
In the subway, at the plaza, in bookstores, and shopping malls, you could see advertisements for Pokémon GO everywhere.

Because of this, more and more young people were looking forward to the game.

Finally, amidst all the anticipation, the release day for Pokémon GO had arrived.

Daniel was very familiar with Pokémon, especially since he loved playing Pokémon Kill. Currently, he was a top-tier player in Pokémon Kill. So, when he heard about the release of Pokémon GO, he was eagerly waiting for it.

"Okay, camera permission enabled. Done." After downloading the game, Daniel launched it.

At the beginning, you set up your character. Besides the usual boy and girl with hats, there were many other characters labeled as locked, such as Mikasa, Madoka, Ultraman Tiga, and Kuuga.

They were fairly cheap, just a few dozen bucks. Daniel decided to buy the Kuuga character, and set his ID as MoneyKing.

The game started with choosing his Pokémon. He had to pick between Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Not knowing which was stronger, but being a fan of cute characters, Daniel immediately chose Charmander.

After Daniel made his choice, the other two Pokémon turned away and left, leaving Charmander staring up at Daniel with big eyes.

"So, this is how you catch them." With a flick of his finger, Daniel tossed a Poké Ball at Charmander. It hit, and Charmander was captured.

After capturing Charmander, Daniel noticed his phone showed he had received more Poké Balls, which are consumables used to catch Pokémon. There were also potions and revive stones, used to heal or revive Pokémon. Additionally, he had an incubator and a Pokédex.

With the game's instructions, Daniel gradually learned how to use these items.

Soon, a map appeared on his phone screen, and Daniel noticed that the street names and locations matched his neighborhood.

This helped Daniel understand why the game needed map permissions.

Suddenly, Daniel's eyes lit up. He noticed Pokémon nearby!

Following the arrow on his screen, he walked into his bedroom. Once inside, his phone indicated that a Pokémon was nearby and he should use his phone's camera to find it.

Daniel raised his phone and spun around. Eventually, he found a Caterpie.

The Caterpie seemed to notice Daniel too, an exclamation mark appeared above its head, and it stared at Daniel menacingly.

The screen then showed a battle beginning.

His Charmander appeared on the screen, facing off against the Caterpie.

That's right, the Pokémon GO in this world was quite different from the Pokémon GO of his previous life.

Instead of simply copying Pokémon GO, it combined elements from both Pokémon GO and the main series Pokémon games.

In Pokémon GO, capturing Pokémon also involved battles. Depending on how much HP was left when you weakened the Pokémon, the capture rate was shown by the color under the Pokémon: green for high capture rate, followed by greenish-yellow, yellow, orange, and red.

In addition, many factors like the use of items and throwing techniques affected capture rates. Red circles indicated about a 10% capture rate, so to increase your chances, you could feed the Pokémon berries or use advanced throwing techniques. The Pokémon's evolution stage also mattered; the basic forms were the easiest to catch, followed by their evolved forms.

"This is the battle phase? Turn-based combat?" Daniel looked at the screen, understanding dawning.

He didn't need any tutorials. He was already familiar with turn-based games.

At first, there were only a few moves available, like Scratch and Tail Whip.

Following Daniel's commands, Charmander used Scratch on Caterpie. At level five, Charmander easily overpowered the level three Caterpie. Soon, Caterpie's capture circle turned red.

With a swipe of his finger, Daniel threw a Poké Ball. It hit Caterpie, who turned into a beam of light and entered the Poké Ball. The ball wobbled three times and then stopped.

A message appeared, showing how much experience Charmander had gained.

That's right, all battles gave experience. Capturing Pokémon gave less experience than defeating them.

Looking at the Caterpie in his bag, Daniel saw another tutorial prompt.

Injured or fainted Pokémon could be healed with items or at Pokémon Centers.

"Pokémon Centers?" Daniel frowned, then moved the in-game map, quickly spotting the location of a Pokémon Center.

The nearest center was at New Sea Central Hospital. Traveling that far just for a Caterpie seemed too realistic.

But since only Caterpie needed healing and his Charmander was fine, he decided to continue catching more Pokémon.

With that in mind, Daniel started searching again. Soon, he found another Pokémon nearby and headed in its direction.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Daniel frowned. He hated being disturbed when he was busy.

But he went to open the door anyway.

Standing outside was a boy about ten years old, holding a phone. Seeing Daniel, he smiled. "Um, excuse me, can I come into your house for a bit? Just for a moment, I promise I won't touch anything. I just need to... um, do something."

Normally, such a strange request would confuse Daniel. But seeing the Pikachu on the boy's shirt and the phone in his hand, Daniel understood.

"You're playing Pokémon GO too?"

"Huh? You're playing too?" The boy's eyes lit up with excitement, seeing Daniel wave his phone.

"Come in, come in. I just found a Pokémon too." To Daniel, anyone playing Pokémon GO was a friend.

A moment later...

"Alright, let's battle!"

Yes, they started a Pokémon battle.

In Ren's view, the most fun part of Pokémon was not just raising them but also battling them. So, he had put a lot of effort into this.

Some players would encounter the same Pokémon. If two people happened to be together and found the same Pokémon, their phones would automatically initiate a battle, and only the winner could catch it.


For 10 advance chapters: