Bunnies Are So Cute

"Wow, so much food!" Little Yueyue sat in her chair, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the array of dishes in front of her.

She leaned in close to the dishes and sniffed appreciatively.

Seeing his daughter's excitement, Ren smiled and teasingly gazed at her, "Oh, Yueyue, don't let your drool fall into the food."

"!!! ̄へ ̄" Yueyue was displeased and put her hands on her hips, saying, "I won't! Daddy, you big meanie, hmph~~"

As she spoke, she playfully punched Ren's waist.

Ren was not to be outdone and began tickling Yueyue under her arms, causing her to burst into giggles.

Watching the playful father and daughter, Jada couldn't help but smile.

She felt that ever since Ren arrived, her luck had improved.

He had taken care of the issues at her company and also looked after Yueyue very well.

"Alright, alright, you two stop messing around," Jada said as she brushed a strand of hair from her face, "Let's eat before the food gets cold."

"Right, right, eat up."

Ren agreed, putting some vegetables into Yueyue's bowl, "Eat up, daddy made this dish with lots of confidence."


Yueyue nodded vigorously and was about to dig in enthusiastically with her spoon.

Seeing Yueyue still holding the spoon, Jada frowned slightly, "Yueyue, what have I told you? You're a big girl now, what should you use to eat?"

Yueyue paused for a moment, then obediently put down her spoon and tried to grasp her little chopsticks.

But being so young, she still found using chopsticks challenging.

She occasionally glanced at Ren, blinking hopefully, though she didn't really expect him to defend her, knowing how afraid he was of her mom.

If Ren knew what Yueyue was thinking, he probably wouldn't have spoken on her behalf either.

Noticing Yueyue's struggle, Ren felt pity and looked at Jada, about to speak up, but Jada interjected, "Don't coddle her too much. It's not that hard to use chopsticks, she just needs more practice."

"Alright then." Ren shrugged at Yueyue, signaling his helplessness.

Yueyue pouted and managed to pick up some meat with her chopsticks after several attempts.

= ̄ω ̄=

"Delicious!!" Yueyue's eyes seemed to sparkle as she ate, her hands cupping her cheeks in bliss.

"Daddy, what kind of meat is this?" Yueyue asked as she ate.

She had never tasted this kind of meat before and hoped her daddy would make it more often.

"Ah, it's rabbit meat," Ren said with a smile, then turned to Jada, "You should eat some too, rabbit meat is great for maintaining a slim figure, it's even called 'beauty meat' abroad. You don't have to worry about your figure with this."

Ren expected to see Jada pleased, but instead, she pointed expressionlessly in the other direction.

Following her gesture, Ren saw his little girl with her mouth agape, her face incredulous, chopsticks falling to the floor.

"Daddy... did you say what kind of meat this is?"

Yueyue's voice was quivering as she slowly turned her head towards Ren.

Confused by her reaction, Ren answered, "It's rabbit meat, what's wrong? Didn't you see it this afternoon?"

"!!!Rabbits are so cute, why would you eat them!!!"

Yueyue was struck as if by a bolt from the blue.

She loved rabbits more than any other animal!

Seeing his daughter's tears, Ren was at a loss.

He hated seeing his child cry, so he quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Yueyue, daddy didn't know, I won't make rabbit anymore!"

Unfortunately, Yueyue continued to sit there crying, even shaking off Ren's comforting hand.

Ren looked helplessly at Jada for assistance.

Seeing this, Jada gave Ren an OK gesture, then suddenly asked, "Yueyue, was the rabbit meat tasty?"

This unexpected question made Yueyue pause, and after a moment she murmured, "It's delicious."


Ren was speechless.

It seems the so-called 'irresistible taste' law applies to everyone, even children.

"Then eat up," Jada said.

"..." Yueyue nodded silently, her rice and rabbit meat mixed with tears as she continued eating.

However, a child's memory is short; she initially ate while crying, but soon forgot about the rabbit meat entirely, especially after Ren cracked a few jokes.

After dinner, as a magic girl show started on TV, Yueyue rushed to the living room, stood on the sofa, and began shouting magical phrases with a wand in hand.

"Really..." Watching her antics, Ren shook his head and was about to clear the table.

"I'll do it today." Jada quickly took the dishes from Ren and pushed him towards where Yueyue was playing, "I've been too busy to help around the house lately, but now that things at the company are better, I should do my part. After all, a family needs both parents."

As she thought this, Jada paused, when did she and Ren become a family?

'Oh no, we're almost like a married couple!' Jada blushed at the thought.