Chapter 495: The Sensible and Willful Host...

Qing Linghuan, already resembling a massive mountain range in his beast form, grew even larger, swinging thirteen thick fox tails, bewitchingly and chillingly, in the air. Among them, one golden tail stood out as particularly different.

Sally looked astonished at that golden tail, "What happened, you changed colors after transcending a calamity?"

Qing Linghuan changed back to human form and embraced her tightly, "Are you pregnant?"

"Yes." Sally curiously asked, "Why is there a golden tail?"

"Life Tail, an extra life." Qing Linghuan didn't seem too concerned.

"That's great." Sally smiled, "Then this trip wasn't for nothing. Not only an extra life but also a second child… It seems this child really brings luck to you, their biological father."

"Good children are sensible." Qing Linghuan's gaze softened as he looked at her abdomen, then he directly picked her up, "When will it be born?"