Chapter 4 – Reconciliation

Third person POV

 By 6:22 a.m., once he had recovered, Gen went with Arashi to see Reina in his room, with Arashi leading the way. There Arashi opened the door for his leader, and Gen entered in. At this point, it seems that Reina had woken up a bit earlier than Gen, and Nato was on his side comforting him constantly while he was still depressed. By now, Reina was a disheveled person. His black hair is messy. His clothes are all wrinkled and dirty, two signs of his broken state. His eyes are mostly red from crying, not from sleep deprivation. But at least, his depression is less bad than yesterday.

 "Reina-kun," Arashi said to Reina.

Upon hearing that, Reina and Nato looked at him and Gen.

 "Gen-san is here," Arashi continued.

 "Gen-san…" Nato said to Gen directly.

 "Yes, I am here, Nato-kun," Gen responded solemnly and calmly, before approaching Reina.

He then sat down next to him, and Nato stood up and left the room while telling them that he would do his duties.

After Nato left, Gen said to Reina how sorry he was for what he did to him and the entirety of Japan and asked him why he did save him, adding that he deserved to die in his hands.

 "Because…" Reina replied while looking down at the floor, "…I felt that revenge is not the way to go. It will only make things worse."

He then began to sob hard. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I don't deserve to live at all. I'll just die instead."

His cries became a bit louder.

Gen, who had understood his regrets and remorse, then wrapped his arm around Reina to comfort him. "It's alright. I am here for you. I am sorry, too."

He then started to tear up to show his sympathy and remorse to Reina.

 "I am a bad person!" Reina yelled out while crying. "I became like you!"

 "No, no, it wasn't just your fault," Gen told him while patting his back, "it was also my fault for starting the entire zombie outbreak in the first place, so we're even okay?"

Reina nodded as he listens to him, before diving back into his depression.

Arashi started crying, too, because of the emotional scene.

It was a sad sight to see, but at least, Reina and Gen had reconciled to each other, establishing their new friendship.