
"Is this a reference to drinking alcohol?"

"But seeing the last scene really made me want to cry."

"So many cells constantly fight for our bodies, and even after they die, their remains still contribute to our survival."

"I think the plot makes a lot of sense. Liver cells detoxify, and the 'big sword' (massage parlors) are symbolic of overworked employees needing stress relief. It's clever storytelling—feels like the Porter himself had a hand in this."

"Very realistic."

After the second chapter, many readers began to reflect. Initially, they viewed Cells at Work: BLACK as just an adult version of the original Cells at Work, but as more details were revealed, discussions around the deeper meaning of the plot started to emerge.

However, the conversations about the serious aspects of the plot were still in the minority. More often, readers were sharing their personal feelings about the manga.

The red blood cells continued tirelessly transporting oxygen. After they were exhausted from work and collapsed on the ground, alcohol descended through the body, and to relieve their stress, the red blood cells headed to the liver for "big sword" services, symbolizing the body indulging in heavy drinking.

While alcohol might ease tension temporarily, it thickens the blood, increasing the strain on the liver and making detoxification harder.

Although the plot seemed straightforward, this moment left many readers in silence. Especially after hearing the red blood cells complain post-drinking, it prompted some to reflect on themselves.

These cells work so hard, doing everything they can to keep the body alive. Yet, the body's owner doesn't even care for themselves.

In the first chapter, the managers tricked the new workers by painting an idealized picture of the job, but when they actually started working, they were thrown in with no training, treated like expendable labor.

The previously gentle and sweet blood platelets had turned into harsh and irritable taskmasters.

After working non-stop for days, with no breaks, the cells sought solace through unhealthy outlets, like indulging in alcohol and other vices.

By focusing on the new red blood cell's entry into the workforce, the story made it easy for readers to relate to the character.

The heavy dose of realism hit hard for many who had experienced similar conditions in their own working lives. The story perfectly captured the struggles of overworked employees, making readers squirm uncomfortably as it triggered memories of their own exhausting jobs.

The strong sense of realism made the manga feel incredibly relatable, especially for those who had been in similar situations. The adult version, Cells at Work: BLACK, was an unfiltered portrayal of the toll modern life takes on the body.

And as society continues to progress, more people are becoming aware of their own health. The idea that a single cigarette could cause so much suffering inside the body, wrecking the delicate balance that keeps everything running, made many readers think twice before lighting up.

With two episodes already closely mirroring real life, BLACK gained even more popularity, and its impact grew even stronger.

In Ren's home...

At the moment, Ren was lounging on the couch, eating a cheese stick.

To be honest, the taste didn't appeal to him much, but it was the closest snack within reach, so he ate it anyway. This was actually meant for his son, according to the doctor. Eating cheese sticks at 9-10 months was good for developing the baby's chewing ability and could help with speech and tooth growth.

Meanwhile, his son, Rui, was playing by himself nearby.

Rui was now able to crawl, sit up, and even stand with some help. He was full of energy, constantly moving around. Right then, he had just tossed his stuffed bear onto the floor.

The little guy, confused by the sudden loss of his toy, looked around blankly for a moment before locking eyes with Ren.

His gaze then shifted to the cheese stick in Ren's mouth.

Without a second thought, Rui began crawling toward Ren.

This made Ren raise an eyebrow, but soon he chuckled when he saw that his son, in his rush, stumbled and face-planted onto the bed.

Thankfully, the cooler weather had made them put a soft pad on the bed, preventing any tears.

Rui seemed confused about why he fell, but his focus remained on the cheese stick in Ren's hand. Determined, he tried to get up and reach for the snack again.

His chubby little arms tried to push his body up, but once again, he collapsed onto the bed with a soft thud.

Ren couldn't help but laugh at the sight. It was just too funny!

The little guy, smart as he was, quickly realized he needed help. He turned to his dad, waving his tiny arms and babbling, clearly asking for the cheese stick.

Ren, sitting beside him, teased, "Say 'daddy.' Call me 'daddy,' and I'll help you pick it up."

He was trying to get Rui to practice talking. After all, he had made a deal with his wife, Jada.

The two had a playful bet to see who could get Rui to say their name first. If Ren won, Jada had agreed to reward him with a special treat, something a bit more, well, adventurous in their relationship.

Ren was, in a sense, the underdog in this bet.

After all, Jada had a little helper—Yueyue, their daughter, who had quickly sided with her mom in this playful competition. Whenever she had the chance, Yueyue would stand next to the bed and coach Rui to say "mommy."

So, Ren was up against a team of two, and things weren't looking easy.

"Come on, say 'daddy'!" Ren smiled as he pointed to himself, coaxing his son gently.

The little guy looked confused, not really understanding what was going on. His round eyes stared at the cheese stick in Ren's hand, and he continued to point at it, babbling away in baby talk.

Those big, pleading eyes seemed to say, "How could you eat snacks and not share with your son?"

"Call me 'daddy'! Otherwise, you won't get any," Ren made one last attempt.

He knew Rui couldn't understand what he was saying, but he couldn't help but try.

Of course, being a father, Ren was eventually going to give him the snack regardless. It was just fun to try.

As expected, Rui didn't say "daddy," and instead, his little lips started to tremble. His expression turned sad, and he looked like he was about to cry.

He seemed to think that his dad didn't love him anymore since he was hogging the cheese stick all to himself!

Seeing Rui's teary eyes, Ren had no choice but to give in.

With a sigh, Ren reached over, grabbed another cheese stick, and peeled it open. He handed it to his son, who immediately grabbed it with delight.



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