Going out on a limb

Fang Shi woke up to rain this morning, but he was used to eating breakfast while looking at the waterfall and pond.

"System, can you add a covered patio next to the veranda?", he said.

'Answer: Yes, but the cost of doing so will come from your [wallet], and it will take 5 minutes', it replied.

"Are you sure that's ok?", Fang Shi asked, "Won't customers notice it being built?"

'Answer: of course not', the feminine voice responded, 'The methods used by this system are exceptional.'

Fang Shi was waiting for the system to finish the task when he decided to check the window facing the front gate. He could see the customers coming and going from here, but today it was easy to notice the second floor that was added to the two halls leading from the front gate to the main store. He could see people walking into the artifact refinery, and others were checking out the cultivation rooms on the second floor.

Fang Shi recognized that with the weather as it was, not as many people would come today. When he turned around, he saw a new pair of sliding paper doors had appeared, so he opened them to see a patio with a roof. Several spiritual herbs had been planted to promote a relaxing atmosphere, and a table, chairs, and a few couches were placed in a way to view the bamboo forest and pond.

Soon, the male puppet from the restaurant had appeared with his breakfast, and Fang Shi started his day as usual. He made his way to the store, and relieved the puppet that was watching over it.

As he helped customers, Fang Shi still remembered a conversation he had with Peng Hui a few weeks ago about having fun. This was something he couldn't stand about this place was that the only sources of entertainment were wine, tea, gambling, and brothels. Considering his own background as an otaku, Fang Shi couldn't find the enjoyment in these things the same as the native born people of the world.

'System, I have an idea but obviously not the skill to produce an artifact', he inquired, 'If I give you the details of my idea, is it possible to produce it?'

'Answer: It depends the complexity of the artifact, and the availability of materials', the system replied.

Pleased by this answer, Fang Shi crafted an image in his head as he assisted guests. Just like one of the novels he read before, he wanted to create a cultivation artifact that was more interesting. He first thought of first class seating that were on international flights as the base. He would give it the most comfortable seats available from the resources he had available at the moment, a screen, and full face shield that would cover the face and ears of a cultivator. He made a the following statements about the purpose of this artifact:

- could accomplish all the same tasks as the cultivation rooms (Analysis of cultivators, recommendations of methods and techniques, allows users to absorb Qi)

- could play games (can be solo or multiplayer games, cannot harm the user, can be cooperative or competitive)

- could watch shows and movies (entertaining, inspire cultivator with new techniques, use real doctrine)

Deciding that this was a good starting point, Fang Shi sent this image and information to the system, 'What is your evaluation for this?'

The system stayed quiet for a few moments before replying, 'Answer: Due to material shortages, this unit can only produce one, should this unit proceed?'

'Yes, and place it in my room when it is ready', Fang Shi said, 'Then inform me when we have enough to produce ten more.'

'Accepted task: System will notify host when materials for new artifact are gathered', the system commented.

Fang Shi was already thinking about the possibilities once he could create his very own 'internet cafe', and was itching to try out the prototype that would be in his room later.

Lian Xingyu was mid level Qi Gathering realm cultivator of the Faded Star sect, and some recent news had caused her to travel to Blue Moon city. One of the senior sisters of the inner court, Mao Qingyue had a drop of devil blood in her, and had used it to attract the attention of most of the men in the inner court. But now her senior sister was serving her sentence as Senior Sister Mao had been locked in seclusion for over a month now, and couldn't leave until after the year was finished. Since then, Lian Xingyu thought she would be able to hold discussions with other fellow members of the inner court, but something strange happened. Most of the Senior and Junior Brothers that followed sister Mao would leave the sect often, and when she inquired about it, they said they were returning to that store.

Today, Lian Xingyu decided to also visit this store to find out why her fellow sect mates made this long trip into the territory of the Profound Sword and Azure River sects. When she reached the sect gate, she saw someone she was familiar walking with two others she had known to follow Sister Mao previously.

"Junior sister Mei,", Xingyu called out to the younger girl, "Where are you going today?"

Mei Xueyan turned around, and greeted her with a respectful bow, "Senior brothers Liang and Wei were discussing a place called the Heaven and Earth pavilion, and I just happened to over hear their conversation. Even though I was rude, the senior brothers were kind enough to invite to come and experience it."

"Senior Sister Lian, do you also wish to travel with us?", the man known as Senior brother Liang asked.

"I accept", she tried to nonchalantly reply.

The other three ignore Lian Xingyu's shameless behavior, and soon the four of them were traveling towards Blue Moon city.

When they arrived, Xingyu noticed that the two men were leading them towards the spirit farmlands of the outer city instead of the inner city.

"Are you two trying to lead us to a strange place with bad intentions?", Xingyu frowned as she questioned the two men.

"Absolutely not, Senior sister", Wei Zhiyuan responded, "The senior who built this place is somewhat eccentric, and built his store out in the farmlands."

The two men apologized, and continued to walk, so Xingyu stayed close to Mei Xueyan and followed afterwards. Ten minutes later, the two girls were amazed as they stood in front of the grand gate of the pavilion.

"Look, Brother Wei", Liang Chen spoke excitedly, "The owner had added so many things since the last time, I'm glad I volunteered for those missions now."

"What missions, Brother Liang?", Wei Zhiyuan asked.

Liang Chen smirked, "You know those missions no one accepts that requires the person to handle the clean up from the artisan's mountain. I took them all, and now I have all the failed products."

"Ah! Why didn't I think of that?", Wei Zhiyuan regretted while rubbing his temples.

"Senior Brothers, what are you talking about?", Mei Xueyan asked.

"That's right, you don't know", Liang Chen remembered, "There is a special artifact inside the main store that can evaluate items, and it happens to offer good prices. Even if you bring it a partial stalk of a spiritual plant, a broken artifact, or unknown seed, this store will accept them. In fact, if someone brings something that the owner has not seen before, he pays extra."

Lian Xingyu and Mei Xueyan quickly blinked their eyes in disbelief.

"Sisters, it might be easier to believe if you see it", Wei Zhiyuan explained, "Why don't you follow us."

The four disciples made their way inside where the two girls marveled at the large selection of spiritual foods on sale.

"Let's look at this first, and then we can head to the second floor", Wei Zhiyuan told them, "The second floor has a restaurant that perfectly cooks the food you see here into delicious meals that are very beneficial to cultivation."

Luckily for the two men, no one was currently at the evaluation artifact, so Liang Chen explained how it worked and then started emptying his storage bag of loads of damaged goods. Just as Liang Chen had said, the materials disappeared, and a generous amount of spirit stones were paid out.

"Sisters, would you like to exchange anything?", Wei Zhiyuan asked.

Mei Xueyan rejected the offer, and Lian Xingyu replied with, "I will check my bag first, please go ahead."

Wei Zhiyuan smiled and stepped up to the artifact next, but it did not take him long since he carried less that Liang Chen.

As Zhiyuan was trading in his unnecessary items, Lian Xingyu was searching her bag. She did not have the habit of carrying things that were useless, but she did carry a large variety of spiritual plants that she would hire an alchemist to refine for her. She like to look her best, so the herbs she carried were beneficial to keeping her skin healthy and creating powder.

Lian Xingyu took a sprig of each spiritual herb, and placed it on the evaluation spot. It did not take long, but when she saw that the price was much higher than she thought, she was pleased.

She nodded to the others, so Liang Chen suggested, "Let's go upstairs to eat something. I heard that the tea improves one's mind, and the food is beneficial to your body and Qi."

"Does this place not sell pills?", Xingyu asked in confusion.

"Unfortunately Senior Sister, it does not", Wei Zhiyuan responded.

"Why don't we try it anyways", Mei Xueyan smiled, and everyone headed upstairs.

After getting a table and giving their order, the four were discussing what they should do next, but many others were also eating and speaking somewhat loud. They decided it was the best way to gather information, so they sat back to hear what everyone was talking about.

At a table next to theirs, three men were talking as they ate, one man wearing a red robe adorned with lotuses spoke, "I'm glad we got a table, I heard that Elder Wuying of the Dusty Peak sect broke through after eating here."

"It's true", another man at the table agreed, "I saw him the other day, and he definitely built a foundation. After offering my congratulations, we spoke a some time and he told me if I ever felt a strong bottleneck when facing a breakthrough, then come and eat the food here."

The four disciples were surprised as they heard the three men continue to recount what they heard. But as the three continued to focus on this topic, the disciples changed to a different table. At this table was three women and a man, and they seemed to be discussing talismans.

"Can you believe that the owner still won't let us meet the master that makes those talismans?", a woman in light blue robes complained.

"I've given up at this point", a man in dark blue robes dismissed the woman's gripe, "I just purchase the talismans when I can , and have had many insights researching them."

"We have all been doing that", another woman in green robes replied, "I've noticed my own skills increasing, but just imagined if we spoke with the one making them."

"I wish you two ladies good luck then", the last man in brown robes laughed, "I've heard that the senior that backs this shop protects that boy fiercely, so just gaining insights from finished talismans is good enough for me."

They group of disciples were less interested in this particular discussion, so they changed targets again. This time was a young man and women eating together.

"I can't believe all the cultivation rooms were full, but are you sure they are worth waiting for?", a man in white robes asked the woman in purple robes.

"It's well worth the wait", the lady replied, "Not only does it do an accurate of your meridians and dantian, but it can recommend a cultivation method that perfectly fits your needs for the rest of your life."

"Alright, since you recommend it, I'll try", the man told the woman.

Feeling like they were now intruding on a more personal moment, the four disciples stopped ease dropping. Coincidentally, their food and tea arrived as well, so they began eating. Immediately, all four had to say how delicious the food was, and by the time they finished the meal, they felt full of Qi and essence.

After they'd settled the bill, the two guys and two girls split up as they visited the other shops. The pair of returning disciples were able to shop quicker than the first timers, but soon everyone had checked all the new additions before returning to the sect.

Fang Shi had finished his shift, and grabbed dinner before heading back to his floor. He had a couple of notifications during the day, and now was the time to eat and review the system before checking out the artifact he submitted to the system to create. He was fairly certain one of the notifications had to do with his requested artifact, but he had no clue what caused the other.

Placing his food on the table, he opened the containers and started eating while he summoned his panel. The chimes he had heard were different, so he knew they both couldn't be achievements. When he looked he saw (!) marks on the task and achievement tabs, so he picked the latter first. The screen read:

[New! Maybe she is born with it]

He quickly opened the new message:

[Maybe she is born with it

Acquire ten or more spiritual resources focused on improving or maintaining beauty (completed)

Reward: When the host opens a pharmacy, a new section dedicated to women's health and beauty will be added]

Fang Shi wanted to laughed but couldn't, cosmetics and age defying medicines were a huge business in his old life too. He went ahead and accepted the reward, before changing to the other tab. Above all the quests he still was in the process of completing, a new main task appeared:

[New! My way or the Highway]

He opened the task

[My way or the Highway

Despite the system setting up cultivation rooms that were familiar to the people of this world, the host has submitted an artifact that drastically changes how cultivators march towards the Dao.

The Host has one week starting from the moment the new artifacts are available to not just only recoup the cost of producing the artifacts, but earn at least the same amount in profit.

Reward: Earth Harmony pill, a special blend of spirit, essence, aura, and vitality that will raise you spiritual roots by a level and complete the Body Perfecting process with no side effects.

Failure: the Host will lose the ability to make decisions about the business until the system determines he is ready to be tested again.]