Thanks for everything."

6PM, Love Blooms Café

Upon arriving at the designated meeting spot, Paula was somewhat eager to meet the male lead. Drake Steel.

She was a great admirer of this man, and the news that she would be collaborating with him was a dream come true.

Paula had expected this man to be late.

This man isn't just a normal celebrity. He has been in the acting industry for eight years.

However, he was even there before her.

"Hi" Paula greeted, taking a sit across him awkwardly.

The man in front of her, even though sitting looked like a god. This man exudes handsomeness in every way, from his well-groomed hair to his gracious smile.

"Paula! It's so nice to see you again!"

Paula felt a smile tug at her lips as she heard the warmth in his voice. She felt a mixture of surprise, joy, and anticipation as his familiarity swept over her like a wave of sunshine, eliminating any last doubts.

"You remember me?" With a smile that continued to tug at the corner of her lips, Paula questioned.

"Of course! Who would not remember the programmer girl who joined the theatre club?! It's really great to see you."

When Paula was in the university, she'd met a few times with Drake. They were in the same acting club and had even acted together before.

Although they were not close, they did exchange greetings on those days.

"I asked for you after graduation. Someone said you got married. I was taken aback; I had no idea that our lovely talent would disappear so quickly after graduation."

Though Paula was a Computer Science student during their time in college, her friend coerced her into joining a theater club. She went on to participate in a few of the short plays after realizing how much she enjoyed acting.

However, after graduation, things really didn't go the way she expected. Following the regrettable event that occurred the evening of her graduation, she was forced to wed Len.

Although Paula was unable to share her story with Drake, she was relieved that he appeared to be a very amiable person. Even as the writer, she felt her chemistry with Drake.

They engaged in a lengthy conversation until nightfall about the film, their involvement in short plays during their college years, and a host of other topics.

They exchanged contact information and Drake even offered to drive Paula home.

"Don't worry. My place is a little bit far from here. Thank you though." Paula declined politely. "And I drove here too."

With a silent 'ooo', Drake nodded his head

"My parents 30th anniversary is tomorrow. I'm inviting you as a friend" Drake spoke enthusiastically as Paula was about to walk out of the café. "Don't decline, just think of it as us getting along as partners."

Paula couldn't say 'no' even though she really didn't want to go. With a smile on her face, she nodded and walked out of the coffee shop.

Drake turned around as Paula left, a smile gradually forming on his lips. He really didn't expect to meet his college crush. The adorable but shy girl who avoided making eye contact with him at all times.

He couldn't help but notice the change in Paula. She was even more stunning than when she was a college student, but there was something else about her that he could not quite put his finger on.

He muttered to himself, "How fascinating," and grinned foolishly.

"I wonder what the young master of the Steel Family is doing here." Hearing the familiar voice, Drake full lips spread into a small smirk.

"I wonder when we get close enough, Mr. Bertram, that you feel the need to call me. From what I recalled, we are not on good terms" Drake didn't smile as he talked, his gaze was filled with hostility, an obvious fact to his dislike for this egoistic man in front of him. "My girlfriend is waiting, I got to go."

As Drake got out of the café, Len's fists consciously clenched. He let out a shallow gasp, his heart hammering with anger.

He was here for a business meeting and hadn't expected to see Paula here. It surprised him to see her with Drake Steel, the popular playboy.

Drake was Len's relative from his grandfather side. They never got along since they were kids and even as adults, they fight like tom and Jerry.

Paula's genuine smile, her deep blue eyes that seemed to hold admiration for Drake… Len saw it all. He saw what he had never seen through out their years of being together.

He wasn't supposed to be feeling this way, he wasn't supposed to be feeling this way to someone who lied to get into his bed, someone who claimed to love him but ended up sleeping with another guy.

But what does he feel bitter? Why does his heart feel so heavy?

With every breath, a heavy weight made its way into Len's chest and pressed against his ribs. The heaviness of his heart seemed to drag him down, drowning him in an ocean of bitterness.

His phone ding-ding just then, startling him out of his reverie. Letting down a deep breath, he glanced at his phone, his frown deepening before putting back the phone in his pocket.