A... MA... ZO... N!!!!!!

Mizusawa Yu stood by the shores of Tlaloc, resolute in his decision to act for what he believed in, regardless of whether it concerned humans or Amazons. He was prepared to fight for the things he cherished.

Just then, a man approached!

One hand held his belt, while the other clutched the heart of an Amazon. As he strode down the beach, step by step, the presence of this man—dreaded like a demon—caused the other, yet-unawakened Amazons to instinctively retreat in fear.

This man was none other than Uncle Ren!

However, this Uncle Ren was not quite the same as before.

His once handsome face had been severely corroded by the toxic gas inside Tlaloc. Even from his expression, it was clear that he was not in good shape—his steps were wobbly as he made his way toward Mizusawa Yu.

At this moment, the two of them faced each other. The sea breeze tousled their hair, adding a somber, heavy atmosphere to the scene.

Even the waves seemed to calm, as if holding their breath in anticipation of the impending battle.

"If I don't kill all of you, I won't find peace!" Uncle Ren growled.

Hearing these words, Ren's supporters couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. They remembered an earlier scene where he had heartbreakingly ended his relationship with the woman he loved, Nana. Now, his words revealed his grim determination—he was ready to die.

Watching as Uncle Ren even began eating the heart of an Amazon, fans were deeply affected.

"A... MA... ZO... N!!!!!!!"


Ren's shout was filled with anguish, each word tearing at the hearts of those who heard it. It made people feel as though the actor was truly Uncle Ren himself.

This intensity wasn't surprising—after all, Ren's actor was a seasoned veteran hired at great cost by Goyuan Productions. Even Ren hadn't expected that this particular scene, where Uncle Ren screamed with such agony, would later become a part of film school curricula, similar to a famous scene from Myth where Zhao Gao expressed his inner turmoil to Yi Xiaochuan.



A blinding explosion of flames suddenly illuminated the beach.

Mizusawa Yu roared and charged at Ren, while Uncle Ren responded with a feral scream, raising the blade embedded in his forearm.

The blades clashed!

This was a battle driven by their unwavering beliefs! Each strike was brutal, each move aimed to draw blood. Compared to this, even the final battle in Kuuga seemed refined and controlled.

If the battles in Kuuga still had a certain technological elegance, then this savage clash between these two beasts embodied raw, primal power at its peak.

The black blades on their arms and legs were used to their fullest in the fight. Even when their strikes missed, the sheer force of the blows was enough to carve deep gouges in the thick sand of the beach.

As the fire raged hotter with each passing moment, neither Ren nor Mizusawa Yu showed any signs of stopping. They crouched low, glaring at each other, growling like beasts ready to tear each other apart.

Compared to the original series, this battle was even more intense, igniting the passions of male fans, who couldn't help but pump their fists in excitement.

After all, what man could resist the thrill of such a wild, untamed battle?

At this moment, the two fighters seemed to have shed all traces of their humanity. Their sole goal was to shred their opponent to pieces with claws and fangs.

Unfortunately, Ren's combat ability was superior to Mizusawa Yu's, and after a fierce exchange, Yu began to falter.

"Ha... ha..." Mizusawa Yu panted heavily, his body covered in wounds. The green bio-armor that protected him had been shredded by Ren's relentless cutting and biting, exposing the bloody flesh beneath.

Blood dripped from his body, only to evaporate in the intense heat of the surrounding flames.

In the original version, after Mizusawa Yu was beaten down, Ren went on to hunt the remaining, unawakened Amazons. But Ren and Felix decided to change the plot to focus more on the showdown between the two main characters, cutting out the scenes involving the unawakened Amazons.

"Even Amazons are human! What did they do wrong? All they want is to survive!" Mizusawa Yu shouted weakly, lying on the ground, battered and beaten.

"Humans?" Ren laughed at this, pointing to his scarred and damaged body. "We're not human! We're just monsters that eat people!"

His voice became hoarse as he laughed, mocking his own fate and the mistakes he had made in the past.

Then, suddenly, he stopped laughing. "So... please, just die!"

He slashed his arm blade toward Mizusawa Yu.

But at that moment, Haruka, in his mole-like Amazon form, rushed out and kicked Ren back, screaming wildly, "It's not us who should die! It's you, Jin Takayama!"

"I won't deny that..." Ren calmly replied, looking at Haruka's frenzied appearance. "The one who should die most... is me."

With that, Ren lunged toward Haruka and swung a punch at his head.


Ren's punch narrowly missed Haruka, as Haruka dodged just in time. The flames and smoke obscured Ren's already failing vision.

But Ren's miss gave Haruka the chance to retaliate. He attacked relentlessly, forcing Ren to retreat. Eventually, Haruka's continuous strikes knocked Ren out of his Amazon form, leaving him vulnerable to be killed.

Just when it seemed like Ren was about to meet his end, the extermination squad launched a surprise attack against him.

Their actions sparked anger and frustration among Ren's fans.

To be honest, both Haruka and Mizusawa Yu had legitimate reasons to attack Ren, but fans of both Ren and Yu agreed that the extermination squad had no right to do so.

Ren's belief was simple: Amazons should not exist.

From the perspective of protecting humanity, the extermination squad had no grounds to attack Ren. After all, Ren was fighting for the benefit of mankind.

As Ren was attacked by the squad, many fans could no longer sit still.

"This is treachery, plain and simple."

"Yeah, what gives them the right to attack Ren? Sure, his methods are brutal, but that's from an Amazon's perspective!"

"I hate these self-righteous characters the most. They're so annoying!"

"They have no sense of the bigger picture. It's like some huge predator that eats humans—maybe some can control their instincts, but once they lose control, it's a disaster waiting to happen!"


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