A Different Ending to the Ring Battle Arc

The biggest mystery of the Ring Battle Arc has been revealed!

Why did XANXUS turn against the Ninth Vongola, the man who raised him, treating him as nothing more than a power source for a machine? Why was he so furious when Tsuna used the techniques of the First Vongola? And why did the Vongola Rings reject him? The answer is simple.

XANXUS does not have Vongola blood—he isn't the Ninth's biological son!

XANXUS's mother once noticed that her son possessed the same Dying Will Flames as the Ninth Vongola and deluded herself into believing that XANXUS was the Ninth's son. She brought an unsuspecting XANXUS to meet the Ninth. Seeing how poor and trusting they were, the Ninth chose not to reveal the truth and instead accepted XANXUS, raising him as his own.

XANXUS believed all his life that he was destined to become the Tenth Vongola boss. He worked tirelessly toward that goal. Originally, XANXUS was portrayed as arrogant and dismissive, but Ren had altered his character slightly, making him more humble and diligent, striving to become a perfect Vongola boss.

Then, one day, XANXUS learned the truth—his mother and the Ninth had no connection, and he was merely an adopted son. Worse, he discovered that without Vongola blood, he would never be recognized as the heir. This rule was ironclad in the Vongola family.

This revelation led to the infamous "Cradle Incident" eight years ago, when a 16-year-old XANXUS launched the largest rebellion in Vongola history.

At this moment, some readers began to feel sorry for XANXUS.

It's like someone who always believed they were the heir to a family business, who dedicated their life to becoming a worthy leader, only to be told one day that they were adopted and would never inherit the company. Who wouldn't be devastated?

"What a shame. I kind of feel bad for XANXUS now."

"Yeah, working so hard all his life just to be told he's not fit to be the boss because he lacks the right bloodline—that's rough."

But not everyone agreed.

"Feel bad for him? What about the Ninth? He took XANXUS in, treated him like his own son, and this is how he's repaid? By being used as a power source and almost killed?"

"Exactly! He was never promised the position of boss. He's a commoner who got a chance most people would die for!"

Readers split into two camps—one sympathizing with XANXUS, understanding his frustration after losing everything he worked for, and the other condemning him for his lack of gratitude.

But no matter how they argued, the story moved forward.

"Even if it's impossible, I'll make it happen! I'll eliminate everyone in my way and take over the Vongola!" XANXUS, despite the pain from being rejected by the Vongola Rings, stood up and shouted in anger. "If the Vongola Rings don't recognize me, I'll create rings that do! I'll reshape this family that values bloodline over everything!"

What followed was a chaotic final battle between the Varia and Tsuna's group.

Though both sides were exhausted, Tsuna's group still had some fight left in them. After a hard-fought struggle, the Varia were defeated, and XANXUS lay on the ground before Tsuna, laughing bitterly. "Just kill me!"

For XANXUS, there was nothing left to live for. His plan to take over the Vongola had failed. The goal he'd spent his whole life pursuing was gone. What was the point of living now?

Tsuna looked at the defeated XANXUS, his lips pressed into a thin line. Slowly, he reached out his gloved hand towards XANXUS and then…


A sharp slap echoed through the ruins, shocking Tsuna's friends and making XANXUS, who had closed his eyes in anticipation of death, snap his eyes open in rage.

"The Ninth loved you more than anyone! He acknowledged you!" Tsuna withdrew his hand, his eyes softening. "Even after your betrayal, he didn't kill you. Until the very end, he wanted to accept you, didn't he?"

XANXUS fell silent.

"Cough, cough…"

A figure staggered into view—it was the severely injured Ninth Vongola. "I'm sorry I never told you the truth. But I've always treated you as my real son…"

Tears streamed down the Ninth's face. "If you hate me so much, then… you can take my life."

The Ninth closed his eyes, seemingly ready for XANXUS to strike him down.

XANXUS stared at the old man before him. Memories flashed through his mind—the first time they met, when the old man wrapped a scarf around his neck; the times they played together in Italy, traveling and enjoying the scenery; the lessons on how to fight; the birthday cakes they playfully smashed into each other's faces. Every shared moment, every laugh, came rushing back like a torrent.

After a moment of silence, XANXUS let out a cold snort. "Enough with the nonsense, old man! Do you want me to carry the burden of patricide?"

Hearing this, the Ninth's face lit up with joy. Patricide… Did this mean that XANXUS still saw him as his father?

The Ninth smiled with relief before collapsing into XANXUS's arms. Although XANXUS had closed his eyes, he subtly adjusted his position to make the Ninth more comfortable—just like when he was a child, falling asleep in the Ninth's embrace.

And with that, the Ring Battle Arc came to an end.

Rejected by the rings, XANXUS lost his claim to the Vongola title. Tsuna and his six guardians were now confirmed as the successors. As the tension finally eased, Tsuna collapsed into unconsciousness.

As for the Ninth and XANXUS? Perhaps they would reconcile and return to the way things were.


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