Chapter 7

Chapter 7.

Only, this idiot refuses to budge! She intentionally put on more clothing and bandages!

It was mid summer and whilst the nights were not that hot, it was still very temperate.

Shen Li Hua felt like her body was melting,but she bore with it. The paler and sweeter she looked, the better it was.

" Oh dear are you feeling well?You look pale".

Shen Li Hua curbed a smile of triumph and assured her that she was ok, it was just the chills.

"Oh that won't do, Song Mi! Call the physician!"

The physician came in after a while and bowed respectfully.

"Check her pulse if everything is alright"

The physician checked,

"Replying to the young miss,this girl is ok and with the tonics she has taken, she would be on her way to full recovery"

"But what about her pale face and sweats?"

"Replying to the miss, er… well.. "

One of the children was tired of the physician hemming and hawing and finally shouted.

"Spit it out already!"

Bai Shen Ting hushed the child with a sharp gaze and looked to the physician

"Forgive her impertinence sir, but we would like to find out already"

The physician bowed quickly in apology and decided to spit it out already,

"There is nothing wrong with the health of this girl, except for the thick clothes she's wearing".

All the adults in the room grasped the meaning immediately.

Father Shen wished for a hole to open so he could jump in to avoid the shame and embarrassment he was currently feeling.

"Oh, I don't quite understand what you mean sir"

Still wanting to poke at the Shen's family embarrassment, Bai Shen Ting urged the physician to explain properly.

"It's ok Ting'er, you may all start eating now"

The fū ren wanted it all to end but Bai Shen Ting was annoyed at this pest for disturbing her afternoon so she wanted to drag this for as long as possible.

"But mother look, her head is all wrapped and swollen, physician sir, are you certain she is all right?"

The physician coughed preferring to have an overnight surgery than to answer the questions of this noble family.

"Hngh! Replying to the young miss, it was this girl who insisted I wrap more than necessary."

The physician cleared his throat.

Fine then,her goal had been accomplished. She sat back down.

"This lowly physician is bidding the minister,fū ren and the family goodbye "

Without even waiting for a proper acknowledgement the physician took off like his pants were on fire.

He didn't want to be involved with any complicated issue.

Shen Li Hua was burning red with disgrace.

Her father gave an excuse about his health and dragged his daughter away from the hall after apologizing profusely.


A firm and tight slap was given to Shen Li Hua the moment they entered their guest courtyard.

"Ungrateful wench! When did you start plotting like a witch?!"

The heavy slap through Shen Li Hua across the room causing her to hit and break a vase,

"Do you think I don't see what you are doing?! You are getting married in two years and that's it!".

Her eyes widened with shock, she immediately went to hold her father's knees kneeling,

"Baba!, I beg you, I don't know what is wrong, I…I… I only wanted that pretty miss to feel pity for me an…an…and I wanted her to be my friend!."

She could not get married now! Absolutely not. Her life would be doomed if so.

It was common for peasants to marry off their unfavorable children at a very young age.

Shen Li Hua scoffed at this. She was looking to be friends with Bai Shen Ting.

When Bai Shen Ting walked from the bridge, she was spellbound and wanted to be closer to the girl.

She felt like she would have a better life if she followed this girl.

Although she couldn't properly do so because of her accident, she could still use it to her advantage to appeal to Bai Shen Ting's pity.

She wanted to be far from her father's smelly carriage and the tiredness of hard work every time.

Every time they went to perform inside the mansions of nobles, she would envy all the young misses who could get everything without having to work or lift a finger for it.

She saw how they had nothing to do, other than etiquette learning and to always look pretty- she could do that, growing up, people always complimented her about her pretty face and clear complexion, courtesy of her courtesan* mother but still, as long as she grew properly and married well, she would never have anything to worry about.

That was what she believed until she heard rumors from her father's crew about a marriage her father is arranging between her and the son of their village head.

No! Absolutely not!

She had seen how sallow and shaggy looking the current village head's wife is and she refused to look like her. The man was already nineteen years old. Besides, he was born ugly with a weird fetish that spread round the village after a courtesan committed suicide just after spending a night with him.

After many beginnings and tears shed for days did her father buy a second hand dress and hair pins from a declining noble family in the previous village they visited affected by the plague.

She knew her current appearance holds no candle to even a low rank maid but she didn't want to appear too peasant looking in the capital.

So when she came to the Prime Minister's mansion and saw all the children in their exquisite manner and bearing,she burned in envy wishing she could trade her life for theirs.

Especially the Di daughter, she heard from the servants whispers how wealthy and well loved she is.

Apparently, even if she married too poor, she would still marry someone with royal blood. And her maternal grandfather- he was also a very wealthy man who spoiled Bai Shen Ting as his only female grandchild.

Whilst her father disdains her for being born at all. With the money he'll get from marrying her off, he wants to get a new wife and try for a son.

She is currently eight years old. If she married now, it means she would have to start working in the fields and be with that weird man.

Father Shen held her hands and threw her down he kicked at her stomach to which she immediately curled up,

"Wicked witch! Ptui!",

He spat on her,

"Who do you think you are talking to!

You think I don't know about your petty tricks and shenanigans you do with that stupid mind of yours".

Father Shen walked away from Shen Li Hua and left the room.

After a while, she uncurled herself and slowly sat up, wincing at the movement,

"That old bastard!".

She checked her body to see a little bruising but her face and outside parts like her hands and neck were clear.

She went to her box and took a cleaning agent with a cloth to clean her bruises. From her movements, it was clear that she was already used to it.

She winced as it touched the injury but she clenched her teeth and beared with it.

'very soon, very soon''


Back in the dining hall, Bai Shen Ting sipped tea and looked up at the round moon.

The concubines all looked at themselves each urging the other with their eyes.

After a while,Old Madam Bai cleared her throat loudly and everyone looked in her direction.

"Minister,how was your trip to the temple this time?"

"It was fine mother, the assistant head monk asked about your wellbeing and why you didn't follow us this time?"

The minister dropped his chopsticks and looked on,

"Oh,erm.. this old woman was feeling a bit under the weather as you know I'm no longer young".

"I'll ask the kitchen to make more tonics for you" the minister picked his chopsticks and continued eating,

Old Madam Bai received eye signals from everyone telling her to continue,

"That is… uhh… Minister…,the children are all at an eligible age to start their etiquette and skills training". She finally said it.

The Minister furrowed his brows,

"Do they not each already have a mama and an etiquette teacher?".

The Old Madam shifted on her seat "Oh yes,they do but… erm… as young ladies of the Minister's household they would soon be exposed to the capital and every one would hold them to a high standard and critique, it would be better if they were trained by professionals in the four womanly arts*",


So they still did not give up on trying to get her teachers.

"Well they all have individual mamas and their etiquette teacher is one highly recommended by the duchess so I don't see any issue with their well being" the Prime Minister turned to his wife.

"True my lord, they are being fed properly and assigned with well trained capable and faithful maids and guards if need be",

The fū ren paused and gestured to a random concubine daughter,

"They're properly assigned proper silk materials and allowances are never delayed nor deducted unless as a punishment",

"I even personally pay for a female doctor from the imperial hospital to check on everyone once a month from my finances and pay for medications and tonics ",

"So grandmother what are they lacking?, Or what are they getting criticized for?",

Bai Shen Ting trusted her mother, iron lady fū ren was what the servants called her secretly.

Old Madam Bai was left speechless at the retort, truly everything the fū ren has for the concubines done are much more than what most fū ren would do.

"But we also want famous teachers teaching our daughters. Why is it only Shen Ting that gets to have one?!"

Courtesan: (mainly in historical contexts) a prostitute, especially one with wealthy or upper-class clients.

four womanly arts: the four arts: painting, calligraphy, qin and chess.

A/N: Hello lovelies. Don't forget to like, comment and refer my story to everyone you know.