44: The Last Wonder Soldier II

Eugene reached out to grab the running toddler, but the poor little guy fell down to the ground. Then, he turned around to face the Wonder Soldier.

Before his hand could touch the child, a force held his limb in place, so his eyes widened in surprise. It's like someone or something was pushing his hand away from the direction that he wanted it to go, but it came from within his flesh.

So the child has a superpower?!?

His great reflexes allowed him to reach for the toddler with his other hand, but the boy rolled out of his way. In the next second, the blond man found himself being swept off his right feet.

Thankfully, he caught himself in time before he could fall on his ass. His blood red eyes stared at the child on the ground as he stomped his feet into the dirt, pulling more weight on his leg to stop the little guy from trying to trip him again.

Then, he reached out to grab the back of the boy's collar.

"Fuck, fuck..." Jay mumbled as he tried to evade his attacker. His cursing only added to Eugene's surprise.

The child looked no older than two, so why is he cussing?!?

Violet eyes looked up at the Wonder Soldier as the blond man pulled up a force field around both of them. Jay didn't know what would happen if he touches the transparent blue shield, yet he stared at the blond man's feet.

Squinting his violet eyes, he pulled.

As expected, the Wonder Soldier slipped on his ass, and his forcefield fell along with him. Jay took that opportunity to try to stand up, only for his opponent to make another forcefield.

The toddler was panting hard, and he felt like he just ran an entire marathon, so he decided to play it safe and curled into a ball as a new round of forcefield encased him.

His newfound power is useful, but it took a lot of energy that Jay didn't even know he had. Damn, it would be really good to have a stamina bar when he open the interface screen or something, but he got none, so he had to fuck around and find out his limits.

"Where are your parents?" Eugene asked after he realized that the child didn't want to be picked up. His goal was to talk to the boy since the beginning, but the boy ran away.

Meanwhile, the transmigrator was still sitting on the ground with his knees in his arms, refusing to look at the blond man.

Internally, he's screaming at the System. Is he going to be kidnapped at the ripe age of one? Right from his backyard?

In that moment, Jay heard the familiar sound of the backdoor being opened. The baby was about ten feet away from the door while the blond man was standing over him.

Hm... He's close enough to sprint, but the forcefield's in the way.

"Kaon!?! KJ!?" The Red King's voice brought a bit of comfort to the baby.

When the teenage boy saw the commotion, his tone changed from panicking to a cold monotone.

"Eugene?" His brother's names slipped from his lips.

"Dada!" Jay yelped from his position inside the forcefield.

"Jay Pleng!" The blond man responded, and he turned away from the toddler. "Brother! It's been a while since we've seen each other—"

"Give me back my baby." The Red King left the backdoor open as he slowly made his way towards his brother.

Now that they're face to face, Jay could see the similarities. Eugene is the ideal Wonder Soldier with dark blonde hair, lovely tanned skin and a built that could only be described as a brick wall. Both of the brothers had blood red eyes that's only noticable when looking at them from a close distance, otherwise, it would just be brown from afar.

"Haha... No asking how I found you or—" Eugene's awkward attempt at being humorous was cut off by the younger brother.

"Let my son go. It's not gonna be pretty when his mom gets here." The teenage boy almost growled.

"Dada!" Jay was still curled up in the ground, but his eyes were shining with hope. "Dada, yeerafe! Layon!"

His babbling was ignored by the blond man. The Wonder Soldier just received another surprise that he didn't need to know.

"He's your son?!" Eugene's eye were blown wide.

"Let him go. He didn't do anything wrong." The Red King stood three feet in front of the last Wonder Soldier, who's the only thing standing between Jay and his male caretaker. "You didn't gotta use your powers on him. He's one, for f— goodness sake."

"It's for self defense." The blond man deadpanned.

Jay saw the look on the teenage boy's face, and he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

"You're the best Wonder Soldier of our generation." The teenage boy was radiating anger, but he didn't explode. "And you're fighting my toddler son? And you're using your powers as self defense? Self defense from my toddler son? If we've known you're visiting, I'd assume that it's just playtime for you two, but brother, it's been two years." He took a deep breath, calming himself down. "Eugene, ever since I've known you, you're a real reasonable guy, so give my wife a reason for her not to kill you."

"Who's the mother?" The Wonder Soldier didn't budge from his place. "You're a kid, Jay."

Even when the toddler tried to crawl around the forcefield, Eugene expanded it wider.

"And you're an entire grown ass man fighting a baby." The Red King argued back. "Let him go, then I'll talk."

"Brother..." Eugene's voice lowered when he saw something behind his younger brother.

To the Wonder Soldier's horror and to Jay's relief, six blades of knives were hovering behind the Red King. A familiar figure walked through the back door, and the knives slowly spun as they followed her.

"Eugene Romanov." JJ's eyes were sharper than the knives she brought with her. "I thought you and your brother had an agreement."

"Dr. Jue's daughter." Eugene lips fell open for a bit.

"Mom!" The transmigrator cried out the moment he saw her.

Eugene is the teenage boy's older brother after all, so the Red King would hesitate to kill his own flesh and blood. But JJ? She's not connected to him in anyway, so she probably won't even hesitate.

"What th— Mom?!?" The Wonder Soldier looked at the teenagers, then at the baby, then back at the parents. "Miss Jue, were you with child when we last met?"

"Yes, but I didn't know back then." The teenage girl was proficient in her lies. "Don't look at me like that, Eugene. Your brother and I knew what we were getting into. Now, do we still have an agreement? If we do, then step aside, let us take our son back, and you'll never see us again."

"I..." Eugene was searching for words, and eventually he gave up with a sigh of defeat. "Jay Pleng, after I heard about your death, I was skeptical 'cause I know you won't go down that easily. Just last week, a social worker said he saw you in the slums—"

"How did he know it's us? How could he be so sure?" The Red King growled once more.

"Hear me out, please?" The Wonder Soldier lifted up his hands. "He's friend of mine. He saw a picture of you with me and Anthony, and he said he saw a person who looked like you in the slums."

"Enough." JJ's hand pointed directly at the blond man. Her knives were pointing his direction as well, but he didn't flinch. "I don't care if you stalked us all the way out here. Give me back my son and I'll let you leave in one piece."