Iconic Scenes

The manga begins with newly created red blood cells that have just left their nucleated phase, full of energy and excitement as they finish watching an introductory workplace video. They immediately head off to their job locations.

However, what awaits them isn't time to adjust but a flood of work without any preparation.

When readers saw this, many could relate.

"This feels too real…"

Daniel couldn't help but sigh as well when he saw this scene.

Job scams like this often happen in real life, too. He remembered when he had just graduated, full of passion for his first job, much like the red blood cell in the story—an eager rookie without any real setbacks yet.

He applied for jobs after seeing promising ads on job websites and happily accepted a position.

But once he started working, he realized that the job posting was full of lies.

Salary listed as 4,000-6,000 yuan?

Forget the minimum 4,000—getting 2,000 or 3,000 was considered lucky.

The job listed as an "assistant" actually involved doing miscellaneous tasks, covering everything.

Positions like "consultant" or "representative"? They were just fancy titles for sales jobs.

The ads promised weekends off, insurance, and no overtime, but once you got hired, you realized weekends off? Be thankful for a single day off!

As for insurance? You'd be lucky if the company enrolled you right away. Many companies wouldn't start offering insurance until six months or even a year later.

And no overtime? What a joke.

"From this, I can already see what they mean by an 'adult version,'" Daniel murmured.

Just the opening made him reflect on the helplessness of adult life and reminded him of his own early struggles.

Despite these challenges, our protagonist red blood cell didn't complain. He got to work, delivering oxygen.

"Which way is the stomach again?"

Being new on the job, he soon found himself stuck at a crossroad, unsure of where to go.

At that moment, a voice shouted from behind him.

"Don't block the way! Move it!"

When Daniel saw who said this, he froze for a moment.

Small stature, a flag in hand, and a blue dress.

Everything about this character screamed that it was the adorable platelet from Cells at Work.

"Whoa, what happened?!"

"My cute platelet, why are you like this now?!"

"This must be the rebellious phase, right?"

Many readers felt their dreams shatter.

The sweet platelet who used to say "This way, this way" in such a cute manner was now acting like a rude delinquent, pointing fingers at the red blood cell.

The difference was too drastic!

But luckily, one of the platelets managed to somewhat restore their image, explaining why they were acting this way—they were just too busy!

It wasn't just the red blood cells who were overworked; even the platelets were constantly working overtime!

At this moment, many readers couldn't help but blame the body's owner. How could they be so careless with their health?

To the point where even the once adorable platelets had lost their cuteness—what kind of unhealthy body was this?

Readers soon got their answer.

Blocked arteries filled with cholesterol.

The body was under attack from oxidation, carbon monoxide, and invasive bacteria.

Everything pointed to one thing: this body was in terrible condition.

It turned out that the promotional video shown to the red blood cells wasn't a lie—everything it mentioned had once been true.

But that was a long time ago. Things had changed due to stress, lack of sleep, overeating, and more...

These factors also made the invading Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria far more vicious and powerful than they had been in the original Cells at Work.

The imagery was far more gruesome too.

Scenes of Streptococcus pneumoniae devouring and tearing apart dead red blood cells were vividly displayed for Daniel and all the readers to witness.

Just as the bacteria were about to attack the protagonist red blood cell, a white silhouette appeared.

"Whoa! White Blood Cell turned into a lady?!"

"Rest in peace, I'm dead."

"I declare White Blood Cell is my new wife!"

"Wow, I love that figure!"

"Give it a rest, guys! If you're a bunch of guys like us, your body probably has the original male White Blood Cell."

The White Blood Cell who appeared on the scene was no longer the male character from Cells at Work.

Instead, she had a stunning figure, long white hair, and wielded a katana!

With a few swift moves, she easily defeated the Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.

This cool and beautiful character instantly won the hearts of many fans.

Especially since Ren had asked Felix to tweak the battle scenes a little.

He included a famous moment from anime and web novel crossovers, inspired by a scene from Highschool of the Dead—the infamous "bullet-dodging breast scene."

However, instead of dodging bullets, it was a tentacle-like attack from the bacteria.

"This fight scene is so intense! I feel like my spirit is on fire!"

"Both hands on the table, stay pure."

But the excitement didn't last long.

Though the bacteria had been defeated, the red blood cells still faced danger.

The oxygen they were transporting had to pass through an area filled with deadly carbon monoxide.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, the protagonist red blood cell wanted to stop.

"This job is insane! I'm done with it!"

In the manga, just as the young red blood cell complained, an older red blood cell grabbed his collar and said, "It's not about orders. It's because this is all we know how to do!"

Yes, a red blood cell's purpose in life is to transport oxygen for the body, no matter the danger, even if it means facing death.

Watching the old red blood cell bravely carry his oxygen into the deadly passage, many readers fell silent.

Especially when they saw the cause of the whole incident—blocked airways from smoking.

"So why do people smoke?"

"Exactly! I quit years ago, no need for this."

"What makes a man pick up smoking again after quitting for ten years? It must be something that caused deep emotional damage, a huge blow to the body."


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