Chapter 341 Who is the prey, who is delighted!

Feeling she was at a good distance, she emerged from the ground, and the range of the System Map immediately expanded to three hundred meters, revealing Welly lying on the ground, like a blood-soaked figure, unconscious.

As for the Giant Serpent Lake Turtle, it had already vanished...

Sally reverted to human form and quickly glanced at the Holy War Points on her wrist, which had increased by over five hundred and twenty-thousand points.

Out of those points, five million unquestionably came from Welly completing his mission.

"Welly?!" Sally turned over the bloodied figure.

His mask was nowhere to be found, and his face was smeared with blood. Yet even so, the features that were revealed were so perfectly breathtaking.

She got a pot of water and cleaned the blood off his face.

He truly was handsome, even Xiaomei acknowledged his beauty, which was indeed stunning.