Chapter 2 – Can’t do this…anymore…

Third person POV

 Back at the medical wing, the 5 men were informed by the head surgeon that Gen had survived and was now in a coma. They sighed in relief and turned to inform Reina about the good news, only to see that he was gone. Concerned, Gen's head researcher, a young man named Arashi Hoshikawa, went to search for him in the medical wing and the main headquarters. After much searching, he heard his cries in a room on the third floor. So he opened the door and entered in, only to see him slumping against the wall while crying in extreme regret and mental and emotional pain. "Are you okay, Taro-san?" he asked him.

He knows his name from Gen the day before.

 "No…" replied Reina back while looking down at the floor and tearing up. "How was he?"

 "He's in a coma now."

To that Reina was relieved to hear that, but that wasn't enough to relieve his depression.

 "Please, are you still devastated after you killed Gen-san?" Arashi asked while looking concerned for the half-Japanese, half-Spanish.

Reina nodded. "I'm sorry…"

 "It's okay, as long as Gen-san is alright," responded the head researcher.

He then knelt down and wiped Reina's tears. "Please, don't cry now. We can pass this together."

But Reina slapped his hand mildly. "I'm a bad person, or worse, a monster!"

He then continued crying quietly. "I hate myself!"

In response to that, Arashi comforts him by patting his back as much as he can to comfort the young man.

He understands Reina's feelings of regret and remorse.

He then promised that, once Gen is getting better, he would tell him of his current condition.

Reina nodded, but on the inside, he was doubtful about it.

With that Arashi stood up and left the room, leaving him alone.

 Later, at night, Arashi came back to check on him, only to see him sleeping while crying. He was once more concerned about him. Then, Reina had a nightmare that caused him to say, "No! Please! I'm so sorry! It's all my fault!" He couldn't stand it anymore, so he woke up, breathing heavily. He then began sobbing about his regrets.

Upon seeing that, Arashi entered in and comforted him immediately by hugging and patting his back. "It's okay, Reina-kun, it's just a nightmare, okay?"

Reina nodded before leaning on him.

Arashi then wrapped his hand around to comfort him like a child. "It's okay, calm down, my child."

Reina began to calm down gradually, and Arashi hugged him while trying to keep on calming him down until he fell asleep again.

Then, Reina did so shortly thereafter, and Arashi decided to sleep on his bed next to him so he would give him company for the night.

Arashi did so, for Reina, of course.