The Teaser

The Kamen Rider fan forum, where the majority of Kamen Rider enthusiasts gathered, had been quieter than usual since Kuuga finished airing. It had mostly become a place for casual chat and banter.

"I can't stand it anymore! No new Kamen Riders in sight!"

"I've already bought the Kuuga belt, and my wallet's feeling a bit too heavy! I need to lighten it up!"

"Ultraman already has a new movie and a fresh series. Why is Kamen Rider getting no love?"

Fans complained passionately in the forum, unable to contain their excitement for the next Kamen Rider series.

Suddenly, a comment popped up.

"Wait, the official Kamen Rider page just posted something! New Rider incoming!"

In a flash, fans flocked to the official page.

"Kamen Rider Amazons is coming soon. Stay tuned for a new and unique Rider!"

The post didn't show much, just a teaser saying that a new series was on the way. But that was enough. The moment fans saw the post, excitement surged through the forum.

With eager hearts, they clicked on the teaser.

The preview opened with a rugged-looking man in his thirties, with a scruffy beard and a weary expression, staring down a monstrous creature.


His deep voice instantly captivated fans, making him seem like a man with a deep, untold story.

As his words faded...


["Blood and Wild! Wi-Wi-Wi Wild!"]

An intense explosion erupted around him, casting bright flames from his body, making him look like he had become a roaring inferno. The fiery blast sent shockwaves rippling through the air.


"That's epic!"

"This budget is insane!"

The transformation sequence left viewers speechless. The sheer intensity of the explosion and the fiery energy released by the man during his transformation gave off a sense of overwhelming power, igniting excitement among the fans.

The special effects looked even more impressive than Kuuga! Fans were thrilled just by watching the teaser, sensing that this new series was going to be epic.

The surrounding vegetation even caught fire from the heat released during his transformation, showcasing the raw, devastating power he wielded.

The man's body burned, the air around him warping from the heat.

Even through their screens, fans could feel the suffocating intensity.

If Kuuga's transformation had an element of sci-fi mixed with magic, this Amazon transformation felt raw and primal. When the flames finally dissipated, fans saw the form of Kamen Rider Amazon for the first time.

And they were stunned.

Not only was this transformation vastly different from Kuuga, but even the post-transformation appearance was completely unexpected.

Was this really a Kamen Rider?

Kuuga might not have looked entirely human, but you could tell by his appearance that he was a hero.

But this… Amazon?

His appearance sent shockwaves through the fanbase.

His body was covered in layers of armor that resembled the thick, scaly skin of some beast. His chest had an almost insect-like texture, and his body was covered with sharp spikes and scars.

His hands, legs, and back were lined with black, scale-like blades, making him look less like a hero and more like a monstrous experiment that had escaped a mad scientist's lab.

"Is this really a Kamen Rider?"

Fans were left in disbelief as they stared at the red figure on the screen.

Their minds quickly flashed back to the rugged man who transformed—a man who looked like a vagrant, dressed in tattered clothes, with unkempt hair. What kind of life had he lived?

Unfortunately, it was only a teaser.

As the words Kamen Rider Amazons and the release date appeared on the screen, the preview ended.

It left their questions unanswered.

The brief teaser left the fans hungry for more. Though it showed only a little, it sparked a huge discussion within the fan community.

Soon, the Kamen Rider forum regained the same level of activity it had during Kuuga's airing, with new posts popping up constantly.

"Wow, this Amazon is completely different from Kuuga!"

"Yeah, I agree. This Amazon looks more like a monster than a protector of humanity. Isn't he a little too… ugly?"

"Maybe it's just a difference in taste, but I think he looks pretty cool!"

"But the protagonist seems like a man with a deep backstory. I bet this will be some sort of revenge tale."

"Am I the only one impressed by the special effects? Looks like they really spent a lot on this!"

"That's nothing! Remember when they burned down a whole church during the filming of Kuuga?"

"By the way, I noticed something interesting. The man says 'Amazon' when he transforms, but the show's title is Amazons with an 's'. As everyone knows, 's' means plural. So, there's probably more than one Amazon, right?"

"Whoa, nice catch! Only a true fan could pick that out just from the teaser."

This comment quickly got pinned to the top of the thread.

Many fans agreed it made sense. Amazons had to mean there was more than one.

"By the way, I just checked the Porter's apprentice, Felix's social media. He posted something that gave me a bad feeling. Apparently, Felix is the one working on this series."

"Felix? That name sounds familiar..."

"He wrote the script for Nexus! That's why!"

"Oh no! Now it makes sense. This is going to be just like Nexus. Riders with belts that get passed on after the previous user dies!"

"Now that you mention it, I have a bad feeling too. This could totally be like Nexus. The first Rider dies, and then someone else picks up the belt to become the new Rider. After all, it's a Felix production!"

"Darn it! I knew Felix was just as much trouble as the Porter. Looks like this will be a roller coaster!"


For 10 advance chapters: