The queen’s second lady-in-waiting? (1)

''Sierra…'' At the sight of his beautiful daughter putting down the tray, Marquis Markell's scowl softened slightly, though his frustration still seethed beneath the surface. 

"Thank you," he muttered, accepting the tea from the tray on the desk. The aroma of the calming tea began to work its magic, easing the tightness in his chest. He took a sip, the warm liquid providing a brief respite from his anger.

''Is everything fine with work, father?'' The beautiful daughter of House Markell, Sierra Markell, looked at her father sipping tea in concern.

"All is well, Sierra," Marquis Markell replied, placing the teacup as the warmth of the tea soothed his initial annoyance. However, as he noted how worried and lovely his daughter looked, his anger surged back with renewed vigor..

His daughter was undoubtedly suited for the position of empress. She was far more superior to the young lady from House Cortez.