A loud Slap

''~Oh my.''

''What is that horrid beastman doing to her majesty?!''

''Doesn't he know that he is in the presence of the emperor?!''

The nobles had already caught the sight of the empress dancing with the Grand duke and now the beastman from the southern beast tribe. The empress and the beastman seemed to converse as though they had known each other from the past. The beastman's warm smile when facing the empress was also something not to be overlooked.

The nobles were very curious about the empress alone, which was a first for them. Normally, the queen would have taken their attentions and curiosities. But now, it was the empress who seemed different from the past banquets.

From her changed fashion to her relationship with the House Cortez and now, the Beastman from the southern tribe.

Now that same empress was entertaining the beastman acting intimately with her. Their eyes almost popped from their eye sockets at the shocking sight.

What of his majesty?

The nobles swerved their gaze to the emperor, only to find the man already getting up from the throne and advancing forward to the pair in large strides.

''It seems you want this empress to act like other humans.'' Rose coldly glared up to the golden eyes. Did this man know what his actions meant in the eyes of others? She was the empress, and he was from the southern beast tribe. Yet, his actions seemed to suggest another meaning to others.

''Forgive me, your majesty. It was just to confirm something.'' Basil withdrew his face and lowered himself to lay a kiss on Rose's fingers as an apology.

Rose was thankful that she had worn gloves, unless she might have done everything to remove this man's lips from her fingers.

''Did that beast tell your majesty that her name was Mira?'' Without letting go of her hand, he looked up with a knowing smile.

'How….' Rose sharpened her gaze on Basil in vigilance. She hadn't told anyone that she could hear Mira's voice, yet how did this man know?

Just as Rose was about to take her fingers from Basil's grasp, another large hand suddenly appeared from nowhere and forced her fingers out of his hold.

''You seem to have taken a liking to my empress, Basil.'' A familiar voice made its way to her ear, and Rose could feel the raging heat behind her. Even without looking back, she knew the owner of the voice and hand holding hers was the emperor.

However…out of curiosity, she wanted to see the emperor, and so she did, by tilting her chin up and her eyes fell on the clenched jaws of the emperor.

A certain shiver ran down Rose's back and that snapped her from stupor before she lowered her head.

'Seriously…' Rose berated the empress for having this feeling because of the emperor. Only when the emperor was near would she feel a shiver running down her body.

To her who had a certain dislike for the emperor, it was disgraceful to feel this way.

A certain empress: ''...''

''The empress and I were in a discussion, your majesty.'' In front of the angry emperor, Basil remained calm before lowering his gaze to the small figure of the empress between them.

'Indeed, human females are quite small.' He thought before tugging the corner of his lip. ''Your majesty the empress, the southern beast tribe will be leaving the empire soon. If your majesty wishes to discuss more on the beast, I will be more than happy to give my assistance, your majesty.'' He offered with a bow and then left the pair of imperial couple without sparing a second glance.

''...'' Rose knew that she wouldn't call this man again. However, the fact that he knew that she and Mira could speak with one another was disturbing.

'Even if I hate it, I will need to speak with him.' She sighed, frustrated to herself. All of a sudden, her body was tugged quite harshly. Staring wide-eyed, Rose noticed how the emperor dragged herself out of the banquet through the same that they entered with the queen.

He didn't seem bothered by the amount of eyes following their figures on the way out.

''Your majesty?'' She called out, hoping for the man to leave her wrist alone. His grasp was very tight to the point that she knew that it would leave a mark.

''Your majesty?!'' Rose called out louder, but the emperor seemed to have no intention of stopping on the way. The servants on the way scurried to the side and lowered their heads out of fear, probably sensing the rage emitting from the emperor.

Their journey continued until Rose noticed the familiarity of the hallway from the empress's memories. Did the emperor drag her to his office? Why?

If she recalled, the emperor had never allowed the empress in his office, so why was he dragging her there now?

''Your majesty?'' Rose tried calling his address, but the emperor seemed to have turned deaf on her voice.

'' Greetings, your majesties!'' The knights stationed at the doors straightened their backs and opened the doors at the sight of the emperor and the empress. Even if they were surprised at the appearance of the empress, they didn't show it on their faces.

''Leave.'' One word in a guttural tone came from the emperor as the pair passed through…or rather, the emperor dragging the empress.

If not for the weird situation, Rose would have loved to admire her new surroundings. However, she was fed up with the emperor treating her like a sack.

Once they stepped into the emperor's office, Rose nearly jumped at the loud bang that the emperor made with the door, almost as if expressing his anger.

''You-Hmph!'' Just as she was about to call out again, her words were abruptly silenced as the emperor's lips came crashing down on hers. Her back was pushed heavily against the door, and the emperor's weight heavily pressed against her small frame.



The emperor was kissing her!

Looking wide-eyed, Rose realized what was happening, and struggled to break free from the emperor's grasp. However, she couldn't escape no matter what, because of the large built pinning her petite body against the door.

Even her lips were hard to remove, when the emperor practically devoured them with a strong fervor, as though he wanted to consume her entire being.



Despite the intensity, Rose refused to surrender her lips for the emperor to take by force.

Soon after, the metallic scent of blood fused with the tensed atmosphere between the pair against the door of the emperor's office.

''Haha…'' A short chuckle in a deep tone suddenly sounded from the emperor as he pulled back slightly, parting his lips from hers, indirectly pausing the kiss between them.

Breathing heavily, Rose looked up at the emperor, gazing down on her, his own breath ragged, the same state as herself. The only difference was the trail of blood leaving the emperor's lips- evidence of her defiance.

That's right. She had bitten him on purpose!

This man should come to his senses and leave her alone!

''You…You're mine.''

But her bite seemed to have done the opposite!

''Mine…'' He repeated with his raspy voice deeper than usual and his golden eyes blazing with an intensity that was almost feral. To Rose, the emperor's eyes have always been intense. But now, they were more penetrating and somewhat sinister, almost as if she wasn't looking at the emperor, but at another person.

''Do you hear me, my Rose?'' He whispered slowly. Her name rolling out of his tongue as though emphasizing each word of her name. His face leaned forward, close to the nape of her neck. The same spot that had occupied that snake-like basil.

''…Nngh…'' A moan unconsciously escaped her lips as she felt something sharp grazing down her neck as if it was purposefully leaving trails like a stamp.

Was this man leaving marks on her neck?!

''Y-Your….'' Unable to finish her words because of another moan, Rose shut her eyes tight, biting her lips in frustration. What was wrong with the emperor? And most of all, what was wrong with this body?!

Her mind was truly sane, but her body was truly not!

The empress within her was truly enjoying this moment with the bastard emperor when she wasn't at all!

''You are mine. Utterly mine, Rose Cortez.'' The emperor said almost like a chant as he lifted his face from her neck to meet her gaze, that opened once he was done.

''Mine.'' The tone of his voice came out as a growl, and his golden eyes narrowed with possessiveness. Then he did something unimaginable. Something that Rose did not expect.

''….!'' Startled, Rose stared at the emperor wide-eyed.

This….This bastard!

His hand was cupping her chest and squeeze one of them very hard!

The lone thread of sanity holding Rose's mind together fully snapped, and she gathered all her strength in her body to force her arm out and swung her arm, delivering a resounding slap to the emperor's face.


The sharp sound echoed through the office, and for a moment, everything was still.
