Performing a familiar play (2)

''Blessings to the imperial family, greeting your majesty, the emperor.''

In the presence of the emperor, the voices of the maids chorused as they bowed in the manner of etiquettes and kept their gazes lowered to the bare floor. Their actions differed from when they were in the presence of the empress.

Now standing on her feet, Rose only arched an eyebrow at their sudden change of arrogance. However, she made no comment and focused her gaze on the man demanding every eye to be on him.

'The emperor….' Rose watched as the man strode into the room as though he were the rightful owner. His first destination was the trembling queen on her knees looking so pitiful, as though any slight wind could whoosh her existence away.

''Why are you on your knees, Aurora?''

''Y-Your majesty....''

''...'' Like an outsider, Rose watched as the emperor personally helped the queen up from the bare floor and the pink-haired woman used the chance to sob her foes and woes into his broad chest. Every act, every movement, was as though they were in the presence of no one but themselves in the entire world.

If the empress's bed chambers were to be a stage, the stage light would definitely be on the pair, as they were the main characters of the play. There was no space for any other characters like herself amid the stage light.

'How foul…' The fingers of rose twitched to curl into a tight fist. So tight that her fingernails would have pierced through the soft skin of her palm. The feeling in her heart could only be described in just one word.


So much jealousy that could twist the pure mind of an innocent child.

She hated such feeling.

She hated that she was feeling emotions that weren't hers to begin with.

Such feeling that had been the main reason for many destructions of lives back in her life as the empress of the entertainment industry.

'It's amazing that you had controlled yourself, empress.' Amid the complex feelings within her, Rose didn't forget to talk with the empress. Perhaps it had turned into a habit of speaking with the soul that seemed to reside with this body.

''May I ask why the queen was kneeling on the bare floor, empress?'' The voice of the emperor brought back Rose from her complicated mind. Her gaze met vivid golden eyes that stared right back, almost as if peering into her soul.

Once again, a certain shiver trailed down her back. To the point that one hand held onto the other arm like she was keeping her the cold, even though the weather was quite warm.

'Seriously….' Rose almost wanted laugh in her anger. Even amid the jealousy, the empress still had the time to ogle at this man staring at her with such cold eyes.

Different from the ones that had a trace of warmth when facing the queen moments ago.

''Your majesty should direct that question to the queen herself. This empress also has to ask why she suddenly went on her knees the moment your majesty arrived?'' Rather than answering the question that seemed to be putting blame on her head, Rose turned the spotlight over to the pitiful-looking queen in the emperor's embrace.

'There's nothing like coincidence from where I came from….' Rose shifted her gaze the set of the maids bowing their heads at the front. If she were to think about the time before the emperor stepped in, the numbers of the maids were four in number that stood directly behind the queen.

Right now, they were five, meaning that one of these maids had gone to get the head maid who probably went to get with the emperor.

As for how the queen had calculated the timing of the emperor's appearance and her acts, the woman must have been quite smart, yet the scheme she came up with was merely a repeated one.

Actually, there was a reason for such a repeated scheme. From the memories of the empress, the emperor had never stood by her side….not even once. Even if the empress had never been at fault, he would always stand by the side of the queen.

Perhaps the queen always wanted to show the empress that she held the heart of the emperor, and not a woman like her, even if she was seated on the highest position as a woman.

''Y-Your majesty, my heart just feels guilty towards her majesty for the management of the imperial palace.'' The queen lifted her tearful gaze to the emperor.

''And you entered the empress's palace without permission with this many maids, queen?''

''Y-Your majesty…..''

''Do you think this empress or his majesty are foolish, queen?'' Once again, the queen was no match for Rose's sharp tongue. The red-haired lady just wanted everything to be over with, and she could return to her tranquil life.

After dealing with the queen, Rose shifted her gaze to the emperor. ''Your majesty, just because this empress has never done anything does not mean that such actions would be tolerated. The dignity of the imperial family cannot be sullied any further. Since the queen does not have much control over the management of the imperial palace, especially the maids, is your majesty in agreement with this empress taking over the management or not?'' 


''At least, the good graces of the dear queen won't be wasted.'' Rose subtly mocked with a smile towards the queen, who shrank her body further into the embrace of the emperor.

''….If that is what empress wants, then let it be so. However, the management of the imperial palace must be shared.''

''As your majesty wishes.'' Rose agreed to the emperor's words without any fuss. In the first place, she wasn't that surprised that the emperor would want the management of the imperial palace to be shared between herself and the queen.

'My life won't be so idle anymore.' Rose inwardly clicked her tongue in displeasure. This queen was seriously more troublesome that she had imagined.

'I must avoid her at any cost!' Rose made up her mind to not have anything to do with the troublesome woman.

''This empress apologizes for disturbing your majesty with a petty matter.'' Rose curtsied with an apology, behaving in the manner of a true empress.

''Your majesty can withdraw if that is all for the visit to the empress's palace.''

''….take care of yourself, empress.''

Rose watched as the emperor turned around with the queen, and the pair of main characters walked out of her room without any fuss, much to her relief.

''As for the rest you….'' Once the pair had stepped out, Rose turned her attention to the rest of the troublemakers.

''It would do your best to understand the meaning of the empress position.''

The shoulders of the maids flinched when listening to the empress, who seemed much different from their memories of her. It seemed the rumors of behavior change in the empress were very true, unless she wouldn't have gotten the emperor to go along with her words against the queen, who was more favored.

''Yes your majesty!''

''You all may leave and head maid, remain behind.'' Sighing to herself, Rose sat down and returned the smoking pipe back to her lips. When the emperor appeared in her room, she had to let go of the smoking pipe. Right now, she just wanted to smoke her anger and sadness out.

''Your majesty calls?''

''Yes. Beginning from this moment head maid, this empress has no use for you in the empress palace. Leanna will take the position of the head maid and fulfill the duties within the empress palace. Only during important gatherings will you be allowed to wander in the empress palace. From now, this empress must not sight a strand of your hair near the floors of the empress palace.'' Immediately after the maids rushed out of the empress's bed chamber, Rose revealed her thoughts against the head maid.

Get out and don't let me see you in my palace.

The words were sharp, blunt, and straight to the point.

''….Y-Your…'' The head maid blanked out for a moment before gulping down an invisible lump in her throat. ''Your majesty is banishing this servant from the empress palace?'' She asked with disbelief in her voice.

She, the head maid, who nobles and even the ones in high-ranks had to be cautious in her presence, was suddenly banished from the empress's palace. She had been in the imperial palace even before the current emperor was born, yet there was now a place that she was banished from?

And it was the empress palace?!

What would the servants working under her say when they hear of her banishment? Would they even listen to her orders again?

''Y-Your majesty….'' The head maid couldn't even imagine her life after. She tried to laugh as though what Rose uttered before was a joke. However, the red-haired lady never gave her a chance to even complete her words.

''This empress has no use for someone who never does a proper job.''
