Teaching a Lesson (1)

Hearing the familiar voice of the empress, the Archduchess did not know what to feel since it was the empress's name that almost destroyed her tea party. Nevertheless, the empress was present and the popularity of her tea party would boost to the skies once again.

The Archduchess prepared to greet the tardy empress in a lighter mood.

''Your…'' With a welcoming smile on her lips, Archduchess Windsor was about to acknowledge the empress. However, once eyes trailed downwards from the face of the red haired lady, her words couldn't come out of her lips any longer. It was as though someone had thrown a pebble into her throat.

'W-What….' The Archduchess couldn't believe her eyes. What exactly was the empress wearing? She was not the only one who thought that way.

Other madams had the same stupefied expression when their gazes landed on the appearance of the empress.

What exactly was her majesty wearing?

Their trains of thoughts were in the same line.

''Hm? Is there something wrong with this empress's face?'' Looking clueless about their daze, Rose broke the stunned silence with an amused smile. ''Archduchess Windsor, is this empress perhaps not welcomed? If that was it, then you shouldn't have sent an invitation.''

Her words were like a trigger to the Archduchess who quickly snapped out of her stupor.

''Not at all, your majesty. I was just stunned by your majesty's beauty.'' Archduchess Windsor replied behind her hand fan. ''It is fortunate for an elder like myself to be in the presence of your majesty's beauty. It's like I am looking at my own daughter, your majesty.'' She ended her words with a warm expression, but the same couldn't be said with the subtle frown on her lips behind the hand fan.

Did the empress just used her title in referring to her? Normally, the empress would have called her 'your excellency.' That address showed others the respect that the empress personally had for her, unlike the title 'Archduchess.'

'' ~My, my parents would be glad to know that the Archduchess deeply respect this empress's beauty.'' Exactly like her action, Rose angled her hand fan on the lower part of her face. ''To the point that etiquette was forgotten abruptly. '' With a smile on her lips, her amethyst eyes swept over the ashen faces of the Archduchess and the madams.

''W-We ask for forgiveness, your majesty the empress.'' As fast like speed of lightning, the madams were quick to realize their mistakes and jump on their feet with deep curtsy.

For some reason, the hearts shook at the sight of the empress who seemed not to be meek as before. In the past, the empress always excluded them from greeting her with a kind smile. Even if they don't greet according to the protocol of etiquettes, the empress had never said anything and ignored their disrespect with a smile.

Why did she seem different today?

The thoughts of the madams trailed in different directions concerning the empress who demanded them for a proper greeting. Since she had stated their rude actions, they couldn't just ignore her the way they had done in the past.

''Why are you all asking for forgiveness? Just like the Archduchess, everyone seemed to have a weakness for beauty. Even this empress is the same with his majesty. His majesty has always so merciful when this empress doesn't seem to remember etiquettes.''

As for how the emperor's name entered the conversation, the madams had no idea. Their backs only broke into sweats when they realized the hidden meaning behind the empress's words.

Disrespecting the empress was also the same as disrespecting the emperor's name. If words of their insolence travel to the ears of the emperor...

The madams did not dare complete their thoughts as their hearts shook in terror when recalling the terrifying rumors of the emperor.

''Blessings to the imperial family, greetings your majesty the empress.'' Without a waste of time, the madams broke their backs and gave a proper greeting this time around to the empress.

Their fingers holding the puffy skirt of their gowns and upper body lowered in the direction of the empress.

Not a sound came after their chorused words apart from a small chuckle from the empress who seemed like a demon seeking revenge. A chill trickled down their spines.

''You may rise.''

In union, the madams stood straight with their heads and gazes lowered the ground. According to etiquettes in the nobility, your head must be lowered until the emperor and empress allowed the raise. Even when speaking in the presence of the imperial couple, it would be on their calling and not them.

Every action must be done in favor of the emperor and the empress.

'Do you see this, empress? This is how you use power and demand respect, not allow them to walk over you because of a useless emotion.' Folding her hand fan with little assistance of her left palm, Rose thought to herself, sweeping her gaze over each madam until two persons.

The Archduchess and Pink-haired lady.

The two of them did not have their gazes to the ground, but they were on their feet with their eyes meeting hers.

The Archduchess couldn't cover her displeasure with that forced smile, and the pink-haired lady just innocently smiled as though nothing had just happened.

''It seems this empress's seat was not prepared, Archduchess.'' Rose ignored the smile of the pink-haired lady thrown her way. Her eyes met the aging green eyes of the Archduchess.

''Forgive this lowly elder, your majesty. it is just a reply was not sent…''

''Archduchess, does this empress's position require a reply to be sent?'' Rose did not give the Archduchess a chance to push the blame on her. Yes, it was indeed her fault for not replying, but it was the Archduchess's fault for dragging her out of the empress's palace.


''And do not forget Archduchess, you are the one who invited this empress who recently recovered from an accident. Honestly speaking, if it weren't for the care of his late majesty, this empress wouldn't have bothered to attend your invitations. Since this empress had started to learn etiquettes in the Grand duchy, it has never been known for an empress to attend an invitation from a noble.''

''Y-Your majesty is so filial to his late majesty.'' Archduchess Windsor dryly laughed with her hand gripping her folded hand fan. For the first time in her life, she wished the empress did not attend her tea party. Indeed, the place of the empress was always beside the emperor and not outside the imperial palace mingling among other nobles.

If the empress wanted to visit the nobles, she was allowed to hold tea parties and gatherings. In the nobility, tea parties and gatherings held in the imperial palace were akin to a noble discovering a diamond mine. A connection with the imperial family was considered life-changing in the nobility.

Among the noblewomen, the woman above all was the empress. A female's fashion's sense, her conduct, her etiquettes, her invitations had always been an inspiration from the empress.

This was the reason why Archduchess Windsor had always used the standing of an elder to invite the empress. Not only was her tea parties considered one of the best, many noblewomen her age had always imitated her. Even among the younger generations, she was one of the perfect role models and not the empress.

This was the power of holding the empress in the palm of her hand, and this mainly happened because of the empress's soft character. If not, she wouldn't have achieved this much.


For some reason, the empress had thoroughly shed all pretenses with her and uncovered her scheme under the guise of his late emperor's name.

'What went wrong?' The Archduchess wondered about the sudden change in the empress. This change was too much for her to bear. How would her life continue as a top noblewoman when the empress seemed out of her control?

She didn't want to imagine it!

She needed to have the empress back under the cage of her control!

''Your majesty, her excellency must have wanted to give assistance to the imperial family just like his late excellency had always done for his late majesty.''