
During the journey, Ren's little daughter chatted with the girl who gave up her seat.

The girl seemed to enjoy children and amused the little girl, making her giggle. She also offered some snacks to the little girl.

However, being a child, the little girl had stayed up late the previous night due to the upcoming trip. After chatting for a while, she got visibly drowsy, with her eyes struggling to stay open and her head nodding. Eventually, she leaned on Ren's shoulder and started snoring.

"Thank you for chatting with my child for so long," Ren thanked the girl with a smile.

"No problem, I love kids," the girl replied. "She's adorable."

"Yes, I think so too," Ren said, visibly happier upon hearing the girl's praise for his child.

"Where is Yueyue's mom?" the girl asked, initiating a conversation with Ren.

The girl seemed talkative and soon, they were engrossed in conversation.

"She's at work," Ren casually replied.

Afterward, they chatted about various topics. Considering the long journey, having someone to talk to was much better than simply staring at their phones.

The girl was cheerful, and Ren had experiences from two lifetimes, so there was no dull moment between them.

Their conversation remained casual, and they didn't delve into each other's professions. However, Ren did learn that the girl's name was Xena.

Time passed, and the train's announcement woke up the snoring little girl leaning on Ren's shoulder.

"Yueyue, wake up, we've reached the station," Ren softly said.

"Mmm..." The little girl mumbled in a daze, not waking up. Instead, she nestled her head nearer to him.

Ren sighed and lifted the little girl onto his back.

"Where are you going next?" Ren asked Xena courteously.

"I'm heading home," Xena replied with a smile. "Wishing you a pleasant stay here."

From their previous conversation, Xena knew that Ren and his daughter were here for sightseeing.


Subsequently, the two arrived at the door and went their separate ways, each boarding a different taxi.

Notwithstanding, Mount Buzhou, located in the south of Huangcheng, was not too far from Ren's current location. It was just two stops away by public bus.

Ren and his little daughter walked side by side, navigating the stone steps up the hill.

"Dad, hold my hand," the request from his daughter confused Ren, who looked down to see her small face. "Dad, take your hand out of your pocket. If you don't, you might get lost. So, we should hold hands!"

"Okay, okay," Ren chuckled at his daughter's request.

She was probably afraid of losing him. Nevertheless, it was quite amusing to witness her little stubbornness. Ren thought so and took a picture of her pouting cheeks for his wallpaper. Then, he held her hand.

However, after walking for a while, the little girl, with her hand raised, began to feel sore and tired from keeping it up all the time. Being just a child, climbing the mountain was exhausting.

Seeing her discomfort, Ren chuckled and lifted her, allowing the little girl to sit on his neck.

"Wow!" As Ren stood up, the little girl marveled at her surroundings. "It's so high!"

She had never experienced anything like this before. Was this how it felt to be with Dad?

The little girl excitedly exclaimed, "Dad, onward!"

Like a young general, she gestured, and Ren, seizing her ankle, started running.

The abrupt dash took the little girl by surprise at first, and she clung to Ren's hair instinctively, before breaking into gleeful laughter.

Their interaction caught the attention of those around them, and the sight of this heartwarming scene made everyone smile involuntarily.

Not just a place for a field trip, Mount Buzhou, surrounded by a lake, had dense forests, and with no peak season or festivals, there weren't many people around.

Though it was meant to be a research trip, the primary goal was tourism. After all, isn't tourism all about relaxation and enjoyment? It's a completely different sensation from being passively toured around like a dumpling in a sea of people.

"Wow, such a beautiful lake!"

"Dad, dad, there are pine trees over there!"

"Wow, an insect!"

"... "

"The cars down there are as small as matchboxes!"

While sitting on Ren's shoulder, the little girl shared everything she saw with great enthusiasm and excitement.

She still felt a hint of regret because she had seen in some TV dramas that dads and moms held their children's hands together. She wished she could experience that too.

However, being sensible, she didn't express this feeling because her dad had promised her that they would go to the amusement park with her mom as soon as she was free from work.

Soon, Ren and his little daughter arrived at the mountaintop.

The summit was vast. Legend had it that this mountain, Mount Buzhou, was once the sky-reaching Mount Buzhou but was later struck by a water god, leading to its current form.

Therefore, the width of the mountain supporting the heavens must have been substantial.

In the middle stood the Bukzou Altar, with its walls facing the south and arching towards the north, symbolizing the unity of heaven and earth. It was surrounded by various temple buildings.

It was said that the worship ceremonies began at this altar, with performers acting out the rites.


Why hadn't he seen any dancers? That was the main reason he had come here to see. He inquired with the people nearby, and the explanation he got was, "People only come here to dance during specific times each year."

Such words left Ren somewhat disappointed. This crucial information was missing from the travel guides! And there were still several months to go until that specific time arrived!

"Dad, are you okay?" The little girl noticed Ren's disappointment and tugged his clothes with concern.

"I'm fine." Ren ruffled the little girl's hair, shook his head, shook off his disappointment, and then took the little girl around, exploring the area while sketching.

Though he didn't get to see the dance performance, the scenery was still beautiful, and worth incorporating into his future comics.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Ren and his daughter prepared to descend the mountain.

"Huh? Ren?" At that moment, a familiar voice reached Ren's ears, leaving him momentarily stunned.

He saw Xena, whom he had met on the train, looking at him with surprise.

"Sister!" The little girl rushed towards Xena as soon as she saw her.

"Are you here for sightseeing too?" Ren smiled. "What a coincidence."

"No, this is my home," Xena replied, shaking her head.


Ren was taken aback.