Maid Lila’s ending

*Later at night*

''Who is she?''

''A maid from the queen's palace.''

''What did she do?''

''You didn't hear? She harmed a member of the imperial family.''

''Who? The queen?''

''The empress.''

''How stupid. Perhaps she wanted to die on time.''

''Come to think of it, some nobles were imprisoned because of the empress.''

The two knights chatted amongst themselves as they walked past numerous iron bars of the murky imperial dungeons.

Behind the iron bars was a familiar face in worn-out clothes like rags and unkempt hair. Two empty plates were placed near the iron bars and the person was huddled in a corner of the dungeon with hands around her folded knees.



Even at the sound of squeaky rats and mice, the person did not shake and remained in that corner without a sound.

''His majesty ordered me not to allow anyone without his permission.''