Chapter 11 - A zombie-infected soldier that can shoot

Third person POV

 "Where are you?" the zombie-infected soldier uttered in a raspy voice as he aimed his assault rifle at the distance around his surroundings.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, a man, who was actually, a zombie-infected soldier, was hunting for someone. He was hangry and getting more aggressive because of it.

He wants blood.

 "If you don't come out and give me your blood..." he added as his aggression increased more, "...I will shoot you!"

He then aimed his gun at a wall and open fire.

This releases a barrage of bullets while he was screaming in aggression.

Then, a few seconds later, he stopped shooting and reloaded his gun.

He tried to calm down, but he couldn't because of how hangry he was as an infected zombie.

But he wasn't aware that he had accidentally and unknowingly shot someone behind the wall, who was now struggling not to make a noise while trying to hold the pain of getting shot in the back.

And then, that person, a young man named Kashi Toshiba, couldn't hold on the pain anymore so he vomited a lot of blood, producing a noise and coughing severely from it.

The infected soldier heard that, and he was alerted by it. "A human?"

He then aimed his gun while slowly and cautiously approaching the back of the wall.

As he did so, Kashi is already dead with a bleeding mouth and a lot of shot wounds that went from his back to the front.

 Sensing blood from him, the infected soldier's hangry increased a bit. "Finally..." he uttered. So, he threw his weapon aside and took off his gas mask and balaclava mask, showing his bloody mouth and blood red eyes. He then fell on his knees, leaned towards the dead body, and bit him on his left shoulder, drinking his blood and infecting him with the zombie virus.

 "Delicious..." he uttered between biting as he savored the taste of blood.

 After a few minutes, he was now satisfied with his thirst for blood and pulled back, before wiping his teeth with his tongue. He then put on his balaclava mask and gas mask back and looked at Kashi's dead body. But then, he noticed a small photo in a pocket on Kashi's bloodstained jacket.

 "What is that?" he asked, before reaching for it.

He grabbed it and took a look at it.

That photo was of a boy and his father at Mount Fuji.

And then, while looking at the photo, the infected soldier to recognize the boy in the photo.

 Suddenly, he remembered who the boy on the photo was and was horrified by it. He looked at the dead cadaver and said to himself, " can't that means...I had killed my own son?"

He had unknowingly killed and bit Kashi, his long-lost son, and he was horrified by what he had done.