Chapter 125: Coming to Take Your Last Life!

A white-haired woman suddenly appeared, picking up the Curse Stone dropped after the Abyssal Beast died.

Then, her gaze coldly swept over the two of them.

She said to Mi Ying, "Give me your Holy War Points and leave immediately."

"Okay!" Mi Ying didn't dare to ask who Sally was. With the power to kill an Abyssal Beast in one strike, she wasn't entitled to.

But while she didn't ask, someone else did.

"Who are you?" Shi Feifei looked at Sally with an extremely ugly expression on her face.

Sally took a step toward her, "To claim your last life!"

Shi Feifei's eyes widened, "How do you know!"

Their wrists touched, and Sally received Mi Ying's Holy War Points, "Should I send you, or will you leave on your own?"

Mi Ying hurriedly said, "Thank you, thank you, I won't trouble you, I can leave by myself. Be careful with her, she can summon Abyssal Beasts."

"Go, without the points nobody should bother you again. Start over after today."