
The National Day holiday, aside from summer and winter breaks, is one of the most loved holidays by students because... it's a long break!

On October 1st, as the vacation officially began, Ren and Jada, along with their two little ones, happily boarded a plane heading to Japan.

The reason for this trip? A conversation Jada had with Ren a while back after returning home.

It turned out that Senshu Danzou had called again, inviting them to Japan, saying a friend of his had a small request related to a manga project.

Well... it was Japan, after all—a country deeply immersed in anime culture, both in the past and present.

So, taking advantage of the National Day holiday, Ren and his family decided to head to Japan.

The only thing Ren felt a little disappointed about was that he had hoped to visit Japan during the winter.

After all, that's when there are more ski resorts to enjoy.

But alas, it was only October, and they'd have to wait until at least November for the snow.

Jincheng, a neighboring city of Ren's, is a first-tier city and the only place with an airport nearby.

So early that morning, they headed to Jincheng.

At the moment, they were in the VIP lounge of Jincheng International Airport.

"Hmph, hmph, hmph~~" The little girl was sitting on a chair, her legs swinging as she hummed a tune she made up herself, glancing around excitedly like a wild horse finally let loose.

After all, this was her first time ever flying on a plane, and she was brimming with excitement.

But despite flying first class, delays are still possible...

Just like their flight today, which had been delayed. Otherwise, they wouldn't have needed to wait in the lounge. Fortunately, the delay was only about half an hour, which wasn't too bad.

Plus, since they were flying first class, they could wait comfortably in the VIP lounge, enjoying the buffet and snacks at their leisure.

Ren and the little girl played Pokémon to pass the time until the ground crew came to inform them that boarding was ready.

The little girl, holding her dad's hand, was even more excited now. "Daddy, once we're on the plane, will we get there really fast?"

In her mind, planes were super quick since they could zoom through the sky!

"Kind of, about two hours," Ren explained.

"Huh? Two hours?" She pouted.

That felt like a long time.

Shouldn't it just go zoom in a flash?


First-class seats are wider and more comfortable than economy class, with more legroom and without that cramped feeling.

After boarding through a special channel, the little girl curiously looked around the first-class cabin.

Humans are naturally curious creatures, especially young children. Being on a plane for the first time sparked the little girl's desire to explore as she settled into her seat, inspecting her surroundings.

However, after a while, she started feeling bored.

At the end of the day, it was still just a small airplane cabin—not as cozy as home.

But at least first class had little TVs where she could watch movies or listen to music, and they offered free drinks and snacks, which brightened her mood a bit.

It wasn't until the flight attendant came over and told Ren to fasten their seatbelts because the plane was about to take off that the little girl asked to switch seats with her dad.


As the plane took off, the little girl couldn't help but exclaim in awe.

"Daddy, look!! Everything on the ground is getting smaller!!"

This was an experience unlike any other.

"Mommy, look, I can even see birds over there!!"

"And clouds!!"

"We're so high up!"

Even the simplest things made her eyes sparkle like crescent moons, filled with laughter and joy.

Watching their daughter's excitement brought smiles to Ren and Jada's faces.

But soon enough, after the novelty wore off, the little girl grew bored again, finding flying not as fun as she had imagined.

"Daddy, it feels stuffy," she complained, scratching her head. "Can we open the window?"

"That's not possible," Jada said, ruffling her daughter's hair. "You can't open airplane windows."

"Huh?" The little girl pouted. "Why not?"

"Have you ever seen a balloon deflate?" Ren patiently explained to his daughter, using simple words.

"Yeah, of course!"

She nodded. Not only had she seen balloons deflate, but she had popped plenty of them!

"When a balloon deflates, all the air rushes out, right?" Ren paused before continuing. "A plane is kind of like a balloon. If we open the window, it would create a hole, and everything inside would get sucked out. Now, a balloon only has air inside, but what do you think would get sucked out of a plane?"

"Balloons... planes..." she murmured, glancing out the window. Her face suddenly went pale. "Let's not open it!"

She was terrified! Opening an airplane window sounded horrifying—people could get sucked out!

And they were so high up!

"Good girl~" Ren patted her head, then rummaged through his bag and pulled out a deck of cards. "If you're feeling bored, how about we play some Pokémon to pass the time?"



The little girl's face showed clear disdain.

Ren immediately felt indignant. "What's that look for?!"

Was she underestimating him?

"Daddy, you're too easy to beat!" She spread her hands, adding, "We've played so many times, and I don't think you've ever won against me!"

"Who said I've never won?!" Ren puffed out his chest proudly. "I won once during Xiao Rui's one-month celebration!"


The little girl paused, recalling that memory, then her face turned expressionless.

"That was cheating!!!"

Remembering that incident, she felt upset all over again! Her dad had secretly stashed extra cards in his pocket and sneakily swapped them out during the game!

"Hmph! Nonsense, that was pure skill!" Ren retorted.

"Come on, let's play!"

Faced with her shameless father, the little girl was ready to crush him in a game.


For 10 advance chapters: