
Although Ren got his revenge on Yueyue, he still had to pay for his actions.

His parents scolded him harshly, then gave Yueyue three times her usual New Year's money. Not only that, he was punished by having to watch his newly bought snacks being eaten by Yueyue.

After spending some time having fun with his parents, Ren drove them back home once the holiday ended.

Yueyue also started school.

On the first day of school, Ren dropped off his assistants and then drove to Yueyue's elementary school to pick her up.

The streets were packed with cars, and the traffic was extremely congested. Seeing the parents on electric scooters and motorcycles, Ren felt a twinge of envy. He thought about buying a motorcycle to make picking up and dropping off Yueyue easier.

"Heh, never satisfied," Ren shook his head.

He used to envy car owners when he rode his electric scooter. Now, driving a luxury car, he envied scooter riders. People always want what they don't have.

With a self-deprecating smile, Ren started looking for Yueyue. Despite being tall, he couldn't help but stand on his tiptoes to spot her.

Among the sea of little heads, he finally saw Yueyue's ponytail.

At that moment, Yueyue was holding hands with Xixi, the girl Ren had seen at the parent-teacher meeting, chatting and laughing.

"Yueyue, over here!" Ren waved and pushed through the crowd.

Yueyue's eyes lit up when she heard him. She told Xixi, "Bye, Xixi~~" and ran towards Ren, jumping into his arms like an octopus. "Daddy~~"

Ren hugged her and made his way out of the crowd.

Yueyue chattered about her day at school, mentioning who hadn't done their winter break homework or that they had a new homeroom teacher.

The news of the new teacher made Ren pause.

Her homeroom teacher had only been there for one semester. Why the change? He asked Yueyue casually.

"Because the teacher is having a baby~~" Yueyue pouted. "I don't like the new teacher. She looks so mean, like the witch from Lilith!"

"Yueyue," Ren frowned. "She's your teacher, and you shouldn't judge people by their looks. It's rude."

Even though she was young, Ren needed to teach her good manners. Not to mention respect for teachers, she shouldn't develop the habit of judging people based on their appearance and talking behind their backs.

"Oh..." Scolded by Ren, Yueyue sulked but quickly remembered something and pulled out a piece of paper. "Daddy, the new teacher wants you to join the WeChat group. She said they'll share important information there."

"Okay, got it," Ren nodded as he drove.


After Yueyue started school again, the final battle in "Fullmetal Alchemist" began, showcasing the most exciting parts of the story.

The battle lasted only a day, but it spanned over a dozen chapters!

Even though it was lengthy, it felt like watching a spectacular movie with no drag. The only downside was that you couldn't finish it all in one go.

Here, the fates of many intertwined characters brought them together in Central City once again.

Under the command of the military higher-ups, an army of immortal soldiers was unleashed. These undead soldiers, impervious to death, even attacked the high-ranking officers who ordered them, then targeted Edward and his team as they infiltrated the underground to find Father.

Meanwhile, Olivier Armstrong, who openly rebelled against the military high command, faced an attack from Sloth.

Previously, Pride's constant tapping on Alphonse's helmet turned out to have a hidden meaning!

Pride had been using Morse code to signal his location to his allies.

Although Heinkel, who stayed near the dirt mound where Pride and Alphonse were trapped, realized Pride's true intentions, it was too late. Kimblee arrived and freed Pride.

But because of Heinkel's words, Alphonse decided to use the Philosopher's Stone. He harnessed the power of the many souls trapped in the stone to fiercely battle Pride and Kimblee, holding his own against them. In the end, Kimblee was mortally wounded and consumed by Pride.

Kimblee's death marked the beginning of the end for the villains. The next to go was Envy.

Scar convinced Zhang Mei to take the worm-like Envy back to Xing. Zhang Mei, moved by the kindness of the people in the mining town, reconsidered her decision. Envy's manipulative words swayed her to return to Central City.

Back in Central City, Envy managed to seize the body of a soldier infused with the Philosopher's Stone, fully reviving himself and absorbing most of the Philosopher's Stone from the soldier's bodies to enhance himself. He then chased after Zhang Mei.

During the chase, Envy encountered Roy.

"Who killed Hughes?"

Roy's calm question seemed casual, but the readers felt the intense anger bubbling beneath his calm exterior, like a volcano about to erupt.

Envy admitted to killing Hughes and mocked Hughes for being killed by someone who looked like his wife. Enraged, Roy lost his composure and set out for revenge.

A one-sided battle ensued!

Envy's massive form was the perfect target for Roy's flames. Despite transforming into a monster, Envy couldn't withstand Roy's attacks and was burned back to his worm-like form.

Just as Roy was about to kill Envy, Edward and the others arrived and saved Envy.


For 10 advance chapters: