Chapter 2: Cheaters and Genuises


Max's documents were placed in the table by Ziyun, one of the Promotional staff from the second floor.

"A good resume, there aren't that many people that can survive in the mining area for this long, congratulations."

Ziyun knew Max, she passed by the ground floor a few years ago, she encountered trouble and was injured. That was when Max helped her out.

In exchange, he was rewarded with his own personal room.

Even though Max knew the promotional staff, he wasn't happy, because he knew that Ziyun wasn't the one to make the decision. Beside her was a young man. Judging from his clothes, it wouldn't be wrong to assume that he came from the third floor or higher.

He had a handsome appearance and the countenance of a soldier. Even if he was from higher floors, many would believe that we would still be considered a big shot there.

"In this age, there is only one opportunity to be promoted to a regular worker, and that is to pass the Heaven's Choice examination. If one doesn't pass, then the road ahead would be brutally hard."

"My name is Jacob, I know you don't remember me, after all, among all your classmates, none is worthy in your eyes."

What an unfortunate situation. This is the thought that kept running through Max's head. He doesn't remember this person at all, but he's sure that they were classmates, and now, he has the power to promote him or not.

"You want to give it another shot, so you lived in peace this past few years, you worked hard hoping to be promoted. Even when you found a rare mineral, to not garner attention, you used it to buy an old cauldron. Many kept saying that you were stupid, but I know you aren't. You know that a lot of people still remember your name, so you're hoping that they'd forget."

"I have a great memory, and an even greater hate for cheaters, out of all the people to review your promotion, you met me. What a pity."

Jacob gave Max a look of contemp. Beside him, Ziyun was surprised that the two actually knew each other.

"Jacob, there is nothing wrong with his resume, the country also gives non-talented people to be promoted for their hard work. I think you should handle this fairly."

Also she had repaid Max's favor from a few years ago, she still stood up for him.

"Am i the type of person who protects cheaters? Ms. Ziyun, you don't know this Maxwell because you are not from the same place as us. Let me tell you, when Maxwell took the Heaven's Choice examination, he got a perfect score. Never before seen in human history, would you believe that?"

This information gave Ziyun quite a scare. A full score from the exam has never been seen before. A few genuises came close, but never a perfect score. These few had already climbed up to the fifth floor and some even higher.

"If you look at his resume again, if a temporary worker want to be promoted, he would still need a series of examinations. He also got full score in the Cultural exam before the Heaven's Choice exam. After he failed, he scores in the next few years came down, but he didn't fail. I have his records from the Ministry of Educations statistics. At every subject, in every exam, he always scored around 60 points, never below the average. A heavy dip from the previous perfect exams."

Jacob's eyes were full of contemp.

"I hate cheaters the most. If you want to be promoted, then give me an explanation".

Max didn't expect to meet a classmate, furthermore, it was one whom truly believed that he cheated. While in school, using the skills he had, he was easily able to score perfectly in the Survival subjects. 

The knowledge he needed to excel always appeared in front of him. After dominating the field, he couldn't help but feel proud of himself. It was only later when he realized, he wasn't just proud of himself, he was at the point of gloating.

Now he was still proud and confident of himself, but in a low key manner.

After failing the exam, every task that he was given, he did them well. In order to not attract attention, Max got a mediocre score in every exam. If there were 100 people taking the exam, then he would be in the 50s.

He knows everyone in the mining area he is in, their intelligence level, moral hazard, financial resources, honesty, and habitual thinking tendencies when making decisions. Through the data in his eyes, Max can easily figure out these people. Especially relying on the talent of current behavior analysis, he can make more accurate judgments.

So he took an average score every time.

It is considered low-key, but at some point, it became a compulsive disorder to always score in the average. This way, people wouldn't pay attention to him but at the same time the other 'people' would pay attention to him.

Jacob was one of the people to have noticed, but he wasn't one of the 'other people' that Max thought of. Even teachers can't claim to figure out the average score of each student because test score always fluctuate.

First of all, you need to know the answers to all the questions, and have intricate knowledge of each of the exam takers capability. Only by knowing these can someone get the average score for every test.

This kind of thing is simply impossible to do. Jacob took out his seal, the stamp carved with "never be able to promote" and prepared to stamp Max's resume. He does have the power to decide Max's future.

Before he could lower his hand, Max spoke.

"After stamping, you will write on my evaluation that i have cheated again. After completing the review, you thought about the evidence, but since you think i have a history of not being caught while cheating, you would disregard looking for evidence, there's no reason, just your own subjective judgement."

"After that, you will go to one of the floating restaurants on the third floor to dine with your wife. But, since you haven't completely made up your mind and are still hesitating about the review, you intend to visit out old teacher, who has already retired, and was moved to the second floor. Since it's late, you plan to visit him tomorrow."

"After finishing these two things, you then plan to head to the ground floor, to summon two temporary workers to finish a job given by your superior."

Maxwell's voice was calm, he raised his head to look at Jacob, his eyes clear. Jacob on the other hand, felt a chill on his back, feeling as if Max can see through his thoughts.

"How can you know what I've planned to do?"

Of course Max couldn't explain, since that information was given by the data panel in front of him.

Karmic Value: 52.

Greed: 20.

Favorability: -14 (Bitter).

Financial assessment: 12 (Enough to make ends meet).

Favorites: Good News

Hates: Liars and Cheaters

Fear: The Boss with the pet Hellhounds

Current honesty: 41 (seeking truth).

Charisma: 44 (average).

Current lucky value: 24 (need to be cautious).

Current Demand analysis:

[Complete the work at hand (35%)]

[Visit the retired old teacher who was demoted to the second floor (25%)]

[Go to the floating restaurant on the third floor for dinner with his wife (25%)]

[Meet temporary workers to delegate tasks (10%)]

[Others (5%)]

In Max's view, Jacob can be considered an upright person. From his data, he is not greedy for money and does things with principle. In terms of Karmic value, anyone with karmic value of more than 50 can be considered a good person.

After a long pause, Jacob spoke again, this time his voice a little colder.

"So, you have investigated me?"

How else would he know his plans. His dinner with his wife, even his plans to visit the old teacher, this couldn't be calculated. From Jacob's view, Max had already said too many things to make him cautious.

Max still had a calm expression, it's as if Jacob's words don't carry weight, as if he was just a passerby to him. Max continued to be silent, not answering his question. The previous Heaven's Choice exam gave him a valuable lesson, human beings are stubborn, you cannot easily change their beliefs, only a miracle can, and Max has no plans to reveal his secret.

"You questioning my abilities, that I can understand, but i have something to say to you."

"What?" Max's 'guesses' moments ago made him a little uneasy.

"Use the power you have carefully, you hands aren't like mine, they are clean, you don't want any stains. That is something to be proud of, especially in the pyramids, no matter what level."

"You also have outstanding ability, although i don't know you that well, i can see that you are a principled man."

"Think about it carefully, if i actually did not cheat, and you engraved your seal on an innocent person, would your hands be still as clean as before?"

Max's tone was soft and calm, as if he was saying that the weather today was good. From beginning to end he only gave off a feeling of calmness. 

He was so calm that Jacob began to think about the things he said.

"Please arrange an examination for me."


"If you think that I'm a cheater then arrange an exam for me. I'm the only one taking, so you can choose any room and any subject, it's entirely up to you to decide."

"Are you joking?"

"No. I'm very serious. Unless I get the promotion now."

Even though he was from the fourth floor, he didn't have the authority to give an examination to a temporary worker. He still had his doubts about Max, but what he said made sense.

After a short pause, Jacob spoke slowly.

"There is indeed no problem with your resume, and following the regulations, you are eligible for promotion. But remember, I will investigate your previous examination, and when I have collected evidence of your faults... For now you are promoted."

"Congratulations. As a regular worker, you are given a residence in the second floor."

"No need for now."

"What?" It was Ziyun who hasn't spoken for a long time.

"I'll stay in the first floor for now."

"Why?" Ziyun continued to ask.

"I still have a lot of things to deal with."


"Just give me the contact information of the Official Workers, and the ID to accept tasks. The second floor is too unfamiliar to me."

"There is an unoccupied house in the second floor right now, if you miss this chance, you might regret it later."

After realizing that he might not be a cheater, Jacob had no plans to make Max's life harder than it has, he even reminded him about the benefits.

"The roof of the second floor is just more refined ceiling, just the same as the ground floor. I chose not to be promoted three years ago, you might not believe my reasons, but, if you have the chance, might as well try hot pot once, only, you might need a cauldron like mine"



After Maxwell left, Ziyun and Jacob was left to sort out different documents.

As Jacob was about to leave, he looked back at Ziyun and asked.

"Miss Ziyun, Maxwell's really hasn't caused trouble this last few years."


Jacob didn't say anything much after that. He could still remember that Maxwell had filled out his final exam with various data, nonsense and comical. In their eyes, he was insulting the system that they had in place.

That was the moment that many of them labeled him as a fraudster, a cheater.

"Miss Ziyun, do you know Maxwell?"

"Yes, hearing that he was going to be promoted, I specially applied to be the one to review him. So thank you, This is what my Bai family values the most, repaying those that show us good will."

Ziyun suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

"Speaking of which, at that time when he helped me, he also spoke of many things, things that people seemed to be worried about, so they left quickly after they heard what he said."

Jacob was silent.

"What's wrong?"

"The bottom floor is chaotic. There is trouble everyday, people would die on the side walk and nobody would bat and eye. It can be very rare for people like Maxwell, to live for six years and not run into trouble, but, based on his records, his hands are clean."

When Jacob said this, Zuyin also felt a little strange. His words made sense. The bottom level is a dangerous area, even if you don't cause trouble, trouble will come to find you.

She thought about for a while and ended with one word. 
