
Nighttime in Yuuki's room.

"Umm..." The little girl was dreaming, but her furrowed brow and occasional murmurs suggested she was likely having a nightmare. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, looked around groggily, rubbed her eyes, and murmured, "I need to pee..."

Saying this, she sat up intending to go to the bathroom.

But just as she was about to throw back her covers, a cold breeze swept through, making her shiver and instantly waking her up from her grogginess.

"Ooh! Nooo!!!" The little girl let out a cry like a small animal, quickly diving back under her covers and burying her head deep inside.

The ghost story her dad had told her flashed through her mind, scaring her terribly. But...

She wriggled under the covers; she couldn't hold it in much longer.

She slowly poked her head out, revealing only half her face, her eyes scanning around.

It was pitch dark all around.

And the room was so quiet.

The eerie silence and darkness made it difficult for the little girl to adjust.

Swallowing hard, she slowly pulled back the covers and stood up, running to her desk to grab her magical girl wand from a drawer.

The moment she touched the wand, she felt a surge of power.

Not even monsters could defeat her now!

"Humph, bring it on! I'm not afraid of you!!!" With a defiant swing of her wand, she struck various poses and was about to head for the door.


Just then, a shadow flicked past the window.

This froze the little girl's bold movements, and her eyes slowly turned to the window.

Although it was just through a curtain, she could see a shadow lingering outside the window.

"The watermelon ghost!!!"

Without a second thought, the little girl dived back under her covers, shivering in fear.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

The trembling of her body stopped, and then her little hand slowly reached under her buttocks, jerked back sharply.

She had...

Wet the bed! She, a big kid now, had wet the bed!

And with the terrifying shadow outside the window, her feelings of distress turned into tears.

"Wuuu wuuu wuuu~~~"

In Ren's room.

At that moment, Jada suddenly sat up, looking around in confusion.

She thought she heard something.

Could it be a thief?

Although it was unlikely in such a high-end community, it still tightened Jada's chest.

She slowly sat up and nudged Ren, who was lying on the floor like a dead pig: "Wake up."

"What's up?"

"Did you hear something?"

"What sound?" Ren, whose dream had been interrupted, squinted his eyes to listen, then casually waved his hand: "It sounded like a little girl crying, but it's nothing... Hm? Crying?"

Ren sat up immediately, locking eyes with Jada, they both exclaimed in unison: "Yueyue!"

Then they rushed toward the little girl's room, not even bothering to dress properly.

Could she have rolled off the bed while sleeping?

Or was she feeling unwell?

Their hearts were filled with worry.

When they reached the little girl's room.

She was curled up under the covers, crying continuously.

Ren approached and tapped on the blanket: "Yueyue, Yueyue, come out, what's wrong? Tell Daddy."

"Umm!" The little girl shook slightly and continued crying.

Ren stood awkwardly by the bed, scratching his head, not knowing what to do.

"What's wrong, dear? Mommy's here, tell Mommy what's wrong." Seeing this, Jada also approached to ask, but the little girl pushed her hand away just the same.

"It's not good to stay covered up like this all the time." Jada frowned at Ren: "Lift her blanket off."

Ren felt it was necessary too and grabbed the blanket.

But just as he was about to lift it, the little girl cried out and grabbed the blanket too: "No! Don't! Don't!!! Wuuu, don't!"

But how could her strength match Ren's?

After a brief struggle, the blanket was pulled away by Ren.

Then both Ren and Jada saw the wet patch on the bed and the little girl's tearful, embarrassed face.

And then they both chuckled.

Seeing this, the little girl's tears flowed even faster: "It's sweat! Just sweat!"

"Of course, of course, it's sweat!" Jada and Ren nodded repeatedly.

They knew the little girl's temperament; it was time to go along with her narrative.

Then Ren approached the little girl, gently placed his hand on her head, and said softly, "Whether it

's sweat or whatever, you should always call for Mommy and Daddy, okay?"

The little girl doodled on the floor with her toes, her eyes red as she looked timidly at Ren: "I was scared..."

"There's nothing to be scared of, Daddy and Mommy will always protect Yueyue, no matter what." Jada also squatted down and pinched the little girl's cheek.

"Okay, let's go change your clothes, aren't you uncomfortable with it being so sticky?" Saying this, Jada pulled the little girl towards the wardrobe.

Meanwhile, Ren began changing the bed sheets.

On the other side, as Jada helped the little girl change her underwear, she learned a bit about what had happened.

Of course, the little girl insisted the liquid on the bed was cold sweat she had frightened out of herself, refusing to admit it was urine.

So, as she changed, Jada said, "Don't worry, it's just bedwetting. Let me tell you, your dad wet the bed when he was ten years old."


Hearing Jada's words, Ren, who was changing the bed sheets, suddenly became defensive, "Who wets the bed at ten?"

"What are you looking at? Your bedwetting at ten is a fact, isn't it?" Jada glared at Ren.

If it wasn't for his ghost story tonight, would their child have been scared to not even go out?

Feeling guilty, Ren, reprimanded by Jada, twitched his mouth and nodded, "Right, Dad... Dad... wet the bed at ten."

No choice, he had to sacrifice his pride for his child.

"Really?" Hearing this, the little girl's eyes sparkled, but she quickly shook her head and said, "I didn't wet the bed!"


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