It was a cold night. An exquisite one. The moon wasn't visible, but the stars shined brightly across the many landscapes.

The trees' leafs swayed as the night's soft wind delicately caressed the green leaves.

The night was quite calm. More than other days that contained cruel activities for those in the underworld at night.

Yet, the night sky was so beautiful it made some believe that just maybe tonight things will be different.

Such beliefs may have some folks wish for the night to never end. This way, the stars could continue to shine down beautifully against their homes and cities.

So loved ones could keep looking at the scenery before them. Not wanting to leave. Then, they could be safe and far from the dangers of the world.

However, others may experience the complete opposite.

Somewhere in a beautiful estate, where the stars shined the most beautiful, wasn't a hopeful and lovely night for some.

In a far distance of the estate, you can overhear the struggle of a particular person attempting to escape their cruel fate.

• •

In a dimmed room, two men were present.

The faint light illuminated one man standing while he watched the other man in a kneeled position with his attentive eyes.

It was cold inside the room. They're breaths lingered in the air each time they gasped for a breath of air.

However, the coldness didn't even bother the two men in the room. The cold was the least of their worries.


A man's husky voice called softly at the name. Sounding like a whisper. Almost to be missed if not listening closely.

Though in the faint lightened room, the man standing had very charming features.

Night sky hair, matching his dark blue orbs. Soft, beautiful skin and full red lips. Only leaving the finishing touch of a mole under his left eye.

The man was handsome indeed. Especially during the night that illuminated his striking looks even further. Making him look like a mystical creature of the night.

Of course, he was still very attractive under the sun's beaming light.

A whipping sound hitting human flesh echoed in the small room. Drawing away the attention from the man's beauty with another.


The other man groaned from the strong impact of the whip against his no longer once soft back, free from any scaring.

The man was shirtless. The only clothes covering his body been ragged black colored pants. No shoes.

His already bloodied back dripped with more blood and streamed down slowly on the cold floor, along with a trail of blood left on the man's pants.

"Don't ever think of leaving me."

The sweet haunting voice sounded similar to a beg towards a loved one, but in reality, it was a demand for his hostage.

The wounded man stiffened at the words.

One couldn't tell what his expression might've been. Having his head facing the floor didn't help. Nor did the sweaty hair covering his face.

But one thing was clear: he hated every bit of the man's words.

It didn't take long for two strikes of a whip to thrash against the wounded back of the kneeling man.

The sound was so loud it pierced through the small room's walls, no doubt.


The man tried to keep his yelping from coming out. Unfortunately, failing miserably this time. Even though he bit his lower lip to prevent any noise from coming out.

The night sky haired man approached the man underneath him. Leaving his 'punishment' on a trolley table beside them.

After putting down the whip, he stretched out one of his hands towards the head somewhat facing the ground.

Slowly taking in a few damped locks of hair, the night sky haired man caressed the few wet strands against his own rough fingers.

He loved the way it felt between his fingers, but the exact thoughts weren't the same for the other man.

His actions caused the kneeled man to flinch.

Letting go of the hair, he slowly moved towards the side of the ear until it landed on a reddened cheek. Pausing for a moment grasping the soft tender skin against his own calloused hands.

He loved the feeling of the tender skin. So warm and soft.

He began caressing the lovely, smooth skin with slow circular motions as he stared into the drowsy, visible eyes. Never breaking contact.

Moving his hand once more, he slid his hand down from the reddened cheek towards the jaw and gripped at it slightly.

Creating a small wince from the beautiful man as he held the face upwards to look at him properly.

He wanted to capture the man's face beneath himself.

Although his eyes were now closed from bearing the pain on his cheek and body, the night sky haired man still stared into the closed eyelids.

"Even with those bloodied marks on your body and filthy appearance, you still look so mesmerizing, my sweet Leon."

The man complimented with a infatuated stare at the man under him. His voice sounding obsessive at the kneeled man.

If one knew what went inside his mind, they'd wish they'd never knew what did.

The voice had only sent shivers down the wounded man's spine, knowing what the meaning behind those words truly meant.

It didn't help that he remembered what happened last time he said something similar, either.

"S-stop... you promised."

The kneeled man spoke poorly as he opened his drowsy eyes the best he could, being so exhausted.

His once drowsy eyes now revealed stunning amethyst orbs. Matching his overgrown medium length, light pink hair.

The sweaty appearance made the man look very seductive no matter the gender. After all, the underworld knew him to be a bewitching beauty regardless of him being a male.

For the man, his looks were a curse. His whole life was hell because of it. Hiding his distaste and negative thoughts with a stunning smile each time people complimented him.

However, those thoughts and emotions changed when he met him.

Desperate to get away from the man's hold, he attempted moving his face away. Yet, it led to failure. His action had only caused the man in front of him to respond in displeasure.


The man glared balefully. The word promise was the last thing he wanted to hear from the bewitching man.

The words from the pink-haired man under him were pure insults. Not after he witnessed something he believed shouldn't have happened.

He felt betrayed by his once beloved ones after the scene unfolded. It was a secret that wasn't meant to be revealed to the others, but he saw it without them knowing.

"Tsk. That promise was broken the moment you... forget it."

His voice was cold, but his expression said otherwise.

The man's blue eyes held sadness for just a split second, but quickly changed back to cold ones. Leaving no trace of lingering emotions.

'I won't be the kind man I tried being for him no more,' he thought.

"You seem to resist now. Before, you used to love me touching you anyway that I could. Heartbreaking, indeed."

The sharp blue eyes stared mockingly at the tired amethyst ones.

Letting go of the pink-haired man's face, the man approached the trolley table near their left. Grabbing a bloodied cloth, he cleaned the whip with his free hand.

Not a single sound was made from both ends. Only causing annoyance for the night sky haired man.

He hated the silence in the room.

However, the silence was cut off by the sudden coughing from the man kneeling.

The coughing didn't stop after a while, but soon replaced it with a sore throat sentence from the amethyst eyed man.

"Tha... that was... before I knew the kind of man you truly are."

The man named Leon stated with no regrets, knowing the consequences of what his words will bring.

The pink-haired man was tired.

Tired of the lies, broken promises, and the fake 'new world' they tried building together. Regardless of the dangers it would bring towards the end.

They all once agreed, but now things have changed since.

The man before him glared back at him and quickly approached him. Only to be surprised with a harsh slap towards his reddened face as the man quickly moved away after he slapped him.

This time, the man kept his yelping from spilling. Only leaving his body to bow down at the pain of the sudden harsh slap he received moments ago.

The only sound were the loud chains scraping against the hard floor as he tried to compose himself.

They chained his hands behind his back, along with his ankles, preventing him from caressing his own face.

They connected the chains on his ankles against the brick wall behind himself. Whereas they meant for the chain on his hands to be like handcuffs against both his wrists.

'Everything hurts,' Leon mentally winced.

"Bullshit. How do I know it isn't because of that son of a bitch?!"

The blue-eyed man was losing his patience. It didn't help to know the cause of why the man panting thought of him in such a way.

He wasn't ever like this. He was so lovely and kindhearted. His sweet Leon couldn't have changed unless because of that bastard, the man deeply believed.

Unknowingly to him, he gritted his teeth as he tightened his jaw. Revealing more of a sharper jawline than before.

The man's face structure was sharp and ferocious looking. His eyebrows were thick, making him appear more intimidating, along with his piercing blue eyes.

The blue-eyed man standing waited for a response, only to be answered with shortness of breathes.


The struggle of breathing from the pink-haired beauty resounded in the small room.

It had been almost a week since he had a proper glass of water. Or even a break from the blue-eyed man's constant 'visits'.

The yelping from all the beatings and torture didn't help any further with the state he was in.

Did it matter? It's not like the man would stop if he pleaded. He was his hostage now. No longer a friend. Or loved one.

"Not too long ago, you seemed so pleased with having someone get their way with you."

The blue-haired man voiced with pettiness filled in it. The images of those scenes he wanted to forget appeared in his mind.

It angered him, but instantly calmed his mind when realizing he was losing his composure.

He lifted one of his hands towards his own jaw as he turned his face sideways. Giving an impression of himself as if he was thinking hard as he spoke.

"What's changed your mind suddenly, Love? Seems like I'm not the only one who's changed~."

The man coed in a mocking manner at his hostage. Smirking as it satisfied him with the state he left him.

He hoped to break the man's spirit any way that he could. Thee exact way the beautiful man did to him. Only to do it in a much cruel manner.

Giving him false hopes then to break it. Then he'll make him believe there's some sort of hope. Solely to be crushed once again. The routine will continue until he gets bored with it.

After all, that's what he is best at doing. He thought of his actions as a beautiful blessing in his life. That's just what he grew up knowing and witnessing as a child.

Nobody spoke, except for their eyes staring at each other. Both pairs of eyes holding many words that weren't spoken.

"Oh my! I must bore you with all the chattering. How rude of me. I apologize for not keeping my beloved guest entertained with much more exciting activities."

The deep, husky voice cleared the tense silence as he clapped his hands together. Replacing the atmosphere back to an amusing one.

At least the man thought, even though there wasn't an amusing atmosphere to begin with.

The pink-haired man stayed silent and listened, as he was still panting from exhaustion.

"Hmm. Now let's see. What's the next punishment I should give you? Oh, I know."

The man spoke with a sinister smile, looking at an object that caught his eye. He was enjoying this way too much. Unlike his 'guest', who was quietly glaring at him.

Although the pink-haired man's body wanted to lose consciousness, his mind refused otherwise not to.

Call it survival instincts, but he knew well if he passed out now, there'd be far worse consequences the following days.

So, he stayed still and followed the man's actions. Even if he hated the idea of it.

He must push through and survive. He can't let everything they fought for go to waste. They were still waiting for him, after all.


"Now, there's no need to be cautious. I'm sure you're already aware on what to expect. Isn't that right, Leonardo?"

Watching the man tense at his disdainful words, he smirked at the thought of knowing how he must've felt hearing his name and not his nickname.

It's been many years.

Only ever calling him by his name on the first day they met. Since it'd only been by the nickname he'd given him. Not once did he ever call him by his name again.

Of course, not until now. Hence, meaning he was no longer someone dear to him and would be the last time he ever will be.

He won't repeat the same mistake, he swore.

"Wha... what did you... to my men?"

The pink-haired man could barely even breathe out a proper sentence, yet his gaze was fiercely looking at the man in front of him.

Remembering what he came here to do in the first place, he courageously asked for his men. Hoping they'd still be alive.

If you're still alive, please hold on just a little longer, he prayed deeply in his heart.

He always prayed for his companions, hoping they were, or at least for some of them to be.

However, he recently began forgetting because of the 'fun activities' the man would constantly make them do. His exhausted mind wasn't much help with it, either.

"Ha, so you remember. I don't blame you. After all, we were quite busy with our own affairs.... it even slipped my mind."

The man declared with a guilty expression. Yet, they both knew that wasn't entirely true, both at how he truly felt and at his words.

The blue-haired man began moving towards the trolley table consisting what he needed. Ignoring his hostage's cautious glare.

The pink-haired man's slouching posture didn't take away his line of sight from his captor. Nor his boldness.

Others may look down on him for being on ground level, but he didn't mind. It wouldn't break his soul and will to fight.

"Don't... don't try changing the subject. T-Tell me.. what you did to my men?"

Although he struggled to speak, it didn't draw back the fact that he spoke in a demanding manner.

He didn't care if it angered the man. His main priority in this moment are his men. His companions and friends.

He couldn't be obedient any longer. They've waited far too long. He must act now.

"I won't be asking again, so answer me this instant."

The blue-eyed man paused his movements hearing the determination in the voice. His expression went dark immediately, but wasn't exposed to the kneeled man.

His hair covered his side profile from the man and the faint light shined solely on the opposite side of his face while the other side facing the man shadowed it.

Hearing the boldness displeased him deeply.

Was it the fact the weak man was challenging his authority and power? Or that he wasn't afraid of him like the first few days he held him as a hostage?

No, that wasn't it.

The corner of his lips curled, finding the reason he felt displeased. The boldness or any of the other ideas he thought of did not displease him.

It was the foolishness and stubbornness on desperately trying to investigate his companions' well being. The voice filled with worry. Every emotion aimed towards them and not himself.

Unconsciously, he clenched his fists full of strength, making his knuckles turn white.

"Now, there's no need to be in such a rush. However, if you insist on seeing them, then I shall grant you such a simple wish."

An idea appeared in the blue-haired man's mind, thinking of a great way to torture the man before him.

He smirked at the image of what his reaction and mental state would be at his 'splendid' gift he had in store for him.

'I guess I'll have to reveal the surprise I had in store for later. A little much earlier than expected,' he thought.

Facing towards the door, the blue-haired man demanded with the following words to particular individuals on the opposite side.

"Bring him in."

His stern voice commanded at the figures outside the door. His expression and aura immediately changing to a deadly one.

A door opened as two men in fancy suits came in, dragging an almost unconscious man towards their hot-tempered boss.

Their quick actions seemed as if it were already planned beforehand.

The pink-haired man's eyebrows furrowed at the thought of it being the case. The man's dirty tricks didn't surprise him. He was used to it at this point.

"Set him down on his knees. Make sure he's awake enough for this."

A wicked smile laid on the blue-eyed man's handsome face, watching his men obeying his orders as they settled the new 'guest' on his knees.

They held the man straight forward so he could properly face their boss and wouldn't fall while doing so.

Looking at the man, one thing was obvious.

They clearly beat the man up.

Bruises and fresh blood mixed with the old dry one were clear on his body. His appearance was just as terrible as the pink-haired man, or perhaps far worse.

The pink-haired man froze at the same time his expression had dropped, realizing who the person the two men dragged was.

"Hey! Wake up you little shit!"

"It's not even close your bedtime!"

Both men yelled harshly at the man they held in their arms, following the rough shaking.

Almost falling unconscious, they had blocked the man from almost sinking into it. Of course, not in such a lovely manner.

Barely keeping his eyes open, he scowled at the three men in his presence defiantly.

The enemy.

The ones they were supposed to get rid of a few days ago, according to plan, but those plans had completely gone to rubbish now.

"... No, this can't be."

The blue-eyed man didn't miss the anxious whisper of the pink-haired man.

Seeing the man shut his eyes with a pained expression as he faced his head down, he wanted to taunt him.

How lovely it would be.

"Ah! I've almost forgotten~. Wasn't he your dog before? Oh my, how impolite of me! If I would've known, I would've had you meet much earlier."

Walking towards the trolley table once again, he put on a pair of black leather gloves on his hands while insulting both hostages.

The stars shined through the small window of the room as the night sky hair shimmered underneath them.

The man was indeed very handsome. But of course, looks can be very deceiving. His cold gaze was nothing, but the complete opposite of his appearance.

It was a well-known fact to anyone who knew him. Just one glance and his good looks would hypnotize you. Letting it to fool one and falling under his wicked trap.

A devil in disguise of an angel.

"Hah, I rather be his dog than serve a sick fucking bastard."

The second hostage hissed with hostility in his voice, glaring at the man. The very bastard who held most of them captive these past few torturing weeks.

It was one thing about it being him, but another with Leon. He hated it with passion. Mainly because it was his worst nemesis, who'd always spent his days with Leonardo.

God only knows what the bastard's done to Leonardo.

Suddenly, a harsh slap collided with his bruised face that would've caused him to fall, but luckily, the man's two dogs kept him balanced.

"Watch your fucking mouth, runt."

The cold blue-eyes stared threateningly at the man. His two men were about to hurt the man, but when they felt their boss's killing aura, they stopped.

Turning around from the man, he walked towards his main focus.

Nearing the shocked pink-haired man, he grabbed a chain on the floor. He roughly pulled on the chain attached to the pale neck and lifted him up to himself.

The struggle of the other hostage could be heard as he tried getting away from the grasp of the two men holding him down with chains, like his friend.

"You son of a Bitch! How dare you—!"

The man fell on the cold concrete before he could finish what he wanted to say. His chains colliding with the ground.

Several kicks hit his sore torso, leaving him in groaning pain when they threw him on the ground.

"Watch your mouth, bitch!"

One man who previously held him yelled spitefully at his collapsed figure.

Insulting their boss was enough for them to lose their temper. It was disrespectful and degrading to the king of the underground.

Whether being associated with the underworld, they knew that anyone who insults the king would pay deep hell for it.

At least his men would make them do so.

"Looks like I need to teach you the manners your last owner couldn't."

The menacing voice coming from the glowing blue-eyed man made everyone in the room shiver.

The intense pressure they felt from their bodies caused them to unconsciously freeze out of fear. The killing intent was clear in his tone and aura.

Surely, he would kill them with no hesitation. Yet, his actions were the opposite of what they believed.

Grabbing a container of unsanitized water on the small trolley table, he poured it all over the rebellious man.


The cold, filthy water poured above the man's head, causing it to wet his whole torso completely.

His warm skin shivered at the contact of the freezing water. Goosebumps following the shivering.

Feeling two pairs of arms grab his under arms, they lifted him up from the ground and made him kneel back to how he'd been previously.

"Now, that's no way of thanking your savior. The one who saved you from getting yourself killed, now is it?"

Thinking back to an incident that happened before, the man mischievously grinned.

He knew it'd be an unpleasant topic to touch on for the man. And he was right.

A loud scoff left from the man's busted, dry lips. The words that came from his enemy's mouth displeased and amused him.

"Savior? You're no savior of mine. You're a sick man. A prideful man believing they can have anything because of their high status. Shaming those who aren't."

The hostile eyes flared scornfully at the unfazed blue ones.

He was playing with fire that wasn't to be messed with, but he didn't care at all. It thrilled the fire in his soul to light it up further.

He'll make him regret he ever mentioned the past.

He'll make him regret he ever mentioned the past by doing the same with words he knows will irk him. Especially since he's here as well.

"You're the type people hate, the kind who deceives those around them. Manipulates and throws away someone, once they become useless to you. A devil."

His words were loud and clear enough for everyone present to hear.

Now he's done it.

Falling down, the night sky haired man jumped on top of the man underneath him, beating him as he stared down at him with disgust.

Once satisfied, he stood up from the man below him. Because of the harsh beating a second ago, a lot of blood was gushing from the man's face. Looking more terrible.

"Shall I teach you some manners the proper way now?"

The blue-eyes holding malice suggested an 'idea' to the man.

His two men smirked at the different possibilities of their boss torturing the hostages. How fun it'd be to fuck with them.

However, they did not thrill the two particular figures in the room with the malicious intent on their words.

"Boss, you're right. It looks like this fucker needs to learn some manners, doesn't he?"

"Could teach him who's his new master now, heh."

The two men in suits mocked. Enjoying every bit. How could they not?

Torturing their hostages was a part of who they were as a whole. Plus, it was always an entertainment for them.

A distraction from boring themselves to death. Pumping the blood in their veins for more. Hearing and watching their agony.

Pleading for them to let them go for revealing information they shouldn't be exposing. Especially to the enemy's ears.

Marking them as traitors. The best ones to play with and kill. It's just how it is in the underworld.

"Hmm... maybe you're right. For once it appears to be useful."

The night sky hair swayed as the man turned to look at the pink-haired man. A smirk laying beautifully on his face while doing so.

He, for once, agreed with his men. Which was a very rare thing for him to do.

Only ever viewing his men as tools and not as humans. Beings with a mind of their own.

He never thought of them to be actually useful in other ways. Of course, besides the dedication and loyalty of dying for him.

"W-What do you plan on doing with him?"

The dazzling amethyst orbs wavered as he stuttered, facing his captor. The tears that seemed to want to spill made his eyes look more enchanting.

Not knowing the sinful thoughts his captor had seeing his facial expression. Or how weak those stunning orbs made him feel.

Almost fooling him to fall for those gorgeous eyes. Letting him let the man do whatever he'd want. Cheat his way out.

"Give me a reason as in to why I should even to tell you."

He composed himself by shaking his thoughts away. He must remain focused. Their fate has already been decided.

He must remind himself of the main purpose. Remember his goal. The betrayal. The end of his love. The now enemy.

There's no going back for any of them.

Waiting for his enemy's response, he glared at the man impatiently. Letting him know he wanted an answer immediately.

"....I'll do whatever you want... just please don't hurt him..."

The hesitation was clear in his voice, but he could still respond to him. After all, his companions and his life were at stake.

If he must, he'll put his life on the line for them. He's their boss and will fulfill their promises.

"Anything? Wow. Look how obedient you've become just for him."

The distaste in his tone was obvious. Not liking a single reason behind his Leon's words.

The sound of chains desperately scraping the ground followed their exchange of words.

Grabbing their attention and making their face turn towards the sound of the commotion.

"Leonardo! Don't fall for his dirty tri—Ughh!"

A huge force soon weighed down on the man's body. Making it difficult to breathe.

Heavy gasps backing the struggling breaths. His suffering was clear to the eyes, watching.

"I'd learn my place if I were you. Since you take fancy in disobedience, I'll give you the punishment I planned giving to your old master."

The blue-eyes glared, but leered after thinking of the torture he'd grant him.

The suffering and hell he'd give him until he dies of agony from it. How fun it'd be.

He waited far too long for the day he'd make him anguish in pain.


A devastated yell interrupted his wild, twisted thoughts shortly. Making him turn his head back to the figure.

".... I'll do anything... I promise... just don't hurt him... please."

Tears began streaming down on the bruised purple and rosy cheeks. Desperately begging the man to have mercy.

Not caring the cost of his words if it meant saving him. He'd do anything for him.

"How dare you tell our boss what to—!"

"Convince me."

The angry men were in no time astonished by their boss's words. Not believing what they heard.

However, the blue-haired man stared intensely at the devastated purple ones. Paying no mind to everyone else in the room and their surroundings.

It was just both of them. Nobody else. Both in a world of their own. Just like it'd always been in the past.

".... I-I'll do what you offered me a few days ago."


No one uttered a single word. Speechless to his words. Yet, curiously waiting for a particular man's response to them.

The sentence itself could mean anything. Their history not helping the plenty of wondering thoughts.

Fortunately, the man finally spoke. Killing the curiosity and heavy silence of the room.

"Ha.. so you've decided on that. You can't take back what you've agreed on. This settles it."

A beautiful, dashing smile laid across his handsome face at the agreement of their forced deal. Containing a very cruel one, if one inspected closely.

Satisfied with the decision, he turned towards his men and demanded them to leave.

"Get out and take it with you."

"Yes, boss."

The two men answered as they bowed and began lifting the hostage up to drag him out of the room.

They paused their movements when they heard their boss speak again.

"Let the others know not to disturb me until I come out of this room."


Obeying their boss, the two men immediately began dragging the man out. Not wasting any time.

They hoped it'd be easy with no struggle, but unfortunately, they hoped far too soon. The willful man didn't make it easy or quiet to get him out.

He began moving like crazy while spitting out demands. Not wanting to leave his friend alone with that bastard.

"What the hell do you plan on doing?!! Let me go— !!"

Sadly, a sudden strong force instantly cut his demand off. Catching him off guard for a split moment.

Despite that, he quickly recovered and still didn't stop his stubbornness physically.

The man's keepers struggled again with him as he kept putting up a fight and refusing to leave regardless of the heavy pressure on his body.

Annoyed, their boss impatiently ordered them to get out. His face darkening by the second.

"Drug him and get out. Now!"

Shortly a door opened.

A man with glasses and another came inside the room, bringing a tray with a syringe and a bottle containing a sleeping drug.

The man approached the two keepers and handed the tray to the other while he grabbed the syringe, ready to inject it with the sleeping drug.

"Hold him down."

The man ordered calmly, aiming the syringe at the 'patient' once he made sure it had enough of the drug to keep him quiet.

"Do it outside. I'm losing my patience. Unless you want to lose your life."

"I apologize for my rudeness, boss."

The man with glasses bowed, unfazed by the threats of his boss. He knew his boss well enough not to get scared like the others.

The man knew although it sounded like a question, he fully understood it wasn't. Only the idiotic low-ranked subordinates wouldn't catch on to it.

Signaling the other three men towards the door, they yanked the man to outside the room.


The man was dragged very harshly, giving him no time to react. His chains were being pulled along with his body.

Before they took him away, his eyes wondered in the room. In search of a specific person.

Finding his fellow friend, he caught sight of him looking down and not facing him.

Avoiding any eye contact with him. As if his own decision shamed him. Causing his dear friend to not be able to even glance at him.

It pained him seeing his friend that way. Lost of hope. Different from the usual happy and positive impression.

The appearance of him now was nothing like it. No longer having a dignity of himself. He truly hated seeing him that way. It upset him a lot.

Furrowing his brows, his body unconsciously lost its strength. Giving up the fight he put up before. Letting them drag him away.

Soon everyone had left the room, leaving only two of them alone.


The blue-haired man uttered very pleased while his prisoner had a grim expression hiding behind his pink locks.

The man, wasting no time, approached the poor man with an evil grin hidden in the shadows of the room. His eyes glowing with excitement and lust.

He looked sinisterly.

It wasn't unexpected of the things that would happen after tonight. It didn't take for someone brainless to state the obvious of the dreadful events that'd take place in the small room.

At least most people would know or understand. Especially if they knew the type of man he was when it came to his unhealthy obsessions.

However, his lovely naïve Leon did not seem to fully realize it was going to be a very long night ahead of them.

{To be continued.}

* * *


I screeched with horror while dropping my mobile phone on the soft mattress. The bright screen displaying the ending of a chapter from a novel I just read.