The Future Arc

The Katekyō Hitman Reborn! story arc was gaining a lot of popularity.

At this point, the story had entered the "Future Arc," which Ren considered the most exciting part of the series and the conclusion to Katekyō Hitman Reborn! in this world.

The arc began with Lambo accidentally using the 10-Year Bazooka on Reborn, but instead of future Reborn appearing, nothing happened.

When Tsuna went to ask Lambo about it, he too was hit by the bazooka, sending him 10 years into the future.

This future world was vastly different from the past. The Vongola family was on the brink of destruction, and the world was in chaos. The Millefiore family, led by Byakuran, held overwhelming power, spreading war and seeking the seven 73 rings. The radiation from these rings not only endangered the Rainbow Children but also the entire world.

As fans read this part, they suddenly recalled a scene from the Ring Battle arc.

In that scene, Lambo summoned his 20-year-old self and mentioned how much he missed his comrades. The implication was that his friends were no longer alive in the future.

At that moment, fans realized that this clue had been planted back in the Ring Battle arc.

Many readers marveled at how well the Porter had structured the plot. Both the Ring Battle arc and the Future Arc were closely connected, with many plot threads set up early on and seamlessly tied together. This made the story feel cohesive, and when new storylines emerged, they didn't feel out of place.

Moreover, based on the bazooka's abilities, Tsuna should have returned to the past after five minutes. But even after 10 minutes, he remained in the future.

To return to the past, everyone trained, learned new fighting techniques from the current time, and attacked the Millefiore family to defeat Shoichi and return to their timeline.

This arc introduced many fresh ideas, characters, and unique abilities.

Box weapons, the True Six Funeral Wreaths, and the powerful Byakuran brought Katekyō Hitman Reborn! to new heights, thrilling readers with exciting twists and turns.

But most importantly, fans were captivated by the future versions of Tsuna's friends.

Unlike Tsuna, the other members of Vongola had appeared in their future forms.

The 10-years-later versions of Tsuna's friends were strikingly different from their past selves. They had matured and become far more composed and serious.

Among them, Hibari became a fan favorite, especially among female readers. Some even began shipping him in unexpected pairings. It was hard to blame them—Hibari looked incredibly handsome in his black mafia suit, appealing to fans with a taste for uniforms.

Many were especially enchanted when Hibari, with his usual cool demeanor, effortlessly defeated the lightning-using Gamma. It left countless female fans smitten.

Although future Tsuna hadn't appeared in the manga, Tsuna, during his desperate training under Hibari, encountered the spirits of the previous Vongola bosses while slipping in and out of consciousness.

The appearance of the First Vongola Boss, whose face had only been partially revealed, gave readers a strong sense of what future Tsuna might look like.

Moreover, the future version of Mukuro was even more impressive than before. His tall, slender frame had become even more striking, and his longer hair added to his allure. His face? Let's just say the nickname "Three-Parted Mukuro" wasn't given without reason...

As the story progressed, fans were left with many questions.

For instance, why did future Tsuna die?

What were the true origins of the Box Weapons?

Why was Byakuran so determined to obtain the 73 rings?

Why were Tsuna's friends being hit by the 10-Year Bazooka one by one?

While some mysteries had been solved, many still remained, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the answers.

At this point, the Future Arc had reached Chapter 135 and Chapter 136.

In Chapter 135, the Phantom Knight sacrificed himself to gain the power of Hell's Flames, but Tsuna, with the overwhelming force of his X-Burner, ultimately defeated him.

As Tsuna and his friends finally reached the circular device where Shoichi was located, the fans were hit with a shocking revelation!

It turned out that the person who had used the 10-Year Bazooka to send everyone to the future was none other than Shoichi himself!

However, what surprised readers even more was yet to come.

Just as Tsuna's friends were being captured and the twin sisters standing nearby threatened Tsuna to hand over the Vongola Rings, Shoichi suddenly attacked the sisters from behind.


Daniel, reading this, was stunned.

What was going on? Why did Shoichi suddenly do that?

Daniel wasn't the only one confused—many fans were left speechless.

"Besides," Shoichi added, "this plan was orchestrated by your future self!"

Tsuna, understandably shocked, found it hard to believe Shoichi's words. But then Shoichi revealed an even bigger twist.

It turned out that this entire operation had been planned by future Tsuna himself. Only future Tsuna, Shoichi, and Hibari knew the full truth!

"That explains it all!"

Daniel muttered to himself.

Throughout the manga, Daniel had always wondered why future Hibari seemed to know about the attacks from Shoichi's side in advance.

It was all part of their plan from the start!

This twist had been so well hidden that no one could have guessed it earlier.

Looking back, Shoichi had briefly appeared during the Daily Life arc, but his demeanor was completely different from how he acted 10 years later…

This plot twist was like a rollercoaster, comparable to the endless reveals in Black Zetsu's Mother Save Arc, where a new villain emerged after each previous one.

However, turning the entire base into a movable, cube-like structure for Tsuna's training was a bit over the top.

Daniel couldn't help but marvel at the audacity of it all. After all, training at such high stakes could easily lead to casualties.

What if one of the Guardians died during the process? How would they save the world then?

"Well, at least this shows how much Tsuna has grown."

Tsuna had become decisive!

In the beginning, Tsuna was a timid, fearful boy, always trembling at the sight of danger. But now, future Tsuna had developed the strength and responsibility of a true leader.

In moments of crisis, he could make decisive choices, even though, according to Shoichi, he still hesitated when it came to involving his innocent friends in such dangerous situations.

But this hesitation showed that, despite his increased strength and confidence, Tsuna's core beliefs hadn't changed.

Even with immense power, Tsuna refrained from abusing it. He had grown into a Vongola boss without losing his compassion, unwilling to become ruthless or resort to extreme measures to achieve his goals.

This character development was a hallmark of Katekyō Hitman Reborn!'s appeal. The unique and compelling character arcs kept fans engaged, drawing them into the story.


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