The End of Cells at Work! BLACK

The sharp inorganic objects in the body were a result of overeating and drinking, leading to the formation of uric acid crystals. This caused the white blood cells to mistake the crystals for harmful bacteria, triggering an attack and resulting in gout.

When the truth about the situation came to light, many of the white blood cells found it hard to accept. However, at that moment, one cell stepped forward.

With a metal rod in hand and a grim expression on his face, the red blood cell protagonist walked forward while others looked on in confusion. Then—


"If this body doesn't suffer a little, it will never understand our cries of pain!"

"No matter how hard we work, if this body doesn't change its ways... it's all useless!!"

It was none other than the protagonist, the red blood cell, who said these words! His actions sparked a shared sentiment among the cells, all of whom had suffered greatly due to the body's poor condition.

In other words—the cells rebelled!

When readers saw this scene, instead of feeling angry, they were filled with satisfaction. They felt the rebellion was well-deserved and that the cells' uprising was a fantastic moment!

After all, the readers had been following these cells since the first chapter and knew the hardships they had endured.

The transformation of the red blood cell from an eager, optimistic worker to someone filled with despair, anger, and avoidance was perfectly understandable. If the readers were in the cells' shoes, they probably would've revolted long ago.

The readers truly empathized with the cells.

However, just as things seemed to be heading towards chaos, a white figure leaped out and tightly hugged the red blood cell, stopping him from fully succumbing to the darkness.

"True love at its finest!"

"I'm in love again."

Apart from the dark and gritty tone of the story, one of the most beloved elements of Cells at Work! BLACK was the relationship between the red and white blood cells.

In the original Cells at Work!, the interactions between the red and white blood cells had a sweet, innocent charm, like the beginning of young love. But in BLACK, their bond was forged through adversity and hardship, carrying a deeper and more intense emotional weight.

While it was unlikely the cells would ever confess their feelings, the repeated moments of crisis where the red and white blood cells found each other left a subtle sweetness that readers couldn't get enough of. Many even wished the two would end up together.

A new week had begun.

In most parts of China, snow had already started to fall. Outside, snowflakes danced in the air, while inside, Daniel enjoyed the warmth of the heating in his room. He was in such comfort that he wore only a short-sleeved shirt and was sweating from the heat.

He picked up the latest issue of Picca Comics and began reading the BLACK version of Cells at Work!.

"Two chapters this week? Looks like it's wrapping up…"

Daniel muttered as he noticed the "double issue" announcement on the cover.

This series was created by one of the Porter's apprentices.

Unlike the Porter, who had the resources to hire a full team of assistants, his apprentice wasn't as well-off. So, their manga followed the usual release schedule of one chapter per week, unlike the Porter's, which sometimes had multiple chapters released at once.

A double issue usually meant only one thing—the series was about to end.

With a hint of regret, Daniel began reading the story.

Although the cells still hadn't fully understood the purpose of their work, the red blood cell protagonist decided to keep doing his job of delivering oxygen.

Unfortunately, the body's condition continued to deteriorate at an alarming rate.

The arteries were clogged with cholesterol and fatty deposits, and the plaque was starting to break apart.

This led to construction work all over the body, signaling that the internal structures were on the verge of collapse.

"This body is done for," Daniel thought as he watched the buildings crumble, even causing a heart attack.

"Surely, they won't kill the body, right?" Daniel worried.

After all, the Porter's apprentice had inherited the Porter's tendency to throw in shocking twists at the last minute.

The Porter's students had all picked up this knack for drama—always stirring things up just before the finale.

Your Lie in April had ended the same way.

Honestly, Daniel didn't mind if the body died. He had been frustrated with how the owner treated himself for a long time. But if the body died, didn't that mean the cells inside would die too?

And Daniel didn't want that—especially not for the red and white blood cells.

As the collapse sped up, Daniel's fears worsened.

When a broadcast announced the imminent failure of the body, readers' hearts sank.

The cells had fought so hard to keep the body going, but now, it seemed like everything was about to end.

As one by one the lights in the body flickered out, readers felt their hope dim as well. Was there really no saving it?

However, amidst all the despair, the red blood cell protagonist refused to give up.

"Is it because we're stuck in a corrupt system that we're forced to work so hard?"

"Now that we're about to die, shouldn't we just stop working?"

"That doesn't matter!"

He worked because he chose to! He wanted to deliver oxygen!

In that moment, all his past doubts, his despair after losing his friend—they all vanished. He had found his purpose again and was charging forward with no hesitation.

He had found his answer.

Seeing the red blood cell's determination, the other cells clung to the hope that the body's heart might continue to beat.

In the end—miraculously—the body was saved!

The cells resumed their work, even though it was likely that they were only delaying the inevitable.

After reaching the conclusion of the story, countless readers couldn't help but curse the cells. They were angry that these cells continued working for such a terrible, neglectful body that only took from them and never gave anything back.

But when they saw the joy on the cells' faces as they resumed their duties, the readers' hearts softened.

Of course, it was their job to keep working…

It was because of these cells that people could keep living, wasn't it?

If they really cared about the cells' hard work, the least they could do was…

"Stop eating unhealthy food and maintain a proper sleep schedule!"

At the end of the story, readers left comments reflecting their thoughts.

"Wow, the white blood cell blushing at the end was so cute! I'm in love!"

"Haha, you know your white blood cell eats bacteria raw, right?"

"I don't care—I'd still let her eat me!"

"The red and white cells are still giving off romantic vibes. What a relief!"


For 10 advance chapters: