19: Baby's first word

Oh, fuck.

What's wrong with him showing some basic kindness? Sure, his current parents aren't as rich as his original life's parents, but Jay can't help himself—

Wait, fuck, fuck, System, did he get points reduction from giving that child a coin? Did that count as OOC?


Thank fuck.

It didn't take them long to get back into the safety of the motel room, and Jay dug into his custard tart like he hadn't eaten for days. The taste was nostalgic for all the wrong reasons because it reminded him of his original world. Good god...

The rest of the day was rather slow. Jay was trying to figure out the Rubik's cube while his caretakers had their own chores. Red King was in charge of getting them more food while JJ was counterfeiting more money.

From what the transmigrator understand, she turned the silver into real gold, and she went the extra steps to make sure that every little detail on the United Earth's logo was on each coins, completed with ridges and a random serial number. If a store suspect them of counterfeiting, the only problem that would run into is the serial number, but that chance would be so low because no one here has the technology to check the serial number of every gold coin in circulation. Unless someone happened to have a serial number identical to one of their counterfeit coins, there won't be any problems.

Even though the day was slow, the anxiety of his second mission was creeping up to him. The system didn't give him any warnings since, and Jay was fiddling with the Rubik's cube to ease his anxiety. His inability to solve the damn thing didn't help either.

Soon enough, the Red King returned with some takeout for them, right before sundown. Jay shared a burger with JJ, and even though it tasted super good, the transmigrator wasn't sure if one should give their one year old child some junk food. He's never been an expert at raising children, so it's the blind leading the blind in this situation.

As soon as the clock hit 9pm, his male caretaker began rocking the baby to sleep in his arms while his companion turned off the lights. Jay was still holding on to the Rubik's cube, and he slowly fell asleep.

Maybe the mission will happen tomorrow, but just a few hours earlier than expected. The system never gave any indications of the mission starting soon—

Click, click, click...

Their motel room's door was unlocked from the outside, and the familiar creaking of the door opening sent shivers down Jay's spine. His caretakers seemed to be fast asleep until the transmigrator saw deep blue eyes glowing just a little bit as JJ looked at him. Then, he noticed that her hand was sneaking down to grab something from her pocket. He turned his head to look at his other caretaker, and red eyes were staring back down at him.

Oh, so they're pretending to be sleeping.

The footsteps got closer to them, and Jay's eyes widened when he saw a gun hovering over the Red King's head. The city lights from the window and the opened door wasn't bright, but it was good enough for the baby to see. Without a warning, Jay let out a scream.

A flinch came from the intruder dressed in black with a classic black ski mask. The baby's scream was enough of a distraction for the teenage boy to roll over and grab the gun with one hand while his other hand punched the intruder.

Since the teenage boy took the fight away from the bed, Jay could see another guy going through their stuff. JJ pushed herself into a sitting position and threw her pocket knife at him, only for the intruder to skillfully dodged it.

System! Is this the mission?


Jay couldn't tell which Jay Pleng referred to who, but he didn't have time to ask the system for clarified because a third guy ran into the room with a shotgun, and he pointed it at JJ.

Using the only power Jay has, the baby screamed again. It sucked that they have no neighbors in this building; a choice that his parents made for precaution reasons came to bite them in the ass.

JJ pulled out another knife from her other pocket, but this time the blade was being split in half into smaller and smaller pieces until they're all needles.

"Powers!" The third guy yelled in alarm after he saw what JJ did, yet he fired at the teenage girl and the baby on the bed anyway, causing Jay to involuntarily closed his eyes and brace for impact.

Bang, bang!

None of the bullets hit them since the Red King tackled the third intruder to the floor. The first one was nothing but a splatter of blood and guts on the floor with a disassembled gun next to it.

Because one of the intruders was definitely dead, JJ turned her attention to the one who's still searching through the baby supplies to find gold. Half of the needles floating around the teenage girl flew towards the intruder, and in a blink of an eye, the man was yelping in pain, and of course, he fired a bullet at them.

JJ picked up the baby and rolled off the bed, her body protecting Jay from the hard floor. The intruder's shot hit the headboard. More needles were thrown towards the second intruder, and the transmigrator could feel JJ sweating from overusing her powers. She already spent so much energy counterfeiting money today.

"Where's the fucking silver?" The intruder, who couldn't find anything valuable in their stuff, came to point his gun at JJ.

There was a needle sticking out on his chest, and since he was closer now, the teenage girl used the last of her energy to push the needle into his chest. Her hands covered Jay's ears when the intruder screamed in agony as the needle moved throughout his chest, and it eventually came out through his eye.

From the punctured eye, blood and some other gross bodily fluids came gushing out, tiny droplets of the mixture splattered on Jay and the teenage girl. The intruder was still letting out choking sounds and wheezing in pain as he stumbled backwards away from them.

Thankfully, the Red King took a hold of the man's head from behind. The intruder tried to point his handgun at the teenage boy, but the gun was grabbed by the teen trying to put him down. Then, his male caregiver pulled the trigger as soon as he managed to put the gun to the intruder's head.

A rain of red sparkled throughout the room as the intruder's body fell to the ground. The Red King immediately began disassembling the glock like it's made of lego parts.

"Fuck..." The baby mumbled as he tried to wipe away the blood on his face that didn't belong to him.



[ USER EXP: +50 ]

[ USER LEVEL 1, EXP: 61/100, more stats ]

Once the system interface screen disappeared, the transmigrator could see the look of shock and horror on the Red King's face.

"Oh, fuck..." Jay mumbled again.