26: Moving in I

As promised, they arrived at the bunker house before sundown. The view of the mountains was less appealing whe the road was rocky, but they made it there in one peace.

No one said that driving a motorcycle on a hiking trail was a good idea, but hey, it worked.

From the outside, the house looked like a humble little cabin in the woods. It's probably been built before the third world war because the outside looked so run down.

The baby held on to his male caregiver's back while the teenage girl hopped off the motorcycle. She took off her helmet before she picked Jay off the seat and gently lowered him on the ground.

His shoes were getting dirty, but at least they're being used. The transmigrator was sick of being carried around for so long.

"Don't wander too far away.... Actually..." JJ unbuckled the helmet and took it off from the baby's head. Then, she snapped her head towards her partner. "Jay! Babysit Kaon!"

"Give me a fucking break." The teenage boy let out a groan as he took off his helmet.

"Fucking!" Jay the transmigrator laughed and clapped his hands.

Ah, how he loves using that word. The System basically gave him an f-word pass before he could even speak full sentences or pronounce daily words correctly.

Was the original Kaon's first word was also 'fuck'? System, do you have an answer?

[ YES. ]

Yes as in you can answer answer that question or both? The transmigrator felt like he and the System both need to be better at communication.

[ YES. ]

Jay that take as a yes, the original Kaon's first word was also the f-word. It wouldn't much of a surprise considering how much the two Jay Plengs cuss at each other, but it's still wonderfully funny to think about a child who didn't know the meaning of the world using it.

In response to the baby's enthusiastic cursing, the Red King shook his head with a smile, only for JJ to slap his chest. Jay wondered if the teenage girl was taller, would she slap her companion's face instead of his chest? Even at her current height, she had no problem slapping his face, so she must prefer his chest over his face.

Even though Jay doesn't like violence in a relationship, it's horribly entertaining to see his caretakers bickering at each other. Usually, it's JJ who gets physical, and the Red King took it like it's normal. Maybe this is a normal interaction between them.

Which brings the transmigrator to his next question. What changed over the years? Did the Red King snapped at one point and started fighting back? Because in the original book, he didn't even hesitate to lay hands on her, and she didn't even blink as she fought back with nails and teeth.

That scene was also written through Kade's point of view. Anyone would wonder how can Kade be a witness to an intimate scene between the two villains?

Well, our golden boy Kade and his ever loyal companion Natalie were trying to rescue poor JJ who was "kidnapped" by the Red King after Kaon's attack on a prison. They followed the tracker on JJ's wrist watch, only to find it broken at one point, but then they were led to the Red King's lair through a casino vent system.

In his original life, Jay thought the casino and air vent scene was clever, and the intimate scene between the Red King and JJ was a welcomed surprise. However, since he's transmigrated into their innocent little baby Kaon, Jay would happily prefer clawing his eyes out than learning about his adoptive parents' sex life.

"Kaon, stay with Jay, okay? I'll be right back." The teenage girl finally turned her attention back to the baby. Her gloved hand push a few strains of hair out of the child's face before she patted his head.

Jay leaned into her touch, and he smiled back at her, making her giggle. Of course, he's a baby, so he's adorable when he does anything.

"Alright, come here, little guy." The teenage boy opened his arms for the baby, and Jay made his way towards his male caregiver. "Do you wanna look around? Yeah?"

Meanwhile, his female caretaker pulled the door to the cabin open, and she let out a sigh. It caught Jay's attention, so he turned around to look at what's inside.

Unlike Evergreen's haunted cabin in the woods, the cabin in the mountain gives a different vibe. Dried up cobwebs lined the ceiling, and old picture frames were still hung on the wall even though the pictures inside were long faded.

The transmigrator changed his course from going towards the Red King to going into the cabin. Unlike Evergreen's cabin, Jay doesn't feel an impending sense of doom when he walked into this one.

JJ noticed that the baby was with her, and she poked her head out the door to look at her companion, who was already at the door.

While the two teens talked to themselves, Jay walked around the tiny living room connected to a kitchen. Something felt a bit off with the wooden walls, so the transmigrator gave the wall a knock.

His knuckles hurt, and it didn't echo, so it's concrete. This place must be one of those modern houses pretending to be a rustic cabin, and there's a nuclear bunker underneath the cabin. From what his caretakers had been saying for the past few days, there should be a bunker.

He didn't know why they thought an abandoned bunker would be a good idea to raise a child, but at least he understood that it's better than growing up in the currently very dangerous city.

There's a narrow staircase leading up to a second floor, but the transmigrator couldn't see anything from his height, so he'll just leave it alone for now. Maybe staying here isn't so bad after all.

Suddenly, the System's interface screen popped up in front of Jay's face, making him yelp a little in surprise.


Good fucking god, System. You don't have to make a jump scare.

His distressed voice caught the attention of both of his caretakers, so footsteps were heard rushing inside. The transmigrator let out another displeased yelp when his male caretaker picked him up off the ruined carpeted floor.

Oh, come on! He barely got to walk on flat ground!

"You like this place, little guy?" The teenage boy cooed at him, and Jay only huffed back at the teen boy.

"Let's go down stairs." JJ made her way to the staircase which led upstairs.

She kicked on the carpet to reveal a very rusty trap door. Instead of using her hands to open it like a normal person would, she hovered her hand over the rusted steel, and she pulled in mid air. Her blue eyes glowed white for a second, indicating that she used her powers.

Either way, Jay didn't mind because the trap door was opened, revealing a aet of staircase continuing from the carpeted staircase in the living room.

"Can't you just open it normally? You don't have to waste your energy for that." The Red King chuckled mockingly at his partner, which earned an eye roll from her.

"It's gross! I'm not taking the risk of getting titanus from that shit— stuff." She caught herself cussing, and she looked like she's more angry at herself now. Instead of calling herself out on it, she reached for a small flashlight tugged away in the safety of her coat. "It'll take me a few days to make the rust disappear, but in the meantime, we can sleep out here with Kaon."

"There's a locked room downstairs." The Red King took Jay with him as he walked towards the staircase. With one arm holding the baby, his other arm pointed into the dark basement. His partner quickly turned on the flashlight to see what he's pointing at. "I couldn't get it open, so you should do something about that."