Father and Daughter (1)

''...'' Even before getting to the pair of main characters, Rose could hear the sarcasm in the queen's tone.

Ignoring the troublesome woman, she curtsied to the emperor. ''Greetings your majesty. Forgive this empress for the tardiness.''

''…it's fine.''

Hearing the emperor's low reply, Rose let go of her gown and stood at the empty side of the emperor. Her attitude showed that she did not have the queen in her sight. Unfortunately for Rose, the pink-haired lady couldn't take that she was ignored quite ruthlessly.

''I heard a funny story, your majesty. It is said your majesty had taken a liking to a beast with beautiful silver fur. Will it be possible if I could take a look at the silver fur?'' The queen was just like the princesses from the different kingdoms, greedy for the fur of the terrifying silver beast. No one could resist such beautiful silver fur that was given to the empress alone.

''Make the announcement.'' Rose did not spare the queen any glance and signaled the announcer who was waiting for them.

''As your majesty wishes.'' The announcer heeded before glancing at the emperor, only to see the man quiet. Since the emperor did not say a word concerning the empress's attitude towards the queen, then he could go ahead with the announcement. The announcer didn't need to look at the queen's face for him to know how distorted it was in a twisted expression.

The empress was quite harsh in ignoring the queen and she was quite bold in front of the emperor, who greatly favored the queen.

The emperor too was strange. His beloved queen suffered unjustly from the empress, yet he stood like a statue as though they had nothing to do with him.

'As they say, one can't guess the mind of the imperial family.' The announcer pushed any unwanted thoughts away and cleared his throat to make the loud announcement.

The knights stationed at the doors straightened their backs and opened the door for the members of the imperial family to step out into the many eyes of the nobles and envoys.

''Announcing, His majesty the Emperor, Her majesty the Empress and Her highness the queen!''

At the voice of the announcement, all chatters and murmurs ceased in the banquet hall, and all eyes fell upon the members of the imperial family of the Landian empire.

''Blessing to the imperial family, greetings to your majesties and her highness.'' The noblewomen curtsied, and the noblemen bowed all in the manner and protocol of etiquettes.

''Be at ease and enjoy the banquet celebrating the founders and founding day of our empire.'' Standing amid the banquet hall, Rose watched the emperor speak on his own accord.

''Your majesty…''

''Your highness…''

It didn't take a second after his words before the nobles suddenly started to gather around them like buzzing bees attracted to honey. Rose observed how the emperor spoke to neither and advanced forward to the throne.

''Your majesty is looking beautiful.''

''Your majesty's attire is very pretty.''

''Your highness is as beautiful as ever.''

''Your highness, when will you hold another tea party?''

Seeing the emperor being impassive as usual, the nobles moved their sights to the wives of the emperor, the empress and the queen.

However, most of them concentrated more on the queen, since she was more active than the empress in the nobility.

Other than attending the gatherings held by the Archduchess Windsor, the empress had never held her own. She had never even bothered to invite anyone to the imperial palace.

The only way one could have a glimpse of her was in banquets like these and the gatherings held by the Archduchess Windsor.

Unlike the queen, who was very active in these types of gatherings. The queen had even attended some tea parties apart from the Archduchess Windsor's.

Her attitude satisfied most of the prideful nobles who felt the empress looked down on them too much. However, none of them could be vocal about their thoughts and smiled towards the red-haired lady since she was the highest-ranked noble woman in the empire.

Apart from the empress's position, she was also the only descendant of the famous House Cortez. She couldn't be slightest in the least unless they wanted to be an enemy of the House Cortez.

How could Rose not sense the tiny alienation from these fawning nobles?

Though they smiled and acknowledged her with little words, most of their eyes and words were focused on the queen, who enjoyed the attention with a bright smile.

'No wonder you sat down most of the time.' Memories of the many banquets held in the imperial palace resurfaced in her head. In them, the empress would also be like the emperor and settle down on the throne without ever interacting with the nobles.

All the nobles hurried to the queen and not herself. Was that not humiliating to a woman who held the empress's position?

'You were really lonely.' Rose sighed inwardly, giving a fleeting grin to the two-faced nobles before excusing herself from the suffocating atmosphere.

Then again, the empress was a person with a soft character. She was more of an introvert rather than an extrovert, like the queen. Someone who suffered from her one-sided love without ever confessing.

'We're so alike yet different at the same time.' Rose recalled her time as the empress of the entertainment industry. Although she was lonely like the empress, she wasn't actually a quiet person.

In events like these, she had always been the one leading the trending styles and conversation. Everyone would also flock around her just to get in her good grace.

''Blessing to the imperial family, greetings your majesty the empress.'' Like an instinct, Rose was attracted to the voice that acknowledged her presence. Her heart rate suddenly sped in excitement and delight.

The empress seemed quite happy to be in the presence of that voice.

''Father…'' When her eyes landed on the owner of the voice, her own voice even beat her mind, registering the presence of the red-haired man.

The empress's father.

Grand duke Cortez.

''Father? Well, that's new.'' Startled at first, the grand duke arched an eyebrow at the address. If he remembered well, it has been a very long time since he had heard the word 'father' from his daughter's lips.

''You are my father, are you not?'' Rose also returned the arched eyebrow. She couldn't blame the Grand duke for saying that remark.

According to empress's memories, the relationship between the father and daughter wasn't so good. However, the feelings of the empress did not seem to be a daughter with a bad relationship with her father.

'You…' Having flashed through the empress's memories of the past, Rose didn't know what to say to the empress's soul within her.

''How is your health, father? Forgive this daughter for not welcoming you properly to the imperial capital.'' Rose didn't wait for the grand duke to answer her remark. No…she didn't give the red-haired man enough time to react before bowing her head with a curtsy.

'We are alike. At the same time, we are different, empress. As payment for residing in your body, I'll fix the utmost regrets that you have in your life.' She promised inwardly with her lowered head.