
"Ah, I don't know why, but I feel like crying after watching this."

"I feel a bit sorry for Obiko."

"What's there to feel sorry about? Aren't the residents he scared pitiful? In the end, he even wanted to destroy the town. Aren't the town's residents pitiful?"

"Right, times are changing. If we stay stuck in the past, how can society progress?"

After watching this episode, everyone had a heated discussion.

Some people thought Obiko's actions were wrong and not worthy of sympathy.

However, others felt he was right and deserved sympathy.

So, was Obiko right or wrong?

It could be said that he wasn't wrong.

Because he was just an old man who missed the past and didn't want to change. What was wrong with standing up for his memories?

But it could also be said that he was wrong.

In his way of making people remember, he tried to create fear, even making a young man's hair turn white, which affected the lives of the townspeople.

And when Daigo pointed out the fact that the past couldn't come back, Obiko didn't accept it and instead wanted to destroy everything to preserve his memories.

Can we say he was innocent or faultless then? The townspeople were definitely not at fault at that point.

However, in the end, Obiko did one right thing—he didn't persist in his desire to destroy the town.

Because this land held his memories and his life's beauty, how could he destroy it?

When he tricked Tiga into attacking him, the golden light in Obiko's eyes was probably his tears.

He cried because he was powerless and for his lost memories.

In the end, he saw the old village in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared, replaced by the modern town.

The stark contrast between reality and his ideal constantly reminded him that things had changed.

So, in the end, he chose to die, leaving the world with his beautiful memories of the past village.

Maybe this was Obiko's final ending?

Rather than watching everything around him change and become unfamiliar, he chose to leave with the past.

Just as viewers were saddened by Obiko's death in episode twenty-seven, the opening of episode twenty-eight began.

In this episode, due to the repeated transformation of the Lightning Men into monsters causing much harm to humans, they were ultimately defeated one by one in battle.

However, new monsters continued to appear on the streets, and the continuous fighting left the team members physically and mentally exhausted, prompting a discussion at the TPC. The conclusion was—to eliminate them!

Yes, to eliminate the Lightning Men.

Although the Lightning Men became monsters due to the impact of electromagnetic waves from human development, eliminating them was just a temporary solution.

But there was no other way.

Solve the electromagnetic wave problem at its root? Stop humans from using electromagnetic waves?

That's impossible. Modern society can't do without electromagnetic waves!

Then reduce the use of electromagnetic waves?

That would be extremely difficult.

Once humans get used to convenient tools, it's very hard to stop using them.

It's like someone saying one day that cellphone signals are bad for your health. Would you give up your phone because of that?

Ren thought it was very unlikely he would give up his phone in this age. Many things require a phone, such as work, daily life, everything needs a phone.

But just as humans were executing the plan to eliminate the Lightning Men, they discovered that the Lightning Men, under attack, were heading to space, leaving Earth's atmosphere.

So, the internet exploded with comments.

"Sigh, these two episodes were really depressing. The story was good, but watching it was uncomfortable."

"Yeah, both Obiko's death and the Lightning Men leaving were hard to watch. Development has impacted many Earth creatures."

"As Lena said, the Lightning Men have probably lost faith in Earth and humans. That's why they left."

"Can't the monsters and humans live together peacefully? Why do they have to be driven away or eliminated? They're all creatures of Earth!"

"There's no way. As humans, we have to prioritize our own lives first, then consider other creatures."

"One day, nature's revenge will come upon humanity!"

Unsurprisingly, this episode's ratings soared.

They reached 2.35!

This piqued the curiosity of many viewers who didn't usually watch tokusatsu. As they watched, even those who previously scorned tokusatsu realized how rich the content was.

Everyone is curious by nature, and through word of mouth, "Ultraman Tiga" saw a small increase in ratings with each broadcast.

Other TV stations regretted not taking it more seriously.

After all, "Ultraman Tiga" was a huge hit, now almost reaching the top spot in its time slot!

A highly popular tokusatsu show was once offered to them, but they didn't cherish it. When they lost it, they regretted it deeply. There's nothing more painful than this.

If heaven gave them another chance, they would say three words to that tokusatsu show: "I want it."

If Ren's team refused to sell it, they would say... "I'll pay more!"

Unfortunately, this was just wishful thinking.

Now, the top-rated TV station saw its ratings threatened and couldn't sit still.

A lower-ranked TV station was trying to take their top spot?

So, they started heavily promoting their own shows.

Instantly, they widened the gap again.

But viewers have eyes and brains. They can tell good from bad, and in the TV production industry, the winner takes all. The one with the best quality wins.

Soon, the ratings gap closed again.

It wasn't that the TV station was weak, or the top-rated show was bad; it was just that they couldn't compete.

Without Ren's "Ultraman Tiga," the top-rated show would undoubtedly be the best.


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